05-11-1982 CCMMINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MAY 11, 1982 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor DeMeyer at 7:30 P.M., with the follow- ing present: Alderman Mike Carls, Alderman John Mlinar, Alderman Kenneth Gruen_- hagen, Alderman Ted Beatty and Mayor James G. DeMeyer. Absent: None. Also present: City Engineer Marlow V. Priebe, City Attorney James Schaefer, and City Administrator Gary D. Plotz (arrived at 9:00 P.M.). 2. INVOCATION In the absence of a pastor to give the invocation, there was a time of silent prayer. 3. MINUTES The minutes of the Bid Openings dated April 22, 1982 and April 26, 1982, Regu- lar Meeting dated April 27, 1982 and Special Meeting dated May 6, 1982 were ap- proved as presented upon motion by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alderman Beatty and unanimously carried. 4. PUBLIC HEARING - 8:00 P.M. (a) 1982 IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: 1. PROJECT 82-06 6. PROJECT 82-21 2. PROJECT 82-10 7. PROJECT 82-38 3. PROJECT 82-11 8. PROJECT 82-45 4. PROJECT 82-15 9. PROJECT 82-46 5. PROJECT 82-20 10. PROJECT 82-47 PROJECT 82-06 Mayor DeMeyer called the public hearing to order at 8:20 P.M. and read Pub- lication No. 2911, Notice of Hearing on Improvement, Project 82-06, construc- tion of an 8" watermain and appurtenances for the following area: Bradford Street in Schmidtbauer's Second Addition. The estimated cost is $5,350.00. PROJECT 82-10 Mayor DeMeyer read Publication No. 2912, Notice of Hearing on Improvement, Project 82-10, construction of an 8" sanitary sewer and appurtenances for the following area: Bradford Street in Schmidtbauer's Second Addition. The estimated cost is $10,000.00. CZ COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 11, 1982 PROJECT 82-11 Publication No. 2913, Notice of Hearing on Improvement, Project 82-11 for construction of an 8" sanitary sewer and appurtenances for the follow- ing area: Lindy Lane in Kimberly's Country Estates Subdivision was read by Mayor DeMeyer. The estimated cost is $12,000.00. PROJECT 82-15 Mayor DeMeyer read Publication No. 2914, Notice of Hearing on Improvement, Project 82-15, construction of an 18" storm sewer and appurtenances for the following area: Baltimore Avenue from Boston Street to T.H. 15 in Paden's First Addition. The estimated cost is $37,000.00. PROJECT 82-20 Mayor DeMeyer read Publication No. 2915, Project 82-20, construction of grading and appurtenances for the following area: Sherwood Street between Schmidtbauer's First and Second Addition. The estimated cost is $3,000.00. PROJECT 82-21 Mayor DeMeyer read Publication No. 2916, Project 82-21, construction of grading and appurtenances for the following area: Bradford Street in Schmidt- bauer's Second Addition. The estimated cost is $5,000.00. PROJECT 82-38 Mayor DeMeyer read Publication No. 2917, Project 82-38, construction of bi- tuminous surfacing and appurtenances for the following area: Boston Street from Century Avenue to Atlanta Avenue. The estimated cost is $50,000.00. PROJECT 82-45 Mayor DeMeyer read Publication No. 2918, Project 82-45, construction of an 8" sanitary sewer line for the following area: Hassan Street South between Fifth Avenue Southeast and Sixth Avenue Southeast. The estimated cost is $6,300.00. PROJECT 82-46 Mayor DeMeyer read Publication No. 2919, Project 82-46, construction of a 18" and 15" storm sewer for the following area: Hassan Street South to Sixth Avenue Southeast. The estimated cost is $16,000.00. -2- COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 11, 1982 PROJECT 82-47 Mayor DeMeyer read Publication No. 2920, Project 82-47, for surfacing of driveway and parking area at Burns Manor Nursing Home. The estimated cost is $8,000.00. Since there was no one present to be heard for any of the projects, Alder- man Gruenhagen moved to close the hearings at 8:30 P.M. Seconded by Alder- man Mlinar, the motion carried unanimously. It was moved by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Mlinar and carried unanimously, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7116 entitled Reso- lution Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans, Project 82-06. It was moved by Alderman Carls to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7117 entitled Resolution Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans, Project 82-10. Seconded by Alderman Mlinar, the motion unanimously carried. It was moved by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Mlinar, to waive read- ing and adopt Resolution No. 7118 entitled Resolution Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans, Project 82-11. Motion unanimously approved. It was moved by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Mlinar and carried