1. Call to Order
Mayor Forcier called the workshop to order at 4:00 p.m. Members present included Mary
Christensen, John Lofdahl, Steve Cook, and Chad Czmowski. Others present were: Matt
Jaunich, City Administrator, Marc Sebora, City Attorney, Kent Exner, City Engineer and other
city directors
Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, explained that the discussion item before the Council today is
Administrator/City Objectives for 2017 and beyond. With this discussion, Mr. Jaunich would
like to get feedback from the Council. Mr. Jaunich noted that this is a collaborative effort
between him and City staff. Mr. Jaunich expressed that he would also appreciate the Council
sharing their visions so the staff can work towards those visions.
Mr. Jaunich reviewed the City's mission statement and expressed that perhaps maybe it should be
reviewed at some point to determine if it needs to be revised in any way and then reviewed on a
regular basis. He also reviewed the six core areas of focus that the City has identified: public
safety, health & recreation, transportation, economic development, environment and good
Mr. Jaunich started by reviewing the 2016 objectives that have carried over. These objectives
1. Carryover Objective 91
— Complete the Salary & Classification Study — 95% complete
2. Carryover Objective 92
— Complete the Aquatic Center Project
3. Carryover Objective 93
— Work with the PRCE Director on coming up with a Concessions
Plan for our Rec Facilities (Pool & Ballfields)
4. Carryover Objective 94
— Complete the Hutchinson Enterprise Center
5. Carryover Objective 95
— As an Entire Organization, I would like for us to continue our
Focus on Increasing the Accessibility to all of our Public Buildings and Infrastructure
6. Carryover Objective 96
—Preparation for the Planned State Trunk Highway 15/Main Street
Reconstruction project through Downtown Hutchinson (2020 bidding process & construction
Mr. Jaunich then reviewed the 2017 objectives that have been established:
1. Objective 91 —Assist in the completion of the remaining 2017 Capital Projects
2. Objective 92 — Develop a multi -use Ballfield and Tennis Facility Plan in Conjunction with
the School District
3. Objective 93 — South Central Drainage Area Improvements Phase 1 Project Development
4. Objective 94 — Works with Public Works Staff to begin the process of identifying the City's
role in improving the Community Waterbodies
5. Objective 95 — Work with the Finance Director on the Establishment of a Financial
Management Plan
6. Objective 96 — Create a Master Park Plan that looks at everything from our Facilities to the
Eventual Replacement/Update of the City's Playground System
7. Objective 97 — Completion of the Master Facilities Plan for the City Center, Police Station
and Fire Station
8. Objective 98 — Consolidation of the Tree Board with Creekside Advisory Committee to
create a Sustainability Board
9. Objective 99 — Continue to Support the Efforts to Improve Trail Corridors of Value/Benefit
to the City
10. Objective 910 — We need to have a Discussion on the Long Term Plan of the Hutchinson
Joint Planning Board
11. Objective 911 —Pursue Options to Expand Upon the Use of Social Media throughout the
Entire Organization
12. Objective 912 — Revise Right -Of -Way and Telecommunications Ordinances Related to Small
Cell Development
13. Objective 913 — Establish a New Employee City Orientation Program that would be
conducted by the City Administrator
14. Objective 914 — Explore the Possibility of Forming a Regional Transportation Coalition
15. Objective 915 — Expand upon the initial 2016 Conversation about Deploying Wi-Fi
throughout the Community at Highly Concentrated Public Areas
16. Objective 916 — Explore the Creation of a Downtown/Main Street Historic Preservation
17. Objective 917 — Complete the Purchase and Implementation of a Police Body Camera System
18. Objective 918 — Continue with the Organization Wide Improvements to our Technology
19. Objective 919 — Continue with the Robust Firefighter Health and Safety Initiative
Mr. Jaunich then reviewed future objectives:
1. Look at the PILOT arrangement between the City and HUC (2018 or 2019)
2. Phase II of the Wayfinding Study (2018 or 2019)
3. Founder's Park and Interpretive Signage Project (2018 or 2019)
4. Examine the Creation of a City Sustainability Plan (2018 or 2019)
5. Light Traffic Plan 25 Year Celebration (2018)
6. Look at becoming a Cohort City on Race Equity (2018)
7. Explore the Opportunity of a Sister City Program (2018 or 2019)
8. Leadership development/training for all levels (including Council) that includes some LEAN
training (2018 or 2019)
9. Look at Establishing a Citizens Academy to help Foster Future Leaders for Committees,
Commissions, Boards and the City Council (2018 or 2019)
10. Look at reestablishing the Employee Wellness Committee to Promote Employee Wellness
Initiatives (2018 or 2019)
11. Establish a long-term plan for the Police/Fire Training Facility (2018 or 2019)
12. Study the Concept of a Reorganized Structure for the City (as needed)
Mr. Jaunich also reviewed additional items to address in 2017
1. Meeting with County Commissioners
2. Performance Review Training
3. City of Hutchinson Logo Redesign
4. Creekside Open House
5. Examine the City's Current Water User Rates
6. State of the City Report
7. Update the City's Drug & Alcohol Testing Policy
General discussion was held on metrics and comparisons that can be used when defining the cost
of government. The goals and objectives discussed today will come before the Council at a
future date for formal adoption.
Motion by Christensen, second by Czmowski, to adjourn the workshop at 5:25 p.m. Motion
carried unanimously.
Gary T. Forcier
Matthew Jaunich
City Administrator