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September 15, 2016
Hutchinson Municipal Airport
1700 Butler Field Dr SW
Hutchinson, MN 55350
Airport Commission Meeting Notes
Members present: Dave Skaar, Mayor Gary Forcier (Council Representative)
Members absent: Cheryl Dooley, Dick Freeman, Steve Hahn, Ross Peterson
Others Present: John Olson, City of Hutchinson
Meeting called to order at 5:35 p.m. There was a not quorum of members present.
1. Approve August 25, 2016 Minutes
Due to lack of quorum, no motion was made to approve minutes.
2. Airport Commission
Ross Peterson (to 09/17, second full -tern) Steve Hahn (to 09/17, first partial term)
Dick Freeman (to 09/18, second full -tern) Dave Skaar (to 09/18, fust full -tern)
Cheryl Dooley (to 09/19, fust full -tern) Gary Forcier (Council representative)
Review meeting schedules & find interest forms for serving on the Airport Commission at
3. Hangars
4. FinanceBudut
All hangars are full
a) Airport financial statements — Report attached
August 2016 (updated, unaudited report was handed out) 59.8% budget used, 66.7% of year
5. Operational Issues (Open Proiects)
a) 2014/2015 AIP Project Update (Runway, taxiway, apron rehab) —Once the final billing from the
Engineer is received and paid, the closeout report will be sent in. This is anticipated to be completed
in late September or early October. The job should be closed before the end of this calendar year.
b) 2016/2017 AIP Projects
Recent communication from MnDOT Aeronautics again indicated no funds being available, and it is
while still a remote possibility some funds could be freed up. Since it's getting late in the season, it's
likely there will be no runway sealing project for 2016. This project could be done in the near future
using NInDOT funds, or, in 2018, sealing can be done using FAA funds.
c) Capital Improvement Plan
Each fall, the Airport is required to submit a capital improvement plan. Currently, the capital
improvement plan has identified three major projects for the upcoming years, including:
a) Pavement sealing.
b) Hangar site preparation and hangar construction.
c) Construction of a taxilane that would provide for additional private hangar structures.
Regarding the hangar site preparation and construction, based upon discussion, the option to construct
an enclosed hangar at the site of the current Hangar 1, and move the open -sided hangar to a site west of
Hangar 4 will be considered, as this would add additional enclosed hangar space while still allowing
for continued use of the open -sided hangar.
6. Other Discussions & New Business
a) Bob Wendolek memorial service being held on Friday.
b) Crack sealing. A crack sealing project for the area around Hangars 1 & 2 (south end of the airport) is
being planned, provided funding is available.
c) Additional concrete repair by the A/D building and maintenance hangar is proposed for in the very
near future. This will involve raising slabs using polyfoam.
NEXT MEETING: Regularly scheduled meeting October 20, 2016.