08-12-1980 CCM (2)MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 12, 1980 A special meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Westlund at 6:30 P.M., with the following present: Aldermen Gruenhagen, Beatty and Lueneburg, in addition to Mayor Westlund. Absent: Alderman Peterson. Also present were: City Administrator Plotz and City Accountant Merrill. City Accountant Merrill explained the purpose of the meeting was to discuss the pos- sibility of a one-time adjustment of the levy limitation. He reported the State puts a limit on the dollar amount available to the City. There is some doubt if rev- enue sharing will be continued, and the funds have previously been a part of the City's general fund. If they are no longer available, the City would lose this money and have no alternative for replacing it. A one-time levy limit adjustment of 10% or $105,507 increase for 1981 (3.4 mills) would help eliminate the City's dependence on federal revenue sharing. In order to adjust the levy limit, it would be necessary to adopt a resolution of intent and set a public hearing date, with a hearing notice published four consecu- tive weeks prior to the hearing. A suggested date of September 23, 1980 was given for the public hearing. There would then be a waiting period of 30 days for peti- tions; if there were no petitions, the levy would be implemented. A public hearing on use of revenue sharing will be held on August 26, 1980 as if it will be available, until official word is received from the government. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:15 P.M. 0