TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2017, AT 4:00 PM
1. Call to Order
Mayor Protein Chad Czmowski called the meeting to order. Members present were Mary
Christensen, Steve Cook and John Lofdahl. Member absent was Gary Forcier. Others present
were Matt Jaunich, City Administrator and Kent Exner, City Engineer and other City staff.
2. Review and Discuss Guiding Principles and Project Goals of the Facilities Master Plan
John McNamara, Wold Architects, introduced himself. Mr. McNamara and his associates are
working on a facilities master plan for city center, police station and fire station. Mr. McNamara
explained the work that has been done thus far with City staff. Council Member Cook noted that
this is a master plan that can be instituted over the next several years and is not being instituted
immediately. Mr. McNamara noted that the items included in the master plan will need to be
approved by the Council through its capital improvement plan. Mr. McNamara explained the
space needs assessment process that will be followed. The space needs assessment will be
approximately a four month process including the assessment and options development. Mr.
McNamara explained the project goals and the specific goals and objectives for each facility, as
well as the guiding principles. The guiding principles include a focus on function & operations,
sustainability and community pride & personnel recruitment. Mr. McNamara noted that his staff
has held departmental meeting discussions on each facility. From those discussions the following
was arrived at:
City Hall:
Public wayfinding in lobby is not as good as it could be.
Lobby could be utilized better.
Combined service counter could improve customer service and reception back-up. Conference
rooms could provide better separation of staff and public.
Safety and security improvements in Council Chambers are needed.
Adequate office and staff spaces. Open office areas could be improved for efficiency.
Motor Vehicle Licensing has consistently increased volume. Need some additional space for
staff and customers. Safety and security is a concern.
Improved staff spaces such as break room, fitness, showers and collaborative spaces would
improve worker experience.
Police Department:
Main lobby is small and has no privacy for public. All paper work is done in the lobby.
Interview rooms are needed.
Lobby security is needed. Currently open at all times. A secure vestibule would allow for after-
hours access.
There is little privacy in administration area due to size and configuration.
Detention area is not utilized as it could be due to DOC requirements.
Locker rooms are undersized and have inadequately sized lockers for modern police equipment.
There are no lockers for staff. Additional showers and toilets are needed.
Patrol briefing room is undersized.
Ideally, Investigations, Evidence Storage and Processing and EOC would be co -located together.
Evidence storage and processing is undersized and better ventilation is needed. Would be better
if it was near patrol.
Additional garage space for patrol vehicles is needed. Patrol vehicles are difficult to access and
are often parked outside and left running to protect equipment during shifts.
There is no training space available.
Fire Department:
Minimal changes have occurred since it was constructed.
Lobby is undersized and does not allow enough room for public or fire fighters. There is no
security to keep public from getting to the second floor.
There is no elevator providing access to second floor and the restrooms are not handicap
accessible — is a problem for public events.
Apparatus bay fits current equipment, but new equipment has to be custom built to fit due to the
heights of the doors. Cannot fully tip open cab for maintenance due to bay heights.
Current bay configuration is not drive through, requiring all vehicles to back into station.
There is no office space or day room for duty crew.
Upstairs training room is adequate, but kitchen area is small and outdated - would be nice to have
an eating area.
May want to consider sleeping space for flexibility in changing staffing model.
Location of the station serves well for response to and from station. Parking area next to building
is tight.
Mr. McNamara then reviewed the facility assessment process. The process includes exploring
condition and deficiencies in 10 important areas: site, exterior, interior, accessibility, life safety,
hazardous materials, mechanical systems, electrical systems, technology and expandability.
General discussion was held on security issues in various areas.
Motion by Christensen, second by Lofdahl, to adjourn at 5:05 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
Gary T. Forcier
Matthew Jaunich
City Administrator