09-01-1976 CCMMINUTES
1. The meeting was called to order at 8:03 A.M. by Mayor Black with
the following members present: Alderman Westlund, B. Peterson,
Haag and K. Peterson in addition to Mayor Black. Members absent
were none. Also present were: Administrative Assistant Fleetham
and City Engineer Priebe.
2. Administrative Assistant Fleetham reviewed his budget letter,
financial schedules, and other data relating to the proposed 1977
budget. Following his presentation, it was moved by Alderman Haag,
seconded by Alderman K. Peterson, to set the first budget meeting
for 7:00 A.M. Wednesday, September 8, 1976 with said meeting to
conclude at 9:00 A.M. Motion carried unanimously.
3. It was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman K. Peterson
to authorize submission of a preapplication for a request for
reservation of funds for rehabilitation assistance through section
312 of HUD. Motion carried unanimously.
4. It was moved by Alderman K. Peterson, seconded by Alderman Haag, to
authorize submission of an application for an IPA Grant for fiscal
year 1977. Motion carried unanimously.
5. The City Engineer discussed a proposed alternative source of materials
for the Bridge Approaches and the method of replacing those materials
in the future. It was then moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by
Alderman B. Peterson to reject all bids received on August 24, 1976
for the Bridge Approaches. Motion carried unanimously.
6. After discussion, it was moved by Alderman K. Peterson, seconded by
Alderman Westlund to authorize publication of the advertisement for
bids for Bridge Approach Fill to be opened at 2:30 P.M. on Tuesday,
September 14, 1976. Motion carried unanimously.
7. After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by
Alderman Haag to confirm the employment of Jeff McKay, Karen Fuchs,
and Jewell Orr. Motion carried unanimously.
8. Alderman Haag raised some questions regarding the proposed Family
Center building, the contractors, suppliers, and pledge funding.
Alderman Westlund and City Engineer Priebe attempted to answer
Alderman Haag's questions.
9. There being no further business to come before the Council, the
meeting was declared adjourned at 8:59 A.M. on motion by Alderman
K. Peterson, seconded by Alderman B. Peterson and carried unanimously.