02-05-1980 CCMMINUTES
The special meeting was called to order at 4;45 P.M. by Mayor Westlund, with Aldermen
Gruenhagen and Lueneburg,present in addition to Mayor Westlund. Absent: Aldermen Beatty
and Peterson. Also present were Aninistrative Assistant Plotz and City Attorney Schant-
Mayor Westlund explained;-t'fie meeting,had been called inasmuch as the City Attorney had
requested authorization to have a consulting attorney assist with the February 14, 1980
lawsuit between the`ity and Developers Diversified/Hecht Associates.
City Attorne,y,'Schantzen informed the Council he had submitted the lawsuit papers to
Madsen Agprfcy Inc., the City's liability insurance carrier. He wasn't certain if the
insurapdl� company would provide a lawyer to defend the City, but in the event they
didq�t, Schantzen felt the City should consider Mr. Richard Martin of Briggs & Morgan,
,of St. Paul, to assist in the case. The City Attorney thought he needed an outside firm
to assist in areas where he lacked knowledge, ie. anti-trust laws.
The motion was made by Alderman Lueneburg to authorize the City Attorney to hire the
law firm of Briggs & Morgan of St. Paul, contingent on a determination of their fee,
and contingent upon the insurance company not defending the City. Seconded by Alder-
man Gruenhagen, the motion unanimously carried.
Mayor Westlund instructed the City Attorney to consult Madsen Agency, the agent, to
determine if the liability insurance carrier would defend and cover the City.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:58 P.M.