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August 25, 2016
Hutchinson Municipal Airport
1700 Butler Field Dr SW
Hutchinson, MN 55350
Airport Commission Minutes
Members present: Cheryl Dooley, Dick Freeman, Dave Skaar, Steve Hahn,
Mayor Gary Forcier (Council Representative)
Members absent: Ross Peterson
Others Present: John Olson, City of Hutchinson; Tom Ashenfelter, ASI.
Meeting called to order at 5:38 p.m. There was a quorum of members present.
1. Approve July 21, 2016 Minutes
Motion made by Dooley, second by Hahn to approve minutes. Unanimous approval
2. Airport Commission
Ross Peterson (to 09/17, second full -tern) Steve Hahn (to 09/17, first partial term)
Dick Freeman (to 09/18, second full -tern) Dave Skaar (to 09/18, fust full -tern)
Cheryl Dooley (to 09/19, fust full -tern) Gary Forcier (Council representative)
Review meeting schedules & find interest forms for serving on the Airport Commission at
It was noted that Peterson's and Hahn's terms will be ending next fall. Previous communication had
indicated Peterson's term would end this fall, but after the terms of the Commissioners changed, Peterson's
term was adjusted to 2017.
Dick Freeman announced his resignation. He has moved to Anoka, making his regular attendance at
meetings difficult. Discussions were held regarding potential replacements for Mr. Freeman.
3. Hangars
All hangars are full
4. Finance/Budget
a) Airport financial statements — Report attached
• July 2016 (updated, unaudited) 43.5% budget used, 58.3% of year expired. It was noted the
City had received approximately $27,000 under the Maintenance & Operations grant. At this
point, that amount generally represents the amount of surplus revenue through July. There are
several ongoing and anticipated repairs that will need to be made yet this year, weather
permitting, so it appears likely that airport operations will come in below budgeted levels for
5. Operational Issues (Open Proiects)
a) 2014/2015 AIP Project Update (Runway, taxiway, apron rehab) — Olson reported that final
expenditures for the contractor were paid at the August 23, 2016 City Council meeting. There is one
final billing due yet from the Engineer. Once the final billing from the Engineer is received and paid,
the final credit application and closeout report will be sent in. This is anticipated to be completed in
late September or early October.
The goal is to close this job before the end of this calendar year, so an accounting can be done of the
Airport Construction Fund without an outstanding grant carrying over to 2017.
b) 2016/2017 AIP Projects
Recent communication regarding the status of funds from MnDOT Aeronautics indicated there are not
yet funds available. It still may be possible that some funds will be freed up, however, because of
good bids being received on a number of airport projects throughout the state. Based on that, a
pavement sealing project was prepared for the runway for late 2016. This project would be done only
if MnDOT funds were to become available. Otherwise, three years after construction, it is possible to
do pavement sealing projects using FAA funds.
c) MnDOT Aeronautics Projects
MnDOT Aeronautics has informed airports of what they are planning for with regard to their
percentage contributions to various airport projects. The proposed rates are attached. Of particular
note is the fact that MnDOT is planning to continue offering a 5% match on 90/10 FAA projects. This
is significant, since these projects are usually larger in scope and the City's match goes from 10%
down to 5% of total costs.
6. Other Discussions & New Business
a) It was noted that a Cessna 172 will be available through ASI Jet as an aircraft for flight instruction and
b) Swing Beneath the Wings event scheduled for this weekend. Discussions were held regarding
preparations for the event. The City will have a trailer with cones and caution tape available should
there need to be additional traffic control needs for the event. Re/Max realty is intending to have a hot-
air balloon on site, but that is dependent upon winds on Saturday.
c) Crack sealing. A crack sealing project in the area around Hangar 4 (north end of the airport) was
d) Concrete repair by main entrance to A/D building is underway.
At 6:05, a motion to adjourn was made by Freeman, second by Dooley. Unanimous approval.
NEXT MEETING: Regularly scheduled meeting September 15, 2016.