10-18-2016 PCM MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday,October18, 2016 5:30 p.m. 1.CALL TO ORDER 5:32P.M. The October18, 2016 Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chair Chair HantgeCommissioner Hantgeat 5:30 p.m. Members in bold were present , Kalenberg, Commissioner Arndt, , ,Commissioner NortonCommissioner Wick Commissioner Forcier,Commissioner FaheyDan Jochum and. Also present were , Kent ExnerMarc Sebora,Andrea City Planner,, City Engineer, City Attorney,and Schwartz , City Permit Technician. 2.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3.WELCOMEING OATH OF OFFICE Jessica Forcier 4.CONSENT AGENDA A.CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES DATED September 20, 2016. Motion by Commissioner Fahey, Second by Commissioner Arndt. Motion approved. Motion to Approve –Motion to Reject 5.PUBLIC HEARINGS A.CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE OPERATION OF AN ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY IN AN R-2 ZONING DISTRICT LOCATED AT 225 SHADY RIDGE RD NW. Dan Jochum, City Planner addressed the Commission. Mr. Jochum reviewed the application as outlined in the Commission’s packets. Mr. Jochum stated the need for the permit because the facility was closedfor more than one year, the old permit had expired. There will be no physical change to interior or exterior of the building. The facility will have all licensing. Mr. Jochum showed the commissioners the issue of hard surface in the city right- of-way. The west portion of the existing parking lot will need to be returned to turf in the boulevardarea and the 5 foot setback.The existing parking lot will Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission October 18, 2016 Page 2 lose 4 parking spaces. There should still be adequate parking space for employees and visitors. Jan Sutter, 312 Connecticut St NW, Hutchinson,questioned security. She is concerned about adequate parking. If there is not enough parking in the lot are public allowed to park on the street? Dan repliedyes. Jeff Kreig 9401 TrentonLn N, Maple Grove, addressed the security issue. There is no need or issue for dedicated security. Motion by Kalenberg,second by Arndtto close hearing at 5:43p.m. Motion by Commissioner Faheyto approve with 6Staff recommendations. Second by Kalenberg. Motion approved. Item will be on City Council consent agenda on 10/25/2016. Motion to approve with staff recommendations Motion to close hearing ––Motion to reject B.CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A DRIVE THROUGH AUTOMATIC TELLER MACHINE (ATM) IN A C-4 ZONING DISTRICT LOCATED AT1060 HIGHWAY 15 S. Dan Jochum, City Planner, addressed the Commission. John Rodeberg,SEH, gave an overview of the project on behalf of Novation Credit Union. Mr. Rodebergexplained the traffic flow(south to north). There will be islands on all ends to help with traffic. Peaktraffic is Friday at noon hour. Lane is designed for 4 vehicles at a time. Commissioner Arndtaskedhow this willaffect Jay Malone Motorstent sales. This should help confine and controltraffic atthis time. Mr. Jochum reviewed the application as documented in the Commission’s packets. Mr. Jochum noted that ATM’s are allowed in a C-4 zone. The City will need to locate and have updated record of the utilities in this area. Water main is close to ATM machine. Commissioner Arndt questioned adequate parking for the mall when we have other operations going. (Garden Center, Jay Malone). Dan replied thatthere is adequate parking. The mall has more parking than they need. Commissioner Kalenbergasked if thereis any lighting Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission October 18, 2016 Page 3 Todd Brandel, 1267 Denver Ave SE, Hutchinson (Novation Representative), stated this is under a parking lot light Motion by Fahey Second by Arndt to close public hearing at 5:56 p.m. Motion by Commissioner Kalenberg to recommend approval with the Staff recommendations 1-5, Second by Commissioner Fahey. Motion approved. Item will be on City Council consent agenda 10/25/2016. Motion to close hearing — Motion to approve with staff recommendations — Motion to reject 6. NEW BUSINESS 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 8. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF A. Upcoming Meetings Dan Jochum noted that one application has been received for the November Planning Commission meeting. 9. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Commissioner Arndt, Second by Commissioner Kalenberg to adjourn at 5:58 p.m.