08-10-1976 CCMMINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1976. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Black called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Aldermen Westlund, B. Peterson, Haag, and K. Peterson in addition to Mayor Black. Members absent were: None Also present were: Administrative Assistant Fleetham, City Engineer Priebe, City Attorney Schantzen, and Community Development Director Pauley. 2. INVOCATION Due to the absense of Reverend Thor Skeie, the invocation was dispensed with. 3. MINUTES On motion by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman Haag, the minutes of the regular meeting of July 27, 1976 were unanimously approved. 4. PUBLIC HEARING 8:00 P.M. - CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 64 At 8:02 P.M. Mayor Black called to order the Public Hearing on proposed Assessment Roll No. 64 with the reading of Publication No. 1827. Mayor Black then summarized why they were being assessed and the method of assessment. He further stated that Minnesota Statutes, Laws of 1974, Chapter 206, provides for tax deferral for Senior Citizens (hardship cases). The individual must be at least 65 years of age and payments would cause a hardship. The following were present and made inquiries regarding proposed Assessment Roll No. 64. Larry Merrick q6 Fourth Avenue, N.W. Harlow Plath 198 Fourth Avenue, N.W. Art Radunz, Owner 284 Fourth Avenue, N.W. Emil Wilke 109 Third Avenue, N.W. Stated his father had been assessed - for storm sewer in 1951 when Highway 7 was developed and inquired if one parcel of property can be assessed twice for the same type of project. - Stated his property had already been assessed once for storm sewer - Stated that the previous owner of said property had been assessed for storm sewer in 1951 - Stated that the payment of said assessment would be an extreme hardship 3 Council minutes, August 10, 1976 Frieda Mayer 115 Third Avenue, N.W. Diane Krienke 187 Third Avenue, N.W. - Stated that payment of said assessment would be an extreme hardship - Stated that the storm sewer did not due any good during the last rain storms After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Haag, seconded by Alderman Westlund, to continue the hearing to the regular meeting of August 24, 1976, to allow the staff to research the question of previous assessment for storm sewer. Motion carried unanimously. 5. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS, AND PETITIONS (a) CONSIDERATION OF PETITION REQUESTING REFERENDUM ON GIFT OF HOCKEY ARENA TO CITY City Attorney Schantzen reviewed the Opinion received from the Attorney General regarding such requests made by the Citizens. He further stated that the opinion stated that the City Council cannot delegate the authority vested in them by the Citizens back to the Citizens in a matter such as this. Mr. Audley Jorgenson restated the need for a referendum. After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman B. Peterson, to deny the request for referendum. Motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION OF PETITION REQUESTING BARRICADE ACROSS THE NORTH END OF EAST HIGHLAND PARK DRIVE If was the concensus of the Council that no action be taken until the development plans of Hutchinson Industrial Corporation are finalized and reviewed. 6. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES (a) RESOLUTION NO. 5758 - ADOPTING RESIDENTIAL TREE REMOVAL SUBSIDY PROGRAM After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman B. Peterson, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 5758, entitled, Adopting Residential Tree Removal Subsidy Program. Motion carried unanimously. (b) ORDINANCE NO. 18-76 - AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF SHADE TREE DISEASE AND COLLECTION OF COSTS OF SUCH WORK OR SERVICES AS A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AGAINST BENEFITED PROPERTY After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Haag, seconded by Alderman K. Peterson, to waive first reading and set second reading for August 24, 1976 of Ordinance No. 18-76, entitled, An Ordinance Providing for Prevention and Control of Shade - 2 - Council minutes, August 10, 1976 Tree Disease and the Collection of the costs of such work or services as a Special Assessment Against Benefited Property. Motion carried unanimously. (c) RESOLUTION NO. 5760 - SETTING DATE, TIME, PLACE LOCATIONS AND APPOINTMENT OF JUDGES FOR STATE PRIMARY ELECTION After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman B. Peterson, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 5760, entitled, Setting Date, Time, Place Locations and Appointment of Judges for State Primary Election. Motion carried unanimously. Upon question by Mayor Black Administrative Assistant Fleetham stated that neither political party nor the County Auditor have suggested judges. 7. REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS (a) MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT - JULY 1976 ` There being no discussion, the report was ordered by the Mayor received for filing. (b) BUILDING OFFICIAL'S MONTHLY REPORT - JULY 1976 There being no discussion, the report was ordered by the Mayor received for filing. (c) MINUTES OF THE NURSING HOME BOARD MEETING DATED JULY 15, 1976 There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor received for filing. (d) REPORT OF UTILITIES COMMISSION REGARDING RATES EFFECTIVE FOR QUARTER ENDED JUNE 30, 1976 There being no discussion, the report was ordered by the Mayor received for filing. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None at this time 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF ENTERING AGREEMENT WITH C.R.S. AND ASSOCIATES TO PREPARE A HOUSING STUDY FOR THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON Community Development Director reviewed the contents of the study and stated the Community Development Advisory Committee would the advisory committee. After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman Haag, to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to enter agreement with C.R.S. & Associates to prepare a housing study for the City of Hutchinson. Motion carried unanimously. - 3 - Council minutes, August 10, 1976 (b) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ICE RINK ON ST. ANASTASIA CHURCH GROUNDS Mr. Jim Schoederl representing the Knights of Columbus and the Church as present and summarized the proposal submitted by them. City Engineer Priebe presented a drawing of the property and possible problems. After discussion, it was the concensus of the Council that such a joint venture would be favorable if feasible. Mayor Black then directed City Engineer Priebe and Street Superintendent Roberts to work with Mr. Schoederl to prepare a definite proposal. It was then moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman K. Peterson to defer consideration until the regular meeting of August 24, 1976. Motion carried unanimously. (c) APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. LIBRARY BOARD Mayor Black then reappointed Ralph Bergstrom, Earl Schmidt and Sally Cone to the Library Board for a full three year term upon Council ratification. It was them moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman K. Peterson to ratify said appointments. Motion carried unanimously. (d) CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSALS FOR LEASE OF FARMLAND NEAR AIRPORT (EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 116N, RANGE 30 WEST) Alderman Haag stated that it is the recommendation of the Airport Commission, upon reviewing the bids received, that the 3 year bid submitted by Mr. Grant Knutson be accepted. It was then moved by Alderman Haag, seconded by Alderman B. Peterson that the 3 year bid of Mr. Grant Knutson be accepted. Motion carried unanimously. (e) CONSIDERATION OF BIDS FOR PICNIC SHELTER RESTROOM FACILITY AND SEPARTATE RESTROOM FACILITY AT WEST RIVER PARK CAMPGROUNDS Administrative Assistant Fleetham stated it was the recommendation of the Staff that the bid of Miller, Miller, 9 Mac in the amount of $29,500 be accepted. It was then moved by Alderman B. Peterson, seconded by Alderman K. Peterson to accepted the bid of Miller, Miller, 6 Mac for the construction of Picnic Shelter/Restroom Facility and Separate Restroom Facility at West River Park Camp- grounds in the amount of $29,500. Motion carried unanimously. - 4 - Council minutes, August 10, 1976 (f) CONSIDERATION OF BIDS FOR REHABILITATION OF HOUSE AT WEST RIVER PARK CAMPGOUNDS It was the concensus of the Council to defer consideration of bids until the regular meeting of August 24, 1976 to allow for further review of the bids. (g) CONSIDERATION OF BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PUMP HOUSE FOR WELL NO. 3, HUTCHINSON WATER PLANT It was the concensus of the Council to defer consideration of bids until the regular meeting of August 24, 1976 to allow for further review of the bids. (h) CONSIDERATION OF BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF COLD STORAGE BUILDING AT HUTCHINSON MUNICIPAL SERVICES CENTER It was the concensus of the Council to defer consideration of bids until the regular meeting of August 24, 1976 to allow for further review of the bids. (i) CONSIDERATION OF PUBLIC FACILITIES STUDY Administrative Assistant Fleetham gave a summary of the contents of the Study, the length of time involved, and the approximate cost. After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman K. Peterson, to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to enter agreement with Toltz, King, Duvall, Anderson, 6 Associates, Inc. Inc. to prepare a Public Facilities Study for the City of Hutchinson. Motion carried unanimously. (j) CONSIDERATION OF DELINQUENT WATER ACCOUNTS Delinquent Water Account No. 5-0180-0-00, Christy's, 18 North Main Street, in the amount of $53.97, was reviewed. There being no one present to be heard or to show cause why services should not be discontinued, the services were ordered discontinued immediately on motion by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman Haag and carried unanimously. Delinquent Water Account No. 6-0070-0-00, Jon A. Holmquist, 550 South Main Street, in the amount of $33.19, was reviewed. There being no one present to be heard or to show cause why services should not be discontinued, the services were ordered discontinued immediately on motion by Alderman Haag, seconded by Alderman Westlund and carried unanimously. Delinquent Water Account No. 8-0840-0-00, Luvern Schneider, 26 Grove Street South, in the amount of $21.22, was reviewed. There being no one present to be heard or to show cause why services should not be discontinued, the services were ordered disconnected immediately on motion by Alderman K. Peterson, seconded by Alderman Haag and carried unanimously. - 5 - Council minutes, August 2 1976 (k)'.CONSIDERATION OF ADVERTISING FOR BIDS FOR REPAIR OF LIBRARY ROOF After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman Haag, to authorize publication of the advertisement for bids 'with bids to be opened Tuesday August 24, 1976 during the course of the meeting. Motion carried unanimously. (1) CONSIDERATION