04-19-2016 PCM MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday,April 19, 2016 5:30 p.m. 1.CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The April 19, 2016 Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Acting Chair Commissioner Nortonat 5:30p.m. Members in bold were present Chair Hantge, KirchoffCommissioner KalenbergCommissioner NortonCommissioner Arndt ,,,, Commissioner Wick , and Commissioner Fahey. Also present were Dan Jochum, City Planner, Kent Exner, City Engineer, and Kyle Dimler, City Building Official. 2.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3.CONSENT AGENDA A.CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES DATED MARCH 15, 2016. Motion by Commissioner Wick, Second by Commissioner Kalenberg to approve. Unanimous approval. Motion to Approve –Motion to Reject PUBLIC HEARINGS 4. None. 5.NEW BUSINESS A.CONSIDERATIONOF A SKETCH PLAN FOR 3, 29 UNIT APARTMENT BUILDINGS LOCATED AT 1315 MONTEAL ST SE. Dan Jochum, City Planner, addressed the Commission. Mr. Jochum noted this item is a sketch plan review which is being brought to the Commission as a sort of litmus test to determine if the proposed project has validity and itis viable for the applicant to proceed further. Mr. Jochum reviewed the proposed project as provided in the Commission’s packets. The project is a proposal of 3 29-unit apartment buildings. Mr. Jochum noted completion of the construction of Denver Ave. SE would be required as part of this project. Mr. Jochum shared that the proposed plan indicates both enclosed garage space and outdoor parking spaces. Staff noted on street parking would not be permitted Agenda Hutchinson Planning Commission April 19,2014 Page 2 on either side of Denver Ave. SE as a requirement of this project. However, complete engineeredplans for the project have not been developed at this time. Mr. Jochum noted access to the site would be off of Denver Ave. SE. Mr. Jochum stated that based upon the submitted site sketch plans, the apartments would be a nice addition to the community. Commissioner Arndt asked if there is enough sewer and water capacity in Denver Ave. City Engineer Kent Exner confirmed there is adequate service available. Mr. Jochum noted the applicant plans to seek Tax Increment Financing for the project if the site sketch plan is approved by the Commission and the City Council. Mr. Jochum noted Staff feedback was overall very positive. Obviously the parcel would need to be rezoned and there may be some requirements imposed on the project. Mr. Jochum stated that Staff recommends approval with Conditions 1 through 3. Chair Norton asked if this was an actionable item. Mr. Jochum stated he would recommend a vote by the Commission so they would be able to provide a recommendation, either positive or negative to the City Council. Commissioner Kirchoff asked if applying for T.I.F. is a lengthy process. Mr. Jochum noted the process is not typically lengthy and handled well with the City’s financial advisor who works with these processes. Commissioner Kirchoff asked thedeveloperto address the Commission and provide an overview of the proposed project. SteveKeupers, representing the developer, from Brainerd, MN addressedthe anticipatedphasingof the project. The applicant would be seeking a rezoning for the first three building lots. Phasing of building 2 is estimated to start in approximately 3 to 6 months after the completion of the first building. Applicant’s research indicates there is a need in Hutchinson for occupancy of all three buildings. The layout of each building is planned to include 2-3 bedroom units, 17-2 bedroomunits,and 10-1bedroom units in each building. The developer anticipatesapplying for T.I.F. for all three buildings and they would be applying for T.I.F. due to the required expense of building out Denver Ave. SE. Motion by Commissioner Kirchoff, Second by Commissioner Arndt to approve. Motion passed unanimously. Agenda Hutchinson Planning Commission April 19,2014 Page 3 Motion to Approve –Motion to Reject 6.UNFINISHED BUSINESS A.CONSIDERATION OF A SITE PLAN AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMT FOR MIDCOUNTRY BANK. Dan Jochum, City Planner, addressed the Commission. Mr. Jochum noted at last month’s Planning Commission this item received a 3-3 vote. The City Council tabled the item for further study and then sent the proposal back to the Planning Commission for a recommendation on Mr. Jochum noted the newly proposed alley traffic is south-bound only and there is a proposal to close traffic flow at the NW corner of Landy’s Lodge to allow recovery of some parking spaces that will be lost as part of this proposed project and relocate the Postal Office’s drop box as well as the H.U.C. electrical transformer currently in this parking area. Mr. Jochum noted the new proposal has the same number of total parking spaces available as the previous plan did. Mr. Jochum noted the largest drawback to the proposed plan is delivery truck traffic serving the Postal Office would need to travel north up the alley so they may back into the Postal Office area. However, it is notuncommon