09-16-1976 CCMMINUTES
The meeting was called to order at 7:15 A.M. by Mayor D. J. Black. Those
present were Mayor Black, Aldermen Westlund, Haag, and K. Peterson. Also
present was Administrative Assistant Fleetham. Alderman Bruce Peterson ar-
rived at 8:00 A.M. Alderman Paul Haag left the meeting at 9:55 A.M.
1. The Administrative Assistant reviewed the Mayor and Council portion of
the budget with the Council. Comment regarding the travel portion was
made regarding that the Mayor will not be serving on as many committees
as in the previous year.
2. The Administrative Assistant presented the Administrative Assistant's
portion of the budget and reviewed the inclusion of Hazel Sitz as Per-
sonnel Coordinator and an income that offset the majority of her salary.
It was also pointed out that the title of Administrative Assistant's
Secretary placement in the budget was confusing. The Administrative
Assistant said he would correct this on the final draft.
3. In reviewing the elections portion, the Mayor raised the question, and
it was the consensus of the Council that possibly there was overstaffing
of election judges at the primary. The Administrative Assistant was in-
structed to reevaluate the number of people needed for elections in the
4. The City Clerk's portion of the budget was reviewed along with the modi-
fication of positions and the resulting staffing. The leasing of a copy
machine with more capabilities was discussed and included in the rental
portion of the budget.
5. Motor Vehicle - The Administrative Assistant quickly reviewed the Motor
Vehicle Department. Upon the question as to when Dorothy Smith would be
moving over to Motor Vehicle, it was related that possibly the first or
second week in October the change would take place.
6. Assessing Department - Inasmuch as this portion was recently reviewed by
Council, no additional comments were made.
7. In reviewing the City Attorney portion of the budget, it was the consen-
sus of the Council that compensation for attorney was adequate at this
8. Debt Service - The debt service requirements for the City were reviewed.
Upon a question of why there was no airport revenue bond payments in the
1976 budget, the Administrative Assistant replied that due to the shorten-
ing of the nine month year, the payment comes after the first of the year
Council Minutes -
Special Meeting - September 16, 1976
and doesn't fall until the 1977 budget.
He noted increase in the contract for deed for the Satterlee property.
9. Unallocated General Expense - Upon question of Alderman Westlund, the
Administrative Assistant stated that the reason for the grouping of in-
surance and pension within unallocated was due to the lack of capability
of the present financial system to allocate these costs back to their
respective departments. A utilization of the contingency fund as re-
source for potential salary increases at the beginning of the fiscal year
was discussed. Upon question of the $7,000 for payment of the Armory,
it was noted that this is for the new National Guard Armory and not the
"Old" Armory which the City purchased last year.
10. The Administrative Assistant discussed the income portion of the budget
and the City's greater reliance upon inter -governmental revenue to
finance our operations. The Mayor commented on the recent passage by
the Senate of the Revenue Sharing Bill for future use.
Alderman Paul Haag complimented the Administrative Assistant Fleetham
on what he felt was an excellent budget. Mayor Black echoed those com-
ments. Alderman Ralph Westlund stated that he was quite pleased and re-
marked that the budget format and presentation has saved a number of
The Mayor remarked that it was his belief that the only area in which he
thought a deletion could be made would be for an informational sign in
the Park Department's budget. Consensus of the Council was that the
$3,500 proposed appropriation for the sign be transferred to the contin-
gency portion of the budget.
It was the consensus of the Council that the Administrative Assistant
prepare resolutions for the September 28 meeting. It was moved by Alder-
man K. Peterson, seconded by Alderman Westlund, that staff be authorized
to advertise for a public hearing to be held at the September 28 meeting
of the City Council for formal adoption of the budget. Motion was unan-
imously approved.
The Mayor reminded the City Administrative Assistant to contact the Direc-
tor of the Hospital and Director of the Burns Manor Nursing Home to re-
ceive a resolution from those bodies stating that a tax levy would not be
needed to meet their operating expenses.
11. It was moved by Alderman Haag, seconded by Alderman K. Peterson, with
the advice of the City Attorney, it be therefore moved that the firm of
Donald Peterson Construction be awarded the contract to perform repairs
upon the library roof. Vote on the motion was unanimous.