unanimously, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7119 entitled Reso- lution Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans, Project 82-15. It was moved by Alderman Carls to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7120 entitled Resolution Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans, Project 82-20. The motion was seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. It was moved by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Mlinar and carried unanimously, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7121 entitled Reso- lution Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans, Project 82-21. It was moved by Alderman Carls to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7122 entitled Resolution Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans, Project 82-38. Seconded by Alderman Mlinar, the motion unanimously carried. It was moved by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Mlinar and carried unanimously, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7123 entitled Reso- lution Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans, Project 82-45. It was moved by Alderman Carls to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7124 entitled Resolution Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans, Project 82-46. The motion was seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. -3- V COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 11, 1982 It was moved by Alderman Carts, seconded by Alderman Mlinar and carried unanimously, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7125 entitled Reso- lution Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans, Project 82-47. 5. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (a) PRESENTATION ON TAX INCREMENT FINANCING BY MICHAEL AUGER, MINNESOTA STATE PLANNING AGENCY Mr. Michael Auger of the Minnesota Department of Energy, Planning and Development explained to the Council the background history of tax incre- ment financing. By definition, he stated tax increment financing is a "tool" for local government to initiate private investment and finance a project. Justification for the use of public funds would be that there are public benefits as well as an increase in job opportunities. Tax in- crement financing falls into three categories, namely: housing, economic or redevelopment, with the city involved in a regulatory manner. (b) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR HOMER PITTMAN TO ATTEND 1982 SPRING BUILDING OFFICIAL UPDATE SEMINAR ON MAY 18, 1982 AND SOUTHWEST MINNESOTA BUILDING OFFICIALS CONFERENCE ON MAY 19, 1982 Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Mlinar to approve at- tendance at the two requested conferences. Seconded by Alderman Beatty, the motion unanimously carried. (c) DISCUSSION OF REGION 6-E County Commissioners Larry Wendorff and Milo Wacker and McLeod County Exec- utive Secretary Eugene Reddemann requested the City Council to give support for withdrawal from Region 6-E and hold a public hearing. Commissioner Wen- dorff reported that three of the four counties who contribute to Region 6-E have gone on record to withdraw, and the majority of the population within the four areas must approve the dissolution. He further stated that Region 6-E is an overlapping agency, and the expertise and assistance it provides can be attained at the local level. Each county contributes $25,000.00 to $30,000.00 annually to the agency, and the Commissioners thought the money could be put to better use. It was pointed out that a representative from Region 6-E would be attend- ing the May 25, 1982 Council meeting to present the services provided by the agency. Alderman Beatty moved to defer further discussion to the May 25, 1982 City Council meeting. Seconded by Alderman Mlinar, the motion unanimously car- ried. -4- COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 11, 1982 (d) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR USE OF STREET AREA ON FIRST AVENUE SOUTHEAST NEXT TO LIBRARY SQUARE FOR FARMER'S MARKET SATURDAY MORNINGS, BEGINNING JUNE 26, 1982 The Hutchinson Downtown Retail Association requested permission to use the street area on First Avenue Southeast next to the Library Square for a Farmer's Market again this year. The market would be held Saturday morn- ings from 7:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M., beginning June 26, 1982 through the sum- mer months. After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Gruenhagen to approve use of the street area by Library Square for a Farmer's Market. The motion was seconded by Alderman Mlinar and carried unanimously. 6. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES (a) ORDINANCE NO. 4/82 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 464 CONCERNING ZONING REGULATIONS IN THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON AND THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP (WILLIAM HELLAND) Following discussion, Alderman Carls moved to waive the second reading and adopt Ordinance No. 645 entitled An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 464 Concerning Zoning Regulations In the City of Hutchinson and the Official Zoning Map. Seconded by Alderman Beatty, the motion unanimously carried. (b) ORDINANCE NO. 5/82 - AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO MARK D. MCGRAW THE RIGHT TO MAINTAIN A POPCORN/CONCESSION STAND OVER AND ABOVE THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PUBLIC SQUARE LOCATED WITHIN THE SOUTH HALF OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON City Attorney Schaefer reported he had amended the franchise ordinance as discussed at the previous Council meeting and included the legal descrip- tion. Following the reading of the amended ordinance by Mayor DeMeyer, Alderman Gruenhagen moved to adopt Ordinance No. 646 entitled An Ordinance Granting to Mark D. McGraw the Right to Maintain A Popcorn and Concession Stand Over and Above the East 15 Feet of the West 30 Feet of the South 15 Feet of Pub- lic Square Library and Park Tract Between Blocks 7 and 8, South One -Half of City of Hutchinson. Alderman Beatty seconded the motion and it carried with Aldermen Carls, Mlinar, Gruenhagen and Beatty voting aye and Mayor DeMeyer voting nay, with objection to the 10 -year length of franchise. (c) RESOLUTION NO. 7126 - RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alderman Carls, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7126 entitled Resolution for Purchase. Motion unanimously approved. -5- COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 11, 1982 7. REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS (a) BUILDING OFFICIAL'S REPORT - APRIL 1982 There being no discussion, the report was ordered by the Mayor to be re- ceived for filing. (b) MINUTES OF SENIOR ADVISORY BOARD DATED MARCH 24, 1982 There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be received for filing. (c) MINUTES OF DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD DATED MARCH 31, 1982 There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be received for filing. (d) MINUTES OF TRANSPORTATION BOARD DATED FEBRUARY 11, 1982 There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be received for filing. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING BID FOR ADDITION TO WATER TREATMENT PLANT (DEFERRED MARCH 18, 1982) City Administrator Plotz explained the funding for the water treatment plant project. He stated projections were made on the life of the bond issue and the proposal on the water and sewer rates, with an anticipated impact of 25% increase in water and sewer rates. The interest rate on the bond was estimated at 12%. In conclusion, Mr. Plotz commented it would be feasible for the Council to award the bid tonight. City Attorney Schaefer pointed out that at the April 27, 1982 City Council meeting there were questions regarding the omissions in the bid submitted by Building Constructors Inc. (BCI). The company had failed to include the listing of subcontractors as'required in the specifications. He then discussed whether failure to include the list would be cause for rejection of the bid. Attorney Schaefer commented that the bid process was designed to ensure that the public received the best possible quality at the lowest price. The City Council had the power to waive irregularities in the bid- ding procedure if they were minor and didn't affect the quality, quantity or overall price of the bid or didn't give one bidder a material advantage. The City Attorney stated there could be the potential for the low bidder to solicit other subcontractors at a lower price than the origiA4 bid by not listing the subcontractors, although he was not accusin CBI f doing this. It was his opinion that the bid submitted by BCI didcomply with -6- t COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 11, 1982 all the requirements as there were omissions. It would be up to the Coun- cil to determine if they were material or should be waived. Both Mr. Philip Malmstedt of BCI and Mr. Harold Theisen of Gridor Con- struction Inc. reiterated many of their comments of April 27, 1982. City Engineer Priebe commented that BCI had not fulfilled all the re- quirements the day of the bid opening and hadn't to date. The signifi- cance of the omission meant the company had more time to do work on the bid. BCI still hadn't completed the requirements since there was no record of subcontractors for heating ventilation. Based on this fact, it was his recommendation to rejec CBI s