in an urban alley setting to have delivery vehicles needing to travel against normal traffic flow due to building arrangements and the Postal Office only has 2 delivery trucks per day using the alley. Mr. Jochum noted the actual drive-through design is relatively unchanged. Commissioner Arndt asked if the alley is wide enough for a passenger vehicle to move past a delivery vehicle parked in the alley. Members of the public audience who did not approach the podium, stated this would not be possible. Commissioner Norton noted that this periodic traffic condition is an existing condition as well. Commissioner Wick noted he is still concerned with exit of the drive through exiting onto Hassan with a significant increase in traffic due to the drive through. Commissioner Norton noted that at the previous Commission meeting, traffic volume was discussed but the larger issue was parking space reduction. Agenda Hutchinson Planning Commission April 19,2014 Page 4 Commissioner Wick noted he brought the issued up at the last meeting. City Engineer, Kent Exner, noted that from the beginningof the this project’s nd proposal, Staff did not want to direct traffic onto 2Ave. due to stacking issues. nd Mr. Exner also noted due to the proximity of the egress to the intersection of 2 Ave. SE and Hassan St. SE there isn’t a probability to have a stacking issue with the proposed egress. Due to all of the site considerations, this proposal is the best option available in Staff’s opinion. Mr. Exner noted that if any traffic issues due arise, Staff will review the issuesas they arise. Commissioner Wick noted his concern with losing downtown public parking and is having a difficult time accepting the loss of the spaces knowing the need for them. Mr. Exner noted that this plan maintains the current number of public parking spaces. Mr. Jochum noted that the affected area is all zoned commercially so the traffic flow is expected in this area, even though there are residential uses in the commercial district currently. Trevor Johnson of Victoria, MN representing MidCountryBank, noted that in recent history the bank’s traffic flow has been decreasing and they anticipate that trend to continue as fewer and fewer customers come to the physical bank. Mr. Jochum noted 144 per day to 278 per day visitors to the south MidCountry Bank in March and April of 2014 were documented in a traffic study the City performed. Commissioner Kirchoff asked for clarification on an agreement with the Post Office to relocate their drop box. Mr. Jochum shared that he had conversations with the Postal Office staff and they were generally accepting of the change and he had asked them to provide a response to the proposal by Tuesday, April 26, 2016. Further, if the Postal Office is opposed to the proposal the City may proceed with requiring a reviewof the drive through area which requires a Conditional Use Permit by ordinance and there are already stacking conditions with the drop off where it is. Commissioner Arndt asked if the curb line of the proposed parking lot could be moved to the east to increase traffic passing ability in the alley. Mr. Exner noted the proposed plan is designed due to alignment of the existing buildings and needed traffic flow for snow removal. Agenda Hutchinson Planning Commission April 19,2014 Page 5 DavidLarson, 227 Main St. Hutchinson, addressed the Commission andasked where the stacking occurs now. Mr. Larson also noted that stacking from the placement of the Post Office drop box could impact traffic flow in the alley. Mr. Jochum noted the City requires 80 feet of stacking area. The current location rd of the drop box causes stacking that impedes 3Ave. SE. Commissioner Kirchoff asked for a review of the proposed Staff Conditions. Mr. Jochum reviewed the proposed conditions included in the Commission’s packets. Ben Schwarzrock,221 Main St. Hutchinson, asked if there would be a possibility of getting 15-minute parking signs on parking spaces behind Benny’s Meat Market. Mr. Exner stated from a Staff recommendation standpoint, based on public safety and enforcement concerns,the Citywould not recommend any time limited parking spaces. Motion by Commissioner Krichoff, Second by Commissioner Arndt to approve with Staff recommendations 1 through 7. Commissioner Kirchoff Aye, Commissioner Norton Aye, Commissioner Arndt Aye, Commissioner Wick Nay, and Commissioner Kalenberg Nay. Motion approved, item will not be on City Council’s consent agenda April 26, 2016. Motion to Approve –Motion to Reject 7.COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF A.Upcoming Meetings Mr. Jochum noted there are several applications that are expected to be submitted for the May Planning Commission meeting. Commissioner Norton asked if there had been any progress on the apartment development in the Century Court area. Mr. Jochum that Staff has not received any communication from the developer in over 6 months. 8.ADJOURNMENT Agenda Hutchinson Planning Commission April 19, 2014 Page 6 Motion by Commissioner Arndt, Second by Commissioner Kirchoff to adjourn at 6:28 p.m. Motion approved unanimously.