01-02-1980 CCMC] W 2. 3. MINUTES SPECIAL ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2, 1980 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Westlund called the special organizational meeting to order at 6:05 P.M., with the following members present: Aldermen Lueneburg, Gruenhagen and Beatty, in addition to Mayor Westlund. Absent: Aldermen Peterson. Also present were: Admin- istrative Assistant Plotz, City Engineer/Public Works Director Priebe and City At- torney Schantzen. INSTALLATION OF NEWLY ELECTED MAYOR AND ALDERMEN City Attorney Schantzen conducted the installation of the newly elected Mayor and Aldermen; and Mayor Ralph D. Westlund, Alderman Milton Lueneburg, Alderman Kenneth Gruenhagen, and Alderman Theodore Beatty were sworn into office. Retired Mayor Black presented the new Mayor Westlund with a gavel in accordance with a tradition begun 12 years ago. He then wished Westlund well in his new office. Mayor Westlund expressed his thanks to £dose responsible for his election to the office of Mayor. He then referred to the- ast and pointed out what to look forward to in the future, especially the '80's. Mor Westlund commented the Council would have to be ready to make some big decisions *,nd know which direction they are moving. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES (a) RESOLUTION NO. 64694 DESIGNATION OF DEPOSITORIES OF CITY FUNDS IN COMMERCIAL BANKS It was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, to waive read- ing and adopt Resolution No. 6469 entitled Designation of Depositories of City Funds In Commerc al Banks. Motion carried unanimously. (b) RESOLUTION NO. 6470 - DESIGNATION OF DEPOSITORY OF CITY FUNDS - FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS It was moved by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alderman Beatty, to waive read- ing and adopt Resolution No. 6470 entitled Designation of Depository of City Funds - Federal Savings and Loan Associations. Motion carried unanimously. (c) RESOLUTION NO. 6471 - DESIGNATING OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER It was moved by Alderman Lueneburg, seconded by Alderman Beatty, to waive read- ing and adopt Resolution No. 6471 entitled Designating Official Newspaper. Mo- tion carried unanimously. Council Minutes January 2, 1980 (d) RESOLUTION NO. 6472 - APPOINTING CITY OFFICERS FOR 1980 It was moved by Alderman Lueneburg, seconded by Alderman Beatty, to waive read- ing and adopt Resolution No. 6472 entitled Appointing City Officers for 1980. Motion carried unanimously. (e) RESOLUTION NO. 6473 - APPOINTING LEGAL COUNSEL It was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, to waive read- ing and adopt Resolution No. 6473 entitled Appointing Legal Counsel. Motion carried unanimously. (f) RESOLUTION NO. 6474 - ENTERING AGREEMENT WITH CROW RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY FOR CALENDAR YEAR 1980 It was moved by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alderman Beatty, to waive read- ing and adopt Resolution No. 6474 entitled Entering Agreement with Crow River Regional Library for alendar Year 1980. Motion carried unanimously. 4. NEW BUSINESS (a) SELECTION OF COUNCIL'S LICE PRESIDENT - KENNETH GRUENHAGEN Alderman Lueneburg nominated Kenneth Gruenhagen as Vice President of the Coun- cil. Seconded by Alderman, Beatty, the motion carried unanimously. (b) DESIGNATION OF SUPERINTENDENT OF POLICE AND GENERAL WELFARE - RALPH WESTLUND It was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Lueneburg, to appoint Ralph Westlund as Superintendfnt of Police and General Welfare. Motion car- ried unanimously. (c) DESIGNATION OF SUPERINTENDENT OF ACCOUNTS, FINANCES, HEALTH AND SANITATION - KENNETH GRUENHAGEN It was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Lueneburg, to appoint Kenneth Gruenhagen as Superintendent of Accounts, Finances, Health and Sani- tation. Motion carried unanimously. (d) DESIGNATION OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND FIRE PROTECTION - TED BEATTY It was moved by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alderman Lueneburg, to ap- point Ted Beatty as Superintendent of Public Buildings and Fire Protection. Motion carried unanimously. -2- w Council Minutes January 2, 1980 (e) DESIGNATION OF SUPERINTENDENT OF WATERWORKS AND SEWERS - MILT LUENEBURG It was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, to appoint Milt Lueneburg as Superintendent of Waterworks and Sewers. Motion carried unanimously. (f) DESIGNATION OF SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS AND ALLEYS - BRUCE PETERSON It was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Lueneburg, to appoint Bruce Peterson as Superintendent of Streets and Alleys. Motion carried unan- imous ly. (g) DESIGNATION OF COUNCIL'S REPRESENTATIVE TO BURNS MANOR NURSING HOME BOARD - BRUCE PETERSON It was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Lueneburg, to ratify the Mayor's appointment of Bruce Peterson to the Burns Manor Nursing Home Board. Motion carried unanimously. (h) DESIGNATION OF COUNCIL'S REPRESENTATIVE TO HOSPITAL BOARD - KENNETH GRUENHAGEN It was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Lueneburg, to