05-07-1976 CCMMINUTES
FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1976
1. Mayor Black called the meeting to order at 2:00 P.M. Members Present:
Aldermen Haag and Peterson in addition to Mayor Black. Members Absent:
Aldermen Westlund and Lueneburg. Also Present: City Engineer Priebe
and Administrative Assistant Fleetham.
2. Mayor Black read the Invitation for Bids for Letting No. 2. City
Engineer Priebe then opened each bid, reviewed for Bid Bond or
Cashier's Check and read the Bidder's Tabulated total bid.
Mayor Black entertained a motion to defer consideration and refer all
bids to City Engineer Priebe for reviewal and recommendation. Alderman
Haag so moved. Alderman Peterson seconded the motion and it carried
Mayor Black then read the Invitation for Bids for Letting No. 3. City
Engineer Priebe then opened each bid, reviewed for Bid Bond or
Cashier's Check and read the Bidder's Tabulated total bid.
Alderman Peterson moved to defer consideration and refer all bids to
City Engineer Priebe for reviewal and recommendation. Alderman
Haag seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
Mayor Black then read the Invitation for Bids for Letting No. 4. City
Engineer Priebe then opened each bid, reviewed for Bid Bond or
Cashier's Check and read the Bidder's Tabulated total bid.
Alderman Peterson moved to defer consideration and refer all bids to
City Engineer Priebe for reviewal and recommendation. Alderman
Haag seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
3. Mayor Black informed those present that the Hutchinson Bicentennial
Committee has received approval for a $300 grant from the Minnesota
Bicentennial Commission.
4. There being no further business to come before the Council, the
meeting was declared adjourned at 2:20 P.M.