bid and accept the bid of Gri- dor Construction. PuLeller Mr. Chuck Barger of Rieke, Carroll & reviewed the response of the low bidder. He stated that the forms required that after the award of the contract the low bidder was to submit a complete list of all subcon- tractors and suppliers. During the bidding process, those that are criti- cal to bid are required on the form submitted. He further pointed out the low bid by BCI was not clear in the alternates, and the number of sub- contractors and suppliers was not listed. He, therefore, recommended the firm of Gridor Construction be awarded the bid. Alderman Gruenhagen made the motion that due to the fact there were 15 bidders and the low bidder had failed to list subcontractors, reject the low bid of BCI and award the contract to Gridor Construction, second low- est bidder, in the amount of $1,214,700.00. Seconded by Alderman Beatty, the motion unanimously carried. (b) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY FOR SIX PARKING SPACES LIMITED TO 15 -MINUTE PARKING (DEFERRED MARCH 9, 1982) Citizens Bank & Trust requested a minimum of six parking spaces limited to 15 -minute parking to enable better service to their customers. Chief of Police O'Borsky reviewed the request and recommended denial., based on the following reasons: 1) removal of the meters and two-hour parking was for a one-year trial period; 2) the two-hour parking limit appears to be effective in moving traffic in the downtown area; 3) 15 -minute zones would require manpower which is not available to enforce the limits; and 4) a precedent would be established by allowing one organization to re- quest individual parking zones. Following discussion, Alderman Beatty moved that based on the Police Chief's recommendation, the request by Citizens Bank & Trust be denied. Seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, the motion carried unanimously. -7- COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 11, 1982 (c) CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING; BID FOR 1982 STREET DEPARTMENT MAINTENANCE MATERIALS (DEFERRED APRIL 26, 1982) Only one bid was received for street maintenance materialrfrom Koch Asphalt Co. in the amount of $23,960.00. It was recommended the bid be awarded. After discussion, Alderman Carls moved to award the bid to Koch Asphalt Co. Seconded by Alderman Mlinar, the motion carried unanimously. (d) CONSIDERATION OF FIRST AVENUE SE AND SW, IMPROVEMENTS BETWEEN HASSAN STREET AND FRANKLIN STREET Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, to table this item for the remainder of 1982. Motion unanimously carried. RECESS: A recess was taken at 10:00 P.M. upon motion by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Carls and carried unanimously. The Council reconvened at 10:05 P.M. 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF APPLICATION FOR CIGARETTE LICENSE BY RODNEY HORRMANN FOR ROBERTS PARK CONCESSION STAND After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Carls to approve the application and issue a cigarette license to Rodney Horrmann. The motion was seconded by Alderman Beatty and unanimously carried. (b) CONSIDERATION OF OPERATING A FOOD STAND AT TWO LOCATIONS DURING WATER CARNIVAL BY HUTCHINSON BAND BOOSTERS The Hutchinson Band Boosters requested permission to operate a food stand at Optimists Park and South Park during the Hutchinson Water Carnival. Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Beatty, to approve the operation of two food stands by the Hutch- inson Band Boosters during Water Carnival. Motion unanimously approved. (c) CONSIDERATION OF ADVERTISING FOR BIDS FOR MAINTENANCE WORK ON NORTHWEST (GOLF COURSE) WATER TOWER It was requested to advertise for bids on June 1, 1982 at 2:00 P.M. for the maintenance work on the Northwest (Golf Course) Water Tower. After discussion, Alderman Beatty moved to authorize advertising for bids on June 1, 1982 at 2:00 P.M. for maintenance work on the Northwest (Golf 15:13 COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 11, 1982 Course) Water Tower. Seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, the motion carried unanimously. (d) CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTING CITY COUNCIL RULES AND PROCEDURES - ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER (REQUESTED BY MIKE CARLS) No action was necessary inasmuch as the 1974 City Ordinance Book, Chapter 1, Section 100;05, Subd. 2 states that "the proceedings of the Council shall be conducted in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order Revised." (e) CONSIDERATION OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY -SCHOOL DISTRICT ON HIGH SCHOOL TENNIS COURTS Alderman Carls reported that $15,000.00 had been budgeted for City expense to repair the tennis courts at the high school. Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Beatty to authorize City staff and the School District to jointly solicit bids for the maintenance of the high school tennis courts. Seconded by Alderman Carls, the motion 4 -- carried unanimously. The motion was made by Alderman Mlinar to authorize City Attorney to pro- ceed with an agreement between the City/School District and to authorize the City Administrator to put into writing any other joint ventures between the City and School District. The motion was seconded by Alderman Beatty and unanimously carried. (f) CONSIDERATION OF STATE NATURAL RESOURCES FUND PROJECT AGREEMENT FOR PHASE II OF MCDONALD'S PARK City Administrator Plotz reported that Phase I of McDonald's Park had been completed, and the City Council had approved an application for Phase II. The State Natural Resources Fund Project Agreement would cover lighting for two softball fields, picnic shelter/restroom, boat landing, landscaping, seeding, and site improvement. The total cost would be $91,500.00, with a 44 percent fund support for a total fund amount of $40,125.00. After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Ald- erman Carls, to approve the agreement and authorize signing same. Motion unanimously approved. (g) CONSIDERATION OF PROJECT 82-48, INTERSECTION OF DALE STREET AND SOUTH GRADE ROAD City Engineer Priebe informed the Council that Mr. Delmar Pittman had ap- proved the proposed design for the intersection improvement on Dale Street and South Grade Road (Project 82-48). Therefore, it would be necessary to hold a public hearing on the project. COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 11, 1982 Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alder- man Gruenhagen and carried unanimously, to waive reading and adopt Resolu- tion No. 7114 entitled Resolution Ordering Preparation of Report on Improve- ment (Project 82-48). It was moved by Alderman Beatty to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7115 entitled Resolution Receiving Report and Calling Hearing on Improve- ment (Project 82-48). Seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, the motion unani- mously carried. It was moved by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alderman Beatty, to estab- lish May 25, 1982 at 9:00 P.M. for a public hearing on Project 82-48. Mo- tion unanimously approved. (h) CONSIDERATION OF 1982 MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FOR STREETS AND ALLEYS It was reported that the permanent surfaced streets and alleys had been in- spected and found to be in need of maintenance and repair in 1982. It was anticipated that the material cost would exceed the $30,000.00 budgeted for this purpose. Therefore, it was requested to proceed with a program for the maintenance and repair of the permanent streets and alleys as first priority and do some maintenance work on some of the temporary oiled streets as funds are available. A detailed report would be submitted at the next Council meeting. Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Carls to proceed with the proposed program and submit a report at the next City Council meeting. Seconded by Alderman Beatty, the motion carried unanimously. (i) CONSIDERATION OF RESCINDING CONDEMNATION PROCEEDING ON NEMITZ BUILDING (REQUESTED BY MAYOR DEMEYER) City Attorney Schaefer reported that nothing had been done for condemnation since the adoption of Resolution No. 6951. It was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Carls and carried unanimously, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7127 entitled A Resolution Rescinding Resolution No. 6951 Pertaining to Condemnation Pro- ceedings. (j) CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZING CITY ATTORNEY TO TENDER A DEFENSE ON BEHALF OF OFFICER WAAGE After discussion, Alderman Beatty moved to approve authorizing the City At- torney to tender a defense on behalf of Officer Waage. Seconded by Alder- man Carls, the motion unanimously carried. City Attorney Schaefer suggested that the City Council review the City's -10- COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 11, 1982 insurance coverage to ensure that it has proper protection. It was moved by Alderman Carls to instruct the City Administrator to pre- pare a report on the City's insurance for the next City Council meeting. The motion was seconded by Alderman Mlinar. Alderman Carls amended his motion to have the report submitted to the first City Council meeting in June. The motion was seconded by Alderman Gruen- hagen and unanimously carried. 