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February 18, 2016
Hutchinson Municipal Airport
1700 Butler Field Dr SW
Hutchinson, MN 55350
Airport Commission Minutes
Members present: Dick Freeman, Steve Hahn, Mayor Gary Forcier (Council Representative),
Members absent: Cheryl Dooley, Ross Peterson, Dave Skaar
Others Present: John Olson, City of Hutchinson
Meeting called to order at 5:30 p.m. There was a quorum of members present.
1. Approve December 17, 2015 Minutes
Motion made by Hahn, second by Forcier to approve minutes. Unanimous approval
2. Airport Commission
Ross Peterson (to 09/17, second full-term) Steve Hahn (to 09/17, first partial term)
Dick Freeman (to 09/18, second full-term) Dave Skaar (to 09/18, first full-term)
Cheryl Dooley (to 09/19, first full-term) Gary Forcier (Council representative)
Review meeting schedules & find interest forms for serving on the Airport Commission at
Steve Hahn was appointed to the Airport Commission at the December 8, 2015 City Council meeting.
3. Hangars
A map of the current hangar tenants was provided
4. Finance/Budget —
a) Airport financial statements — Report attached
November 2015 70.5% budget used, 91.7% of year expired
December 2015 (unaudited) 78.8% budget used, 100.0% of year expired
5. Operational Issues (Open Proiects)
a) ASI Jet (Temporary Office) — ASI has rented office space in downtown Hutchinson. They report
that their office space there is working well and will provide adequate time to make good, informed
decisions as to how to proceed in the future.
b) 2014/2015 AIP Project Update (Runway, taxiway, apron rehab) —Final steps in the project will be
deferred until spring, however, the sign panels, once they arrive, could be installed on a warm day this
c) 2016/2017 AIP Projects — At this time, we a proposing to incorporate the following projects:
• Runway, taxiway, apron pavement sealing
• T -hangar site preparation
Funding for these projects may become an issue. At this point, we haven't gotten a sure response from
MnDOT Aeronautics as to what the "official" split that MnDOT will be using for this coming fiscal
year. Only a portion of the funds for the T -hangar site preparation are proposed to come from the
Infrastructure Maintenance Fund. If MnDOT does not approve an 80-20 split for this coming fiscal
year, it is possible that funding would not be adequate to complete both projects at once. The Airport
Engineer and Olson will monitor what MnDOT does with the funding split.
6. Other Discussions & New Business
a) Other discussions/new business: Projector was installed. An electrical plug, VGA & HDMI
connectors are available on the wall at the NE corner of the room.
b) Mayor Forcier noted that Historic Hutchinson is planning a gala event at the airport, tentatively for
Saturday, August 27, 2016. Olson will communicate with ASI regarding potential use of the FBO
hangar for a portion of the event. The plans are to invite people on the airfield to display their aircraft,
as well as inviting the Confederate Air Force and other groups to display aircraft at the event. It would
be great to have ASI & Tim Miller display some of their ag. aircraft.
At , a motion to adjourn was made by , second by Unanimous approval.
NEXT MEETING: Regularly scheduled meeting March 17, 2016