OF BIDS - LETTING NO. 6 City Engineer Priebe stated that the bids had been reviewed and recommended that the contract be awarded to Juul Contracting Co. of Hutchinson, Minnesota. After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman K. Peterson, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 5761, entitled, Resolution Accepting Bid - Luting No. 6. Motion carried unanimously. (m) CONSIDERATION OF BIDS - LETTING NO. 7 City Engineer Priebe stated that the bid had been reviewed and recommended that the contract be awarded to Gilbert Boldt of Hutchinson, Minnesota. After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Haag, seconded by Alderman K. Peterson, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 5762, entitled, Resolution Accepting Bid - Letting No. 7. Motion carried unanimously. (n) REQUEST OF MR. JEFF HAAG TO MOVE HOUSE INTO THE CITY Administrative Assistant Fleetham presented pictures of the house proposed for moving and of the lot on North Glen Street on which it would be placed. He further stated that the Staff had reviewed the requested and recommended approval. After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman B. Peterson, to authorize moving of the house into the City. Motion carried unanimously with Alderman Haag abstaining. (o) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR RETAIL "ON -SALE" NON -INTOXICATING MALT LIQUOR LICENSE SUBMITTED BY THE HUTCH ELKS, INC. FOR A SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT AUGUST 27, 28, and 29 After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman Haag, to approve the application and authorize issuance of the license. Motion carried unanimously. (p) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR DANCE PERMIT SUBMITTED BY GORDON SCHLOTTMAN Said dance is to be held August 21, 1976 at the New Armory. After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman B. Peterson to authorize issuance of the license. Motion carried unanimously. -6- Council minutes, August 10, 1976 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CLERK -ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 1. Informed that Mrs. Barbara Lamp has been hired as Secretary to the Community Development Director and Director of Maintenance Services and that Mrs. Kathy Stadler has been hired as Water Billing Clerk and asked for confirmation of employment. It was then moved by Alderman Westlund seconded by Alderman Haag to confirm employment of the aforementioned people. Motion carried unanimously. 2. Information that quotations had been received for the remodeling work for the Upstairs auditorium to include additional offices. He further recommended that the bids be awarded the Popp Electric and Gene Betker Construction Co. City Attorney Schantzen recommended that the bids be accepted contingent that all legal aspects are met regarding performance bonds. After further discussion, it was moved by Alderman K. Peterson, seconded by Alderman Westlund to award the contracts to Popp Electric and Gene Betker Construction Co. for the remodeling of the upstairs auditorium contingent that all legal aspects regarding performance bond are met. Motion carried unanimously. (b) COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR BLACK 1. Summarized the August 10th meeting with representatives of Hutchinson Industrial Corporation regarding their future expansion plans. 2. Stated that the Park and Recreation Board suggested that the Holding Vault in the Cemetary be painted. 3. Presented a letter of resignation from Mr. Janice Klabunde as Water Billing Clerk effective August 23, 1976. It was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman B. Peterson that the resignation be accepted. It was then moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman B. Peterson to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 5763, entitled, Commending Janice Klabunde. Motion carried unanimously. (c) COMMUNICATIONS FROM ALDERMAN WESTLUND 1. Inquired if any additional information had been received from Wayne Thompson regarding the Transporation System. Administrative Assistant Fleetham stated that no additional information has been received. He further stated that Mr. Thompson has said that he will stand behind his first recommendation and make no others. It was then the concensus of the Council that the matter be placed on the agenda of of the regular meeting of August 24, 1976. - 7 - Council minutes, August 10, 1976 2. Informed there would be a meeting on the Family Recreation Center on Thursday, August 12, 1976. (d) COMMUNICATIONS FROM ALDERMAN PETERSON 1. Stated that previously the City has received the price quotation of $10,000 for the sale of the Wye Track adjacent to Riverside Park. Said price is the minimum sale the Burlington Northern Railroad Co. can make due to administration costs. She further stated that the Railroad Co. is agreeable to a 99 year lease for one dollar. It was the concensus of the Council that Administrative Assistant Fleetham work with Park and Recreation Board Chairman, Bud Daggett in obtaining such a lease. 11. CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS, AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS It was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Adlerman Haag to approve the verified claims, and authorize payment from the appropriate funds. Motion carried unanimously. 12. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was declared adjourned at 9:30 P.M. on motion by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman K. Peterson and carried unanimously. - 8 -