07-31-1980 CCMj
The special meeting was called to order by Mayor Westlund at 9:20 A.M., with the
following present: Aldermen Peterson, Lueneburg, and Gruenhagen in addition to Mayor
Westlund. Absent: Alderman Beatty. Also present: City Administrator Plotz, City
Engineer Priebe, Clarice Coston and Lyle Koehler.
Christmas Decorations
Clarice Coston, Chamber of Commerce Executive Vice President, presented a drawing
of the proposed decorations for the Plaza 15 area. She suggested taking the "Happy
Holidays" sign out to the Plaza, which would eliminate the need for an additional
banner to match for the downtown area. It was further suggested to eliminate the
decoration on Main Street by the churches and add decorations by School Road Bridge
and Plaza 15.
Mr. Lyle Koehler, representative for Plaza 15, stated the shopping center would be
agreeable to purchasing the Christmas tree decorations for the four poles on private
property if the City would furnish the decorations on the Plaza 15 sign. However,
the poles would need to be wired for 110 voltage.
City Administrator Plotz reported the proposed Christmas decorations were over budget,
but he thought the money would be available to cover the cost.
After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Gruenhagen to authorize the pur-
chase of the proposed Christmas decorations, not to exceed $2,5005 contingent upon
Plaza 15 having 110 voltage on the four poles. The motion was seconded by Alderman
Lueneburg and carried unanimously.
Request to Move Building
Building Official Willard reported that Roger Bakken is purchasing the house located
at 25 Second Avenue Northeast which belongs to Joe Anglin. Mr. Bakken has requested
to move the house to a new location at Lot 5, Merrill's Subdivision - Lynn Addition.
In order for the house to meet Building Code, there are 13 items that need to be cor-
Following discussion, Alderman Peterson moved to approve the request to move a house,
with the stipulations indicated by the Building Official. The motion was seconded by
Alderman Lueneburg and unanimously carried.
JULY 31, 1980
Joe Anglin Property
City Administrator Plotz stated that the
dated January 22, 1980, gave him salvage
chased by the City for park land (service
until September 1, 1980. A new Agreement
date by the City of Hutchinson to October
original Purchase Agreement with Joe Anglin,
rights of the buildings on the property pur-
station and house at 25 Second Avenue NE)
has been drawn up, changing the possession
1, 1980.
Mr. Anglin had inquired if the basement should be filled in after the house is moved
from the lot. He would not remove the foundation but put fill in the hole. Mr. Plotz
thought the foundation should be removed at the same time the City did other work in
the area. The City Council concurred that the foundation should not be covered over.
Request for "On Sale" Non -Intoxicating Malt Liquor License
The Hutchinson Elks Lodge requested an "On Sale" Non -Intoxicating Malt Liquor License
for a fast pitch tournament to be held August 9-10, 1980.
After discussion, Alderman Peterson moved to approve the issuance of license, subject
to approval by the Police Chief. Seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, the motion unani-
mously carried.
There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at
9:45 A.M.