Council Minutes
Special Meeting - September 16, 1976
12. Mr. Jeff Green and Mr. John Geiss of Hutchinson Industrial, City Engineer
Marlow Priebe, City Attorney Buzz Schantzen, and Attorney Neil Jensen
representing the Hutchinson Industrial Corporation, joined the meeting.
Mr. Neil Jensen called upon Mr. John Geiss for a presentation. Mr. Geiss
presented his view of the previous actions of the staff and the City Coun-
cil. He stated that he felt Hutchinson Industrial Corporation might be
being discriminated against. He objected to the two areas of the Muni-
cipal staff's recommendation: (a) that Hutchinson Industrial Corporation
be required to pay 100% of assessments for improvement on the required
easements from East Highland Drive to the East property line; and (b)
he objected to the suggested date of September 1, 1977 for all paving
to be completed. However, he did state that he felt that Hutchinson In-
dustrial Corporation should be in compliance, and with all City ordinances
and it should be treated the same as anyone else.
Mr. Neil Jensen summarized his position and that of the Hutchinson Indus-
trial Corporation in that all things should be approved, with the excep-
tion of their two objections.
The Mayor responded, pointing out the requirements of our ordinances and
the fact it was his view that Hutchinson Industrial Corporation's action
would benefit them and therefore, they should be prepared to meet our re-
Mr. John Geiss and Mr. Jensen responded in partial agreement. Mr. Geiss
made the contention that the needed easement for an east -west road or
sewer extension would be required for improvement of the property east
of his.
It was the contention of the staff that such cause of such easements need
would have developed because of his previous development and the possibility
of an east -west road to provide access to Hutchinson Industrial.
Alderman Westlund questioned the City Attorney as to the need of continued
dedication of East Highland Drive and whether or not an easement would pos-
sibly serve a purpose.
The City Attorney responded that it was his contention that such a need
would be needed, but it was suggested that Hutchinson Industrial might pur-
sue this with the Trustees of the Revenue Bond if they thought they could
possibly get a release from them.
Mr. Geiss said he did not feel it was necessary to undergo that expense
at this time.
The City Attorney also suggested that in lieu of the right-of-way on East
Highland that the Hutchinson Industrial Corporation might dedicate the new
road coming in from the north.
Council Minutes
Special Meeting - September 16, 1976
Mr. Geiss did not return an answer to that suggestion nor did his counsel.
The discussion of the necessary easement for utility purposes continued,
and the Mayor pointed out that the assessment for the extension of water
and sewer services for the Farmers Elevator and Co-op was a similar case.
After a brief response from Mr. Geiss, Alderman K. Peterson also called
attention to that assessment of abutting property to finance part of the
project to serve Farmers Elevator.
City Engineer Priebe diagramed the possible water and sewer and street
extension and estimated this cost.
Mayor Black emphasized that the staff was operating strictly in support
of the City ordinances, stated policies, and practices. There was a
brief discussion on the requirement for the paving of the parking lot
and access drive. It was related that this is not a requirement neces-
sarily of the plat, or the zoning, but rather a stipulation in any build-
ing permit.
In conclusion, Mr. John Geiss and Mr. Neil Jensen both stated that it was
the intention of the Hutchinson Industrial Corporation to conform with
all ordinances, policies and practices of the City of Hutchinson.
It was then moved by Alderman Ralph Westlund, seconded by Alderman Kay
Peterson, to waive first reading of Ordinance No. 21/76 entitled An Ordi-
nance to Vacate a Portion of Hackberry Avenue in Ahren's Highland Park
Subdivision and set second reading for September 28. The motion carried
unanimously. Alderman Haag had already left the meeting.
It was moved by Alderman Ralph Westlund, seconded by Alderman Kay Peter-
son, to waive reading of Ordinance No. 20/76 entitled An Ordinance Amend-
ing Ordinance No. 464 Concerning Zoning Regulations in the City of Hutch-
inson and the Official Zoning Map and set second reading for September 28.
Motion carried unanimously. Alderman Haag had already left the meeting.
It was moved by Alderman Ralph Westlund, seconded by Alderman Kay Peter-
son, to approve the Preliminary Plat First Addition as presented. Motion
carried unanimously. Alderman Haag had already left the meeting.
13. It was moved by Alderman Kay Peterson, seconded by Alderman Ralph West-
lund, that the meeting be adjourned at approximately 10:00 A.M.