03-01-2017 HUCCPMINUTES Regular Meeting — Hutchinson Utilities Commission Wednesday, March 1, 2017 Call to order — 3:00 p.m. President Monty Morrow called the meeting to order. Members present: President Monty Morrow; Vice President Anthony Hanson; Secretary Mark Girard; Commissioner Don Martinez; Attorney Marc Sebora; General Manager Jeremy Carter. Absent: Commissioner Robert Wendorff Conflict of Interest 2. Approve Consent Agenda a. Approve Minutes b. Ratify Payment of Bills A motion was made by Vice President Hanson, seconded by Secretary Girard to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion was unanimously carried. 3. Approve Financial Statements Jared Martig presented the financial statements. GM Carter noted two corrections: 1) the combined divisions statement, transmission percentage change column should read 50.8%; and 2) the electric division statement, operating expense percentage change column should read (15.2%). The overall net cost of power including transmission costs from January 2016 through January 2017 increased 3%. After discussion, a motion was made by Secretary Girard, seconded by Commissioner Martinez to approve the financial statements. Motion was unanimously carried. 4. Open Forum 5. Communication a. City Administrator — Matthew Jaunich i. In 2016, there were 30 new homes built in the city of Hutchinson. b. Divisions i. Randy Blake — 1. General Electric issued a new service bulletin for HUC's LM -6000 engine. The bulletin states that the engine will need to be removed from the package and sent to Depot for NDT of the stages 3-9 HPC spools before or at 2,940 starts. Jared Martig - 1. The BS&A software conversion "going live" date is scheduled for early May 2017. iii. John Webster - 1 . Tomorrow is the annual Damage Prevention meeting being held at the Hutchinson Event Center. 2. Working on new DOT programs this spring. 3. Looking at upgrading industrial metering facilities. 4. Baseload contracts locked in at $4.00 through October 2019, $4.50 from November 2019 through October 2021 and $4.535 from November 2021 through October 2026. c. Legal — Attorney Sebora i. Nothing to report. d. General Manager — Jeremy Carter i. Last Friday's stakeholder meeting was postponed to later this month. ii. GM Carter presented a draft request for proposal (RFP) for a rate study. GM Carter requested the Board review the RFP and provide feedback. He also mentioned there is a subcommittee being proposed and asked if any Board members would like to join. GM Carter explained most MRES member municipal utilities utilize MRES for their rate studies. HUC is a member of MRES and MRES provides rate studies to their members for one-half the fee. MRES does rate studies for electric and water only. HUC needs a study for natural gas as well; therefore, GM Carter may revise the RFP to allow flexibility for multiple firm submissions. Discussion held regarding the restructuring of HUC's current rate structure. The Board decided to schedule a workshop to discuss further. iii. Working on final numbers on a project to add Units 6 and 7. Working on securing a 20 -year capacity contract to cover the majority of the cost of the project. There will be multiple manufacturers in the running to bid for the project. GM Carter suggested conducting a workshop to get the commission's feedback on the feasibility of pursuing this project. The goal is to have the engines operational by year end 2018 with the capacity contracts starting in 2020. iv. Working on the wholesale generation model. 6. Policies a. Review Policies i. Electric Service Requirements & Charges ii. Temporary Service — Electric iii. CIP Rebate Level of Authority iv. Service Beyond City Limits of Hutchinson v. Hiring vi. Probationary Period Upon Hiring vii. Temporary Employees No changes were recommended at this time. 2 b. Approve Changes i. Purchasing Policy The changes made were for clarification. After discussion, a motion was made by Secretary Girard, seconded by Vice President Hanson to approve the changes to the Purchasing Policy. Motion was unanimously carried. (Changes attached.) 