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03-17-2016 APM+HUTCHINSON AIRPORT COMMISSION March 17, 2016 Hutchinson Municipal Airport 1700 Butler Field Dr SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 Airport Commission Agenda Members present: Cheryl Dooley, Dick Freeman, Dave Skaar, Steve Hahn Members absent: Ross Peterson, Mayor Gary Forcier (Council Representative) Others Present: John Olson, City of Hutchinson Meeting called to order at 5:36 p.m. There was a quorum of members present. 1. Aoorove February 18, 2016 Minutes Motion made by Hahn, second by Freeman to approve minutes. Unanimous approval 2. Airport Commission Ross Peterson (to 09/17, second full-term) Steve Hahn (to 09/17, first partial term) Dick Freeman (to 09/18, second full-term) Dave Skaar (to 09/18, first full-term) Cheryl Dooley (to 09/19, first full-term) Gary Forcier (Council representative) Review meeting schedules & find interest forms for serving on the Airport Commission at 3. Hangars A map of hangars was presented. One new aircraft will begin on May 1, 2016, hangar #1-12 4. Finance/Budget — a) Airport financial statements were presented for December 2015 (updated by the finance department, unaudited) indicates 79.0% budget used, with 100.0% of year expired. 5. Operational Issues (Open Proiects) a) 2013 AIP Project Update (Master Plan, ALP Update) —All invoices for this project have been paid and submitted. The consultant is completing the closeout report to receive final Federal reimbursement for the project, which is expected by June of this year. b) 2014/2015 AIP Project Update (Runway, taxiway, apron rehab) — i. All invoices for the 2014 project (design) have been paid, the closeout report has been completed, and the City has received final payment for this project. ii. There are two small invoices outstanding for the 2015 project (construction) that will be submitted as soon as possible. Once the sign panels are replaced, the runway/taxiway/apron is painted and any touchup of the soil is done, this project can be closed out. The goal is to complete the closeout report before October of 2016. Once the 2015 project is closed out, there will be no outstanding federal grants for the airport. c) 2016/2017 AIP Projects —At this time, we have proposed to incorporate the following projects: Runway, taxiway, apron pavement sealing T -hangar site preparation We still don't know what the "official" split that MnDOT will be use for this coming fiscal year. Considering the late date, only the sealing portion of the project will likely be considered: 1. If an 80-20 split is NOT passed for this coming fiscal year, a state grant to seal the runway will be sought. 2. If 80-20 split IS passed, a state grant to seal the runway, taxiways, and possibly the apron will be sought, depending upon available funding. Airport Engineer & City staff will monitor what happens to the funding split. 6. Other Discussions & New Business a) Historic Hutchinson gala. Olson informed ASI about the proposed gala event that Historic Hutchinson is considering at the airport at the end of August. At this time, ASI felt it wouldn't be a problem to utilize the maintenance hangar for this event. b) Motion by Freeman, second by Hahn to authorize the CAP fly -in breakfast/pork chop supper and the car show at the airport. Unanimous approval. c) Neat meeting scheduled for April 21. Olson will not be here, due to the annual Airport Conference, so another meeting date, April 28, one week later, was chosen. At 5:55, a motion to adjourn was made by Dooley, second by Hahn. Unanimous approval. NEXT MEETING: Regularly scheduled meeting April 28, 2016