06-21-2016 PCM MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday,June 21, 2016 5:30 p.m. 1.CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The June 21, 2016 Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chair Hantgeat Chair Hantge 5:30 p.m. Members in bold were present , Commissioner Kirchoff, Commissioner KalenbergCommissioner Norton, Commissioner Arndt, , Commissioner Wick, CommissionerFaheyDan Jochum and. Also present were ,City Kent ExnerMarc Sebora,Kyle Dimler Planner,, City Engineer, City Attorney,and , City Building Official. 2.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3.CONSENT AGENDA A.CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES DATED MAY 17, 2016. Motion by Commissioner Arndt, Second by Commissioner Norton. Motion approved. Motion to Approve –Motion to Reject 4.PUBLIC HEARINGS A.CONSIDERATION OF A VARIANCE TO CONSTRUCT A DETACHED GARAGE IN THE FRONT YARD LOCATED AT 1011 LEWIS AVE SW. Dan Jochum, City Planner addressed the Commission. Mr. Jochum reviewed the lot and proposed garage project on the site of 1011 Lewis Ave. SW. Mr. Jochum reviewed the subject application as included in the Staff report in the Commissioners’ packets. nd Mr. Jochum noted that 4 lots along Lewis Ave. and 2Ave. SW have garages in their front yards and 3 of those 4 have obtained variances as required. Mr. Jochum reviewed the required practical difficulties in complying with the official control: 1) Reasonableness, is the use reasonable? 2) Uniqueness, is the difficulty caused by the uniqueness of the land and not the preference of the land owner? 3) Essential character, will the essential character of the locale change if the variance is granted. Staff believes that this application meets the 3-part test of practical difficulties. Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission June21, 2016 Page 2 Commissioner Arndt asked if the house on the subject lot is currently over the property line. Mr. Jochum noted that the line Commissioner Arndt was referring to is somewhat skewed due to the angle at which the aerial photo was taken. Commissioner Fahey asked if the proposed garage would be in line with other nearby garages located in front yards. Mr. Jochum indicated that it is approximately in line. Jim Christopherson, applicant addressed the Commission and noted that the proposed location of the garage would be approximately 25 feet from the house and 83 feet from the garage to the street curb. Mr. Jochum noted that the Commissioners did receive one letter from an adjoining neighbor requesting the Commission consider the author’s objection to this proposal. Chair Hantge asked if 1005 Lewis Ave. Lee Streteskyapplied 10/26/2004 variance to construct a garage in the front yard Adrian Peterson 1005 Lewis Ave. SW addressed the Commission. Ms. Peterson noted that when the garage was built on her property the owner at the time asked for input from neighboring property owners. Ms. Peterson noted her belief that her property value may be decreased by having a large garage built adjacent to her lot. Ms. Peterson noted that she is concerned that constructing numerous garages in front yard space along Lewis Ave. SW will result in a tunnelfeel. George Dostal 1014 Lewis Ave. SW. Mr. Dostal stated that he purchased his property because Lewis Ave. SW was the nicest street and town and would like to see it remain the same. Mr. Dostal noted that Lewis Ave. SW is a unique area and he would like to keep it that way. Commissioner Fahey asked Mr. Dostalif he objected to the variance in 2004. Mr. Dostal noted he did. Mr. Jochum noted Staff recommends the garage siding and roofing to match the house on the property, screening provided on south and east sides of garage, and any required moving of utilities would be solely at the owner’s expense, existing drainage patterns are not to be altered. Commissioner Wick asked if Staff would recommend a small drainage ditch on the east side of the garage. Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission June21, 2016 Page 3 Mr. Jochum noted that the applicant would be responsible to submit a proposed drainage plan. Mr. Christopherson noted that his proposed garage will be lower than the one adjacent to his. Motion by Commissioner Norton, Second by Commissioner Wick to close public hearing at 5:54p.m. Motion approved unanimously. Motion by Commissioner Norton, Second by Commissioner Hantgeto approve with staff recommended conditions. Approved unanimously. Item will be on City Council’s consent agenda next Tuesday. Motion to approve with staff recommendations Motion to close hearing ––Motion to reject B.CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONALUSE PERMIT TO REMODEL AN EXISTING OFFICE SPACE INTO A SALON IN THE C-5 CONDIDTIOANL COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICT LOCATED AT 300 HWY 7 W. Dan Jochum, City Planner addressed the Commission. Mr. Jochum reviewed the application as included in the Commission’spackets. Mr. Jochum noted that there are no exterior changes proposed to the subject building. Mr. Jochum noted Staff recommends approval with conditions 1-4 as include in the packets. Commissioner Arndt asked what the remainder of the building would be. Mr. Jochum