7. Unfinished Business a. Update on Pack Gas Discussions The two parties met February 10. Until they resolve how to reconcile the unaccounted for natural gas portion beyond the Interconnect station, they are not inclined to take any action to resolve HUC's pack gas part. 8. New Business a. Approve Requisition #7019 for Purchase of a Specific Gravity Meter for Station 1 John Webster presented Requisition #7019 for the purchase of a specific gravity meter for Station 1 in the amount of $37,173.91. A motion was made by Vice President Hanson, seconded by Secretary Girard to approve Requisition #7019 for the purchase of a specific gravity meter for Station 1. Motion was unanimously carried. (Requisition attached.) b. Approve Requisition #7031 for the Lift and Service Body from ABM Equipment for the New Bucket Truck GM Carter presented Requisition #7031 for the lift and service body from ABM Equipment for the new bucket truck in the amount of $86,291.94. A motion was made by Secretary Girard, seconded by Commissioner Martinez to approve Requisition #7031 for the purchase of a lift and service body from ABM Equipment for the new bucket truck. Motion was unanimously carried. (Requisition attached.) c. Approve Requisition #7032 for the Cab/Chassis from Midway Ford for the New Bucket Truck GM Carter presented Requisition #7032 for the cab/chassis from Midway Ford for the new bucket truck in the amount of $44,919.17. A motion was made by Vice President Hanson, seconded by Commissioner Martinez to approve Requisition #7032 for purchase of the cab/chassis from Midway Ford for the new bucket truck. Motion was unanimously carried. (Requisition attached.) d. Approve Requisition #7038 for Unit 8 Excitation/Voltage Control System Randy Blake presented Requisition #7038 for Unit 8 excitation/voltage control system in the amount of $106,714.70. A motion was made by Vice President Hanson, seconded by Secretary Girard to approve Requisition #7038 for the Unit 8 excitation/voltage control system. Motion was unanimously carried. (Requisition attached.) 3 e. Approve Requisition #7044 for the Dump Body from Crysteel Truck Equipment GM Carter presented Requisition #7044 for the dump body from Crysteel Truck Equipment in the amount of $12,963.09. A motion was made by Vice President Hanson, seconded by Secretary Girard to approve Requisition #7044 for the purchase of the dump body from Crysteel Truck Equipment. Motion was unanimously carried. (Requisition attached.) Approve Requisition #7045 for the Dodge Ram 5500 Chassis from Nelson Auto Center GM Carter presented Requisition #7045 for the Dodge Ram 5500 chassis from Nelson Auto Center in the amount of $34,584.72. A motion was made by Vice President Hanson, seconded by Commissioner Martinez to approve Requisition #7045 for the purchase of the Dodge Ram 5500 chassis from Nelson Auto Center. Motion was unanimously carried. (Requisition attached.) g. Discuss City Ordinance 132.25 Utilities Service Interruption Attorney Sebora presented the City Ordinance 132.25 Utilities Service Interruption. In the early 2000's a city ordinance was enacted to make it unlawful for any person with or without a permit or license to damage, break or disrupt city utility services. This ordinance was enacted during a time with increased construction and development not only by local contractors but by contractors from outside the region and during a time of increased utility service damage. Since that time, fewer utility services have been hit or damaged and local contractors are inquiring about the city abolishing this ordinance. Because this is a city ordinance, only the city council can remove the ordinance. The City of Hutchinson is asking Hutchinson Utilities for their feedback and viewpoint on this as it relates to gas and electric services. The Commission Board supports the ordinance be removed. 9. Adjourn There being no further business, a motion was made by Secretary Girard, seconded by Commissioner Martinez to adjourn the meeting at 3:59 p.m. Motion was unanimously carried. ATTEST: Monty rrow, President n Mark Girard, Secretary HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION REQUISITION FORM Supplier: MICRO MOTION INC Ship To: HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION Requisition No. 007019 7070 WINCHESTER CIRCLE BOULDER, CO 80301-3501 Phone: 612-670-5640 Fax: 175 MICHIGAN ST SE HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 Phone: 320-587-4746 Fax: 320-587-4721 Item # D Part Num. Description Request Date Acct # WO # Unit Price Per Item Total 1 1 (000-00000) Line Remarks: Micro Motion PN SGM3AAAAC2131 EZZX_27452, SGM Gas Specific Gravity and Gas Energy Meter Ni - Span C& Alum in um Multiva riable Trans mitter 07/03/ 1073690100 61705 33,045.00 Each 33,045.00 Intergr 2017 al Mount. Samp le Condit ioning Syste M, 316 Insulat ed Housi ng with a 115 VAC Heater (NA- �ge 1 of 2 Item # D Part Num. Description Request Date Acct # WO # Unit Price Per Item Total 284- 10), Press ure Regul ator, Coale scing Filter, Roto Meter, Barrier S, Valves , Wall - Mount Bracke