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ADMINISTRATOR City Administrator Plotz reported on the League of Cities Conference to be held June 15-18, 1982 in Rochester. He then requested permission for City staff and Council members to register for attendance at the Conference. It was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, to approve attendance at the League of Cities Conference. Motion unanimously approved. Mr. Plotz also requested permission for Clarice Coston, Don Glas, Arnold Witte, Chad Piehl and himself to attend the Star Cities Conference on May 25-26, 1982, with Ron McGraw and Irvin Burich as alternates. The motion was made by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alderman Carls, to ap- prove attendance at the Star Cities Conference. Motion approved unanimously. Administrator Plotz stated he had been requested to ask the Council for per- mission for First State Bank of Stewart to be issued a permit to allow the use of a temporary facility by the site during construction of the permanent facility. Construction would begin about July 1, 1982, with anticipated occupancy by January 1, 1983. It was requested the permit be issued from July 1, 1982 to March 1, 1983. After discussion, Alderman Gruenhagen moved that the request be granted, upon approval of the Building Official, for the period July 1, 1982 to March 1, 1983. Seconded by Alderman Mlinar, the motion unanimously carried. City Engineer Priebe pointed out that parking should be stipulated. Mr. Bill Fahey of Ehlers & Associates and City Administrator Plotz met with the County Commissioners today at 2:00 P.M. to discuss the amendment of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Development District No. 4. It was the consensus of the Commissioners to take no action on the tax increment fi- nacing. It was further reported that the two met with the School Board to- night regarding the amendment. A motion was made to disapprove, but it failed for lack of a second,so no action was taken by the School Board. -11- COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 11, 1982 The Research Committe on the Old Armory will meet at 7:00 P.M. on May 13, 1982. at City Hall. (b) COMMUNICATIONS FROM RON MCGRAW/TENNIS ASSOCIATION It was explained that the purpose of meeting with the Tennis Association again was to clarify the specified location for the two tennis courts in the proposed grant application. The grant application was submitted show- ing North Park, adjacent to the existing courts, as the location. Since then there had been concern that this might not be the best location. If there was a change in location, the staff would attempt to amend the appli- cation. The Tennis Association was represented by Ron McGraw and Geoff Docken. It was almost a unanimous consensus of the Association that North Park was the best location, although Mr. Ken Prihoda had expressed concern from the standpoint of the school. City Administrator Plotz stated that the long-range plan called for tennis courts in North Park in 1983, Jaycee Park in 1984 and Linden Park in 1985. After further discussion, it was moved by Alderman Mlinar that the location for the two tennis courts remain at North Park. Seconded by Alderman Gruen- hagen, the motion carried, with Aldermen Mlinar, Gruenhagen and Beatty and Mayor DeMeyer voting aye and Alderman Carls voting nay. (c) COMMUNICATIONS FROM DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING City Engineer Priebe commented on a water problem involving two private properties. It was felt that grading for the property to the east would alleviate the problem, but one property owner did not want staking done. Alderman Gruenhagen stated he didn't believe it was the City's responsibility to deal with private property problems. It was up to the land owners to resolve the situation. (d) COMMUNICATIONS FROM ALDERMAN CARLS Alderman Carls commented that the Council had approved two tennis courts for the North Park location. He pointed out that no plan had been reviewed. He also wondered if the School Board had been notified of the location of the two proposed tennis courts. (e) COMMUNICATIONS FROM JIM MCCLURE Mr. Jim McClure requested a workshop with the City Council and Downtown Development Advisory Board to review his plans and proposals for the S&L project prior to the May 25, 1982 City Council meeting. -12- COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 11, 1982 After discussion, a date of May 24, 1982 at 7:00 P.M. was established to hold a workshop on the S&L project. 11. CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS It was moved by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alderman Beatty and carried unanimously, to approve the verified claims and authorize payment from the appropriate funds. 12. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:34 P.M. upon motion by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Beatty and unanimously carried. -13-