noted it would not change from what it currently is. Motion by Commissioner Fahey, Second by Commissioner Wick to close public hearing at 5:59p.m. Motion approved unanimously. Motion by Commissioner Fahey, Second by Commissioner Wick to approve with staff recommended conditions. Approved unanimously. Item will be on City Council’s consent agenda next Tuesday. Motion to approve with staff recommendations Motion to close hearing ––Motion to reject Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission June21, 2016 Page 4 C.CONSIDERATION OF A SITE PLAN, PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT FOR AN APARTMENT BUILDING LOCATED AT 1315 MONTREAL ST SE. Dan Jochum, City Planner, addressed the Commission. Mr. Jochum introduced Chris Rayman from Koepers Development group to review the application. Mr. Rayman noted to thewest will be an out lot and to the south there will be a storm water detention pond that is ultimately planned to be returned to the City’s ownership. Mr. Rayman noted there is planned to be a green courtyard in between each of the proposed buildings on the site. Mr. Rayman noted there will be a combination of stone veneer and vinyl siding to help break up the mass of the structure. Mr. Rayman noted that construction is planned to move from the east to the west as the market drives demand. The planned color palate is to be blue/gray/beiges. Commissioner Arndt asked about planned lighting for the site. Mr. Rayman noted that the lighting will be directed downward and comply with local lighting regulations. Mr. Rayman stated that they plan to provide numerous trees and will work with the City Engineer and Forester to verify appropriate plantings. Mr. Jochum reviewed the number of units planned for each building. The buildings will be 31 feet tall and each dwelling unit will be accessed from interior hallways. Mr. Rayman noted there will be 19 garage stalls per building. Mr. Jochum noted that all setbacks appear to be met in the proposal. However, Mr. Jochum noted that there is a significant elevation difference between the subject property and the adjacent single family dwellings to the east. Staff recommends that screening trees on the easterly side of this property be place on the upper flat portion of the property rather than in the existing slope on the eastern border. Mr. Jochum also stated that Staff notes the 3:1 slope proposed is quite steep and wants to ensure the landscaping can be maintained. Commissioner Wick asked how the applicant plans to stabilize a 3:1 grade. Mr. Rayman stated the plan is to mowed grass in this location. Mr. Rayman also noted the eastern garages are broken up by stone veneer and architectural components. Chair Hantge asked who the intended market is for these apartments. Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission June21, 2016 Page 5 Mr. Rayman indicated that this development company has developments throughout the state, apartments are market rates and 20% TIF funded units. Bruce Naustdal, 1175 Dale St. SW addressed the Commission. Mr. Naustdal noted he owns property on Bradford St. SE and asked for clarification of where this proposal is located in relation to his property. Mr. Jochum reviewed the proposed location of the apartment buildings and the garages would be approximately 20’ from the easterly Motion by Commissioner Norton,second by Commissioner Wick to closepublic hearing at 6:18p.m. Mr. Jochum noted Condition 12 should include screening of the garages as well as the parking lot. Motion by Commissioner Nortonto approve with 16Staff recommended conditions, second by Commissioner Kalenberg.Motion approved unanimously. Item will be on City Council consent agenda next Tuesday. Motion to approve with staff recommendations Motion to close hearing ––Motion to reject D.CONSIDERATION OF A PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT LOCATED AT 210 HASSAN ST SE. Dan Jochum, City Planner, addressed the Commission. Mr. Jochumnoted that this application is basically a plat to formalize a lot that will allow proceeding forward with the MidCountry Bank project that the Commission has reviewed multiple times over the past several months. Motion by Commissioner Fahey, Second by Commissioner Arndt to close the public hearing at 6:21 p.m. Motion by Commissioner Fahey, Second by Commissioner Nortonto approve with staff recommended conditions. Approved unanimously will be on Council consent agenda next Tuesday evening. Motion to approve with staff recommendations Motion to close hearing ––Motion to reject Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission June21, 2016 Page 6 5. NEW BUSINESS 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. 7. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF A. Upcoming Meetings Mr. Jochum noted that Staff has received one application for a new building to be constructed on a lot on West Hwy 7 for the July Planning Commission meeting. Mr. Jochum noted that there are also some training opportunities available for Commission members who are interested. Mr. Jochum asked Commissioners to see him if they are interested. 8. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Commissioner Arndt, Second by Commissioner Wick to adjourn at 6:24 p.m.