is with SGM3 AAAA- B- zzx. Per Propo sal Numb er: 10102 66-2 2 1 (000-00000) 07/03/2017 1073690100 61705 1,630.00 Each 1,630.00 Line Remarks: 3098SG/SGM Startup Assistance. Per Proposal Number: 1010266-2 Sales Tax 2,383.91 Special Charges 115.00 Total 37.173.91 Requisitioned By: WEBSTER, JOHN Date: 01/30/2017 Approved By: Date: Page 2 of 2 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION REQUISITION FORM Supplier: ABM EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLY Ship To: HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION Requisition No. 007031 332 2ND ST NE 175 MICHIGAN ST SE HOPKINS, MN 5543-8337 HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 Phone: 952-938-5451 Phone: 320-587-4746 Fax: 952-938-0159 Fax: 320-587-4721 Item # Part Num. Description Request Date Acct # Wo # Unit Price Per Item Total 1 1 (000-00000) 02/07/2017 1073920000 51703 80,741.00 Each 80,741.00 Line Remarks: State Contract item #116754 VST -40-1 telescoping/articulating ariel platform lift with fiberglass service body. per quote# 012017-028-03 Sales Tax 5,550.94 Special Charges 0.00 Total 86, 291.94 Requisitioned By: HUNSTAD, DAVE Date: 02/07/2017 Approved By: Date: Page 1 of 1 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION REQUISITION FORM Supplier: MIDWAY FORD COMMERCIAL FLEET & B DVERNMF]UF UMN UTILITIES COMMISSION Requisition No. 007032 2777 N. SNELLING AVE 175 MICHIGAN ST SE ROSEVILLE, MN 55113 HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 Phone: 651-343-5212 Phone: 320-587-4746 Fax: Fax: 320-587-4721 Item # Part Num. Description Request Date Acct # WO # Unit Price Per Item Total 1 1 (000-00000) 02/07/2017 1073920000 51703 44,919.17 Each 44,919.17 Line Remarks: State contract bid #109281 Ford F550 4X4 super cab 84" CA DRW XL X51-1 per quote from Midway Ford. Sales Tax 0.00 Special Charges 0.00 Total 44,919.17 Requisitioned By: HUNSTAD, DAVE Date: 02/07/2017 Approved By: Date: Page 1 of 1 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION REQUISITION FORM Supplier. BASLER ELECTRIC C/O MC SALES Ship To: HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION Requisition No. 007038 12470 STATE ROUTE 143 175 MICHIGAN ST SE HIGHLAND, IL 62249-1074 HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 Phone: 608-835-5761 Phone: 320-587-4746 Fax: Fax: 320-587-4721 Item # Part Num. Description Request Date Acct # WO # Unit Price Per Item Total 1 1 (000-00000) 10/01/2017 1073440000 11702 19,970.00 Each 19,970.00 Line Remarks: EXCITER/FIELD BREAKER/VOLTAGE CONTROL SYSTEM REPLACEMENT -per QUOTE# 866658 - PAYMENT SCHEDULE 20% FOR INITIAL DRAWINGS FOR REVIEW 2 1 (000-00000) 10/01/2017 1073440000 11702 29,955.00 Each 29,955.00 Line Remarks: PAYMENT SCHEDULE 30% - FINAL DESIGN DRAWINGS 3 1 (0004)0000) 10/01/2017 1073440000 11702 49,925.00 Each 49,925.00 Line Remarks: PAYMENT SCHEDULE - 50% - EQUIPMENT ARRIVAL AT PLANT 1 Sales Tax 6,864.69 Special Charges 0.00 Total 106,714.70 Requisitioned By: BLAKE, RANDY Date: 02/14/2017 Approved By: Date: Page 1 of 1 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION REQUISITION FORM Supplier: CRYSTEEL TRUCK EQUIPMENT Ship To: HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION Requisition No. 007044 P O BOX 733 175 MICHIGAN ST SE LAKE CRYSTAL, MN 56055-073 HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 Phone: 507-726-6041 Phone: 320-587-4746 Fax: 507-726-2984 Fax: 320-587-4721 Item 9 Q Part Num. Description Request Date Acct # WO # Unit Price Per Item Total 1 1 (000-00000) 02/21/2017 1073920000 51702 12,129.21 Each 12,129.21 Line Remarks: 2017 State Bid 765-9'#116762 Quote by Bob Chicos for Tipper Box and Hoist Package to be installed on a 2017 Dodge Ram 5500. Sales Tax 833.88 Special Charges 0.00 Total 12,963.09 Requisitioned By: HUNSTAD, DAVE Date: 02/21/2017 Approved By: Date: Page 1 of 1 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION REQUISITION FORM Supplier: NELSON GMC 2228 COLLEGE WAY PO BOX 338 FERGUS FALLS, MN 56538-0338 Phone: 218-739-2283 Fax: 218-739-6021 Ship To: HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION Requisition No. 00704 175 MICHIGAN ST SE HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 Phone: 320-587-4746 Fax: 320-587-4721 Item # Q Part Num. Description Request Date Acct # WO # Unit Price Per Item Total 1 1 (000-00000) 02/21/2017 1073920000 51702 34,584.72 Each 34,584.72 Line Remarks: 2017 Dodge Ram 5500 Regular Cab 4WD 60" CA per quote#HutchinsonUt DPOL63 Sales Tax 0.00 Special Charges 0.00 Total 34, 584.72 Requisitioned By: HUNSTAD, DAVE Date: 02/21/2017 Approved By: Date: Page 1 of 1