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11-17-2016 APM+HUTCHINSON AIRPORT COMMISSION November 17, 2016 Hutchinson Municipal Airport 1700 Butler Field Dr SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 Airport Commission Minutes Members present: Cheryl Dooley, Doug McGraw, Dave Skaar, Steve Hahn, Mayor Gary Forcier Members absent: Ross Peterson Others Present: John Olson, City of Hutchinson Meeting called to order at 5:34 p.m. There was a quorum of members present. 1. Approve October 20, 2016 Minutes Motion made by Dooley, second by Hahn to approve minutes. Unanimous approval 2. Airport Commission Ross Peterson (to 09/17, second full-term) Steve Hahn (to 09/17, first partial term) Dave Skaar (to 09/18, first full-term) Cheryl Dooley (to 09/19, first full-term) Doug McGraw (to 09/21, first full-term) Gary Forcier (Council representative) Review meeting schedules & find interest forms for serving on the Airport Commission at 3. Hangars All hangars are full. See attached map. Hangar 42-7 was assigned to Joel Schwarze Tenants with more than two hangars are to be notified of the policy limiting their permission to one year, actions for these tenants will be taken at the December meeting for 2017. 4. Finance/Budget a) Airport financial statements — Report attached October 2016 (updated, unaudited) 5. Operational Issues (Open Proiects) 65.0% budget used, 83.3% of year expired a) 2014/2015 AIP Project Update (Runway, taxiway, apron rehab) — The closeout report was submitted to MnDOT Aeronautics. Timing should allow funds will be transferred prior to the end of this calendar year. If the funds are not received by yearend, the amount of receivable is known, which will make it possible to reconcile the Airport Construction Fund. b) 2017 AIP Projects To accumulate necessary FAA grant, there will be no project in 2017. c) 2018 AIP Projects Hangar site preparation project will be addressed in 2018. The proposal is to remove Hangar 41, constructing an enclosed hangar in its place. Project discussion included having an option for: 1) just constructing a tie -down ramp W of Hangar 44; or, 2) moving/constructing an open -sided hangar at that location. 6. Other Discussions & New Business a) Parachute symbol on FAA sectional maps. Working with Bolton-Menk and FAA staff, we learned that upon the next update of sectional maps, scheduled for 01/05/2017, the parachute symbol will be removed. It will also be removed from supplemental information (formerly AFD). b) Pattern altitude (800' vs. 1,000'). Working with Bolton-Menk and FAA staff, we learned there have been no changes in regulations, so there is no need to change the approach altitude, unless the airport had some specific issues. If there were issues, a contact from FAA is provided to help determine any issues. Discussions indicated there is no specific issue that would cause requiring a change to 1,000'. c) The keypad/overlay for the fuel pump was replaced. It had become faded and was difficult to read. d) Privatization of air traffic control function. The Alliance for Aviation Across America (AAAA) contacted the City encouraging the City to contact congressmen to encourage them to keep the air traffic control system under FAA. The Aircraft Owners & Pilots Association (AOPA) is also reaching out to their membership regarding this issue. There is a proposal to privatize air traffic control functions in the US, similar to what was done in Canada and some European countries. Traffic connectivity has suffered in Canada and the U.K. and the cost of their privatized systems is higher than that of the US, per flight hour. The Commission expressed interest in supporting the AAAA's stance. Even though there is not a tower in Hutchinson, there are towers at airports relatively close to Hutchinson. Traffic connectivity and higher costs could affect traffic to Hutchinson. After discussion, Olson was instructed to prepare a letter to Representative Peterson, and Senators Franken and Klobuchar encouraging them to not privatize, but to keep air traffic control operations under FAA. e) Grass fields E of private hangars, north to pond. Request was made by Paul Wright to work this area up and replant in the spring. Up to this point, Mr. Wright has been told to hold off until next spring or to cultivate and interseed. After discussion, there was seemed to be no reason why the field couldn't work it up and replanted in the spring, as the primary delay that could happen as a result of a wet spring, wouldn't cause the dust issues that could be the primary reason for not working the ground up early. f) Winter reporting. Olson reviewed the new runway condition assessment matrix, which uses a numbering scheme to indicate runway conditions. This system of reporting runway conditions will be used on NOTAMs beginning this winter season. g) Fuel filters for the Avgas systems were replaced to avoid any metals in the fuel. These filters will be changed on a regular basis, including filters in the pumps. At 6:10, a motion to adjourn was made by Dooley, second by McGraw. Unanimous approval. NEXT MEETING: Regularly scheduled meeting December 15, 2016.