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July 21, 2016
Hutchinson Municipal Airport
1700 Butler Field Dr SW
Hutchinson, MN 55350
Airport Commission Minutes
Members present: Cheryl Dooley, Dave Skaar, Steve Hahn, Mayor Gary Forcier (Council Representative)
Members absent: Dick Freeman, Ross Peterson
Others Present: John Olson, City of Hutchinson; Tom Ashenfelter, ASI; Others present: Jason Malecha, Bolton &
Menk, Inc.
Meeting called to order at 5:33 p.m. There was a quorum of members present.
1. Approve May 19, 2016 Minutes
Motion made by Dooley, second by Hahn to approve minutes. Unanimous approval
2. Airport Commission
Ross Peterson (to 09/17, second full -tern) Steve Hahn (to 09/17, first partial term)
Dick Freeman (to 09/18, second full -tern) Dave Skaar (to 09/18, fust full -tern)
Cheryl Dooley (to 09/19, fust full -tern) Gary Forcier (Council representative)
Review meeting schedules & find interest forms for serving on the Airport Commission at
Commissioners were reminded to start thinking about who could fill Ross Peterson's seat this fall. Ross is
on his second full term and must take a "break" before serving again. Olson indicated he could do another
email to tenants, as the date approaches.
Please note that the scheduled meeting for August will be on August 25, instead of August 18, due to staff
3. Hangars
See attached map. Temporary tenants from Litchfield who moved down for the paving project at their
airport have moved back to Litchfield. There is a new tenant, Steve Goldman, and a packet was sent out to
another prospective tenant, so at this time, only one open -sided hangar is available. It is understood that
Steve Walling (#2-7) has sold his aircraft. Olson will contact him regarding his intent, so Hangar #2-7 may
become available, if Mr. Walling's does not intend to replace his aircraft.
4. Finance/Budget
a) Airport financial statements — Report attached
• June 2016 (updated, unaudited) 39.5% budget used, 50.0% of year expired
• Olson reported that the City will be receiving approximately $27,000 from the Airport
Maintenance & Operation grant. The reporting period of 07/01/15 — 03/31/16 has been
submitted to -date.
5. Operational Issues (Oven Proiects)
a) 2013 AIP Project Update (Master Plan, ALP Update) — This project is complete. Final payment
has been received. Mr. Malecha reported that MnDOT Aeronautics has submitted their comments,
with not significant revisions to the Master Plan/ALP update. To -date, FAA has not submitted their
comments. Olson reported the project has been closed, so if any of the MnDOT or FAA comments
result in work done by the consultant, these charges would be paid for directly from the Airport
b) 2014/2015 AIP Project Update (Runway, taxiway, apron rehab) — Status of the 2015 project
(construction). Reseeding in the areas adjacent to the runway/taxiway was completed. Contractor and
consultant are working on final expenditures for the project. The final contractor invoice is expected
to be approved for payment at the July 26 or August 9 City Council meeting. The closeout report is
anticipated to be completed later this year, with final closure anticipated before year end.
c) 2016/2017 AIP Projects
Malecha reported recent communication regarding the status of funds from MnDOT Aeronautics
indicates that it may be possible that MnDOT will have some money available for projects in the
remainder of the 2017 fiscal year. This is possible, since some of the bids for airport construction
projects are coming in below estimates.
Olson is working on soliciting quotes from applicators to do a pavement sealing project, at least on the
runway, in calendar year 2016. The project would include application of Replay® agricultural oil
sealer on the runway (and perhaps other areas, if funding permits). This is the same product the City's
been using on street projects for the last 5 years with success. The goal of this effort is to have a
project on the shelf and ready to go should funding from MnDOT become available, which would
increase the likelihood of obtaining a grant.
6. Other Discussions & New Business
a) Staffing. Public Works will be adding a full-time employee to replace Larry Botzet, who retired at the
end of May. It is anticipated this position will be filled in late August or early September. Meanwhile,
mowing has been being done by Kevin Olson, who sometimes operates a power parachute from the
airport. Kevin has done a great job of maintaining the airport. Commissioners were encouraged to
thank Kevin for his work.
b) Crack sealing. A crack sealing project will be conducted in the area around Hangar 4 (north end of the
airport). New cracks will be routed & sealed. Existing crack fill material will be over -banded.
Depending upon the cost of that work; the entrance road, main parking area, and south hangars may
also be considered for crack sealing this season.
c) Update on cost of push-button locks for the A/D building. It is estimated the cost to install push-button
electric locks with a key pad for the A/D building would be in the range of $2,200 - $3,000, depending
upon the complexity of the key pad and how it ends up being programmed. The consensus of the
Airport Commission is to defer this project.
d) The smaller of the two Air Conditioning condensers will be replaced and moved to another location to
keep it further away from the door and thereby reduce the likelihood of deterioration from ice control
e) An LED light will be installed on the existing ramp light pole to provide some illumination for the
parking area between the CAP building and Hangar # 1720.
f) City staff is working on options to prevent water from entering the AD building during significant
rain/wind events. The assumption at this point is that it is coming from the area between the building
and curb on the ramp -side of the building. One potential option being looked into would be to install
concrete across the top of the curb area that is angled sharply out toward the ramp.
g) Staff is planning to have concrete and a catch basin near the AD building repaired later this season.
h) The Civil Air Patrol will be hosting a search/rescue exercise on August 6 and 7. Several CAP aircraft
will be on hand and will require fuel. Energy-efficient windows for the CAP building are being
proposed. Apparently, price quotes for replacing the windows have been obtained, so the squadron
will be putting together a letter to the City to have the cost of windows paid up -front by the City, with
a long-term payment being made by CAP to repay the cost of installing the windows.
i) Historic Hutchinson will be hosting a gala event at the airport on August 27. The event is scheduled
from 11:00 to 3:00. The Commemorative Air Force will be bringing in WW2 era aircraft, the Cogley
Sisters will be performing `40s era music and efforts are being made to invite WW2 veterans to speak
about their experiences. Airport tenants will be encouraged to display their aircraft for the event.
j) On September 24, the Flying Cloud air tour will be making Hutchinson their first stop on a poker run.
40-50 aircraft are expected, along with around 100 people. It should take around an hour to cycle the
aircraft through, beginning around 9:00 to 9:15 that morning. September 25 is the rain date.
At 6:00, a motion to adjourn was made by Dooley, second by Hahn. Unanimous approval.
NEXT MEETING: Regularly scheduled meeting August 25, 2016.