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04-28-2016 APM+HUTCHINSON AIRPORT COMMISSION April 28, 2016 Hutchinson Municipal Airport 1700 Butler Field Dr SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 Airport Commission Agenda Members present: Cheryl Dooley, Ross Peterson, Mayor Gary Forcier (Council Representative) Members absent: Steve Hahn, Dick Freeman, Dave Skaar, Others Present: John Olson, City of Hutchinson Meeting called to order at 5:40 p.m. There was a quorum of members present. 1. Approve March 17, 2016 Minutes Motion made by Dooley, second by Forcier to approve minutes. Unanimous approval 2. Airport Commission Ross Peterson (to 09/17, second full-term) Steve Hahn (to 09/17, first partial term) Dick Freeman (to 09/18, second full-term) Dave Skaar (to 09/18, first full-term) Cheryl Dooley (to 09/19, first full-term) Gary Forcier (Council representative) Review meeting schedules & find interest forms for serving on the Airport Commission at 3. Hangars One new aircraft will be in Hangar #1 beginning May 1, 2016 4. Finance/Budget — a) Airport financial statements — Report attached March 2016 (updated, unaudited) 5. Operational Issues (Open Proiects) 13.0% budget used, 25.0% of year expired a) 2013 AIP Project Update (Master Plan, ALP Update) — The closeout report has been. There was one additional qualifying expense sent in earlier this week, so all expenses have been applied for and the work to complete the closeout report has been finished. Once MnDOT processes the report, there will be a reimbursement of $16,422 to the Airport Construction Fund. b) 2014/2015 AIP Project Update (Runway, taxiway, apron rehab) — Status of the 2015 project (construction). Striping was originally scheduled for earlier this week, but due to weather conditions, was postponed until the May 2, but was further delayed until May 3 because of a large aircraft that will be coming in for service at ASI. The electrician has indicated his intent to complete the signage while the striping is being done. A final inspection and punch list of items that need to be addressed will be done with Bolton-Menk. c) 2016/2017 AIP Projects —For 2016/2017, we had proposed the following projects: • Runway, taxiway, apron pavement sealing • T -hangar site preparation Based upon communication regarding the status of funds from MnDOT Aeronautics, neither of these projects will be possible in 2016, as there are no State funds available. 6. Other Discussions & New Business a) Historic Hutchinson gala. Forcier met with the Historic Hutchinson at the airport and looked at the facility. Their plans are to hold the event on 08/27/16. The Commerative Air Force has been contacted to bring two aircraft to the event. b) Plans for the CAP fly -in breakfast/pork chop supper and car show at the airport are being readied. The event is scheduled for Sunday, June 19. c) A Cessna Citation Latitude aircraft was in Hutchinson today. This is one of the largest aircraft we have had come into the airport. Weight was estimated at 27,000#. Prior to landing the design of the runway/apron was checked. Design weight limits for the runway/apron are 30,000#. The aircraft was piloted by the son of a long-time airport employee. d) Update on airport security issue. Based upon discussions surrounding airport security, Olson was directed to contact ASI Jet about the potential for installing push-button locks, like those at most airports, and to obtain pricing estimates for their installation. This is to be reported to the Commission at the May meeting. e) Summer 2016 projects a. Striping of runway, taxiway, apron scheduled for week of May 2. b. Sign panels to be installed during period when striping is being done. c. Punch list items from 2015 reclamation project will be identified. d. Parking lot S of Hangar 1720 will be striped prior to fly -in. e. Catch basin repair in main parking lot near lobby. f. Check status of awnings for AD building. g. Concrete repairs at entryways. At 6:10 p.m., a motion to adjourn was made by Dooley, second by Forcier. Unanimous approval. NEXT MEETING: Regularly scheduled meeting May 19, 2016