ratify the Mayor's appointment of Kenneth Gruentiagen to the Hospital Board. Motion carried unanimously. (i) DESIGNATION OF COUNCIL'S REPRESENTATIVE TO PLANNING COMMISSION - TED BEATTY It was moved by Alderman Gruenhag n, the Mayor's appointment of Ted Bea ty ried unanimously. (j) DESIGNATION OF COUNCIL'S REPRESENTA BRUCE PETERSON seconded by Alderman Lueneburg, to ratify to the Planning Commission. Motion car - TO PARK AND RECREATION BOARD - It was moved by Alderman Beatty, second by Alderman Lueneburg, to ratify the Mayor's appointment of Bruce Petersoto the Park and Recreation Board. Motion carried unanimously. (k) DESIGNATION OF COUNCIL'S REPRESENTATIVE TO T1ZANSPORTATION BOARD - KENNETH GRUENHAGEN It was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Lueneburg, to ratify the Mayor's appointment of Kenneth Gruenhagen to the Transportation Board. Motion carried unanimously. (1) DESIGNATION OF COUNCIL'S REPRESENTATIVE TO CIVIC ARENA BOARD - BRUCE PETERSON- -3- r Council Minutes January 2, 1980 It was moved by Alderman the Mayor's appointment carried unanimously. Beatty, seconded by Alderman Lueneburg, to ratify of Bruce Peterson to the Civic Arena Board. Motion (m) DESIGNATION OF COUNCIL'S REPRESENTATIVE TO AIRPORT BOARD - MILT LUENEBURG It was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, to ratify the Mayor's appointment of Milt Lueneburg to the Airport Board. Motion car- ried unanimously. (n) DESIGNATION OF COUNCIL'S REPRESENTATIVE TO LIBRARY BOARD - TED BEATTY It was moved by Alderman Lueneburg, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, to ratify the Mayor's appointment of Ted Beatty to the Library Board. Motion carried unanimously. (o) DESIGNATION OF COUNCIL'S REPRESENTATIVE TO SAFETY COUNCIL - KENNETH GRUENHAGEN It was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Lueneburg, to ratify the Mayor's appointment of Kenneth Gruenhagen to the Safety Council. Motion carried unanimously. (p) DESIGNATION OF COUNCIL'S REP RALPH WESTLUND It was moved by Alderman Beatty, sec the Mayor's appointment of Ralph Wes Motion carried unanimously. (q) DESIGNATION OF COUNCIL'S REPRESENTA ADVISORY BOARD - MILT LUENEBURG VE TO PROBT,$M SOLVING COMMITTEE - Alderman Lueneburg, to ratify o the Problem Solving Committee. "SENIORS ACTIVITY CENTER" It was moved by Alderman GruenhageA, seconde&\by Alderman Beatty, to ratify the Mayor's appointment of Milt ]�Veneburg to A� "Seniors Activity Center" Advisory Board. Motion carried11'unanimously. (r) DESIGNATION OF COUNCIL'S REPP4SENTATIVE TO DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT ADVISORY BOARD - TED BEATTY/ It was moved by Alderman zueneburg, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, to ratify the Mayor's appointment,�f Ted Beatty to the Downtown Development District Ad- visory Board. Motion carried unanimously. (s) DESIGNATION OF COUNCIL'S REPRESENTATIVE TO HUTCH. HOUSING, INC. - RALPH WESTLUND It was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Lueneburg, to ratify the Mayor's appointment of Ralph Westlund to the Hutch. Housing, Inc. Motion carried unanimously. -4- i Council Minutes January 2, 1980 (t) DESIGNATION OF COUNCIL'S REPRESENTATIVE TO COMPLETE COUNT COMMITTEE (CENSUS) - MILT LUENEBURG It was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, to ratify the Mayor's appointment of Milt Lueneburg to the Complete Count Committee (Census). Motion carried unanimously. (u) DESIGNATION OF COUNCIL'S REPRESENTATIVE TO PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE - MILT LUENEBURG It was moved by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alderman Beatty, to ratify the Mayor's appointment of Milt Lueneburg to the Public Participation Ad- visory Committee. Motion carried unanimously. (v) DESIGNATION'OF COUNCIL'S REPRESENTATIVE FOR LIQUOR STORE - MILT LUENEBURG It was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, to ratify the Mayor's appointment of Milt Lueneburg to the Liquor Store. Motion car- ried unanimously. (w) -DESIGNATION OF COUNCIL'S REPRESENTATVE FOR JUNKER SANITATION - KENfttff GRUENHAGEN It was moved by Alderman Beatty, secon ed by Alderman Lueneburg, to ratify the Mayor's appointment of Kenneth Grue hagen to-Junker Sanitation. Motion carried unanimously. (x) DESIGNATION OF COUNCIL'S REPRESENTATIVE FO�-'PARKING - TED BEATTY It was moved by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconde(� by Alderman Lueneburg, to ratify the Mayor's appointment of Ted Beatty to Parking. Motion carried unanimously. (y) CONSIDERATION OF APPLICATIONS FOR CIGARETTE LICENSES 1.) LEONARD ODEGAARD - CHRISTY'S 2.) JERRY EISCHENS - THE FRONTIER HOUSE 3.) JERRY EISCHENS - GINGERBREAD HOUSE 4.) TOM DOLDER - T. L. SCALAWAGS 5.) LINDA ALBERT$f- SIEM'S BARGAIN CENTER i The motion was made Alderman Lueneburg to approve the above-named applica- tions and issue cig ette licenses. Seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, the motion carried unaq}m_ously. 5. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Alder- man Beatty, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, to adjourn the meeting at 6:20 P.M. Motion carried unanimously. -5-