04-20-2016 BOARD OF APPEAL & EQUALIZATIONBoard of Appeal & Equalization April 20, 2016 — 5:30 p.m. Mayor Gary Forcier called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members present were Chad Czmowski, John Lofdahl, Mary Christensen and Bill Arndt. Others present were Sue Schulz, McLeod County Assessor, Brenda Chmielewski, McLeod County Deputy Assessor and Matt Jaunich, City Administrator. Mayor Forcier noted that the purpose of this meeting is to allow the citizens an opportunity to appeal the valuation of their property. Sue Schulz explained the valuation of the overall market value based on sales in the City. Ms. Schulz provided a report on residential, commercial and apartment sales. Ms. Schulz explained that the City's market ration must fall between 90-105% per state mandates. No citizens were present to make appeals. However, the Assessor presented six properties owned by Scott Rech. Mr. Rech had contacted the Assessor's office and asked that the following properties be considered for lower valuations: 1. 550 Glen Street: The assessor noted that the foundation is sinking on this property and she applied depreciation. She is proposing to reduce the value from $79,500 to $69,900. 2. 870 Grove Street: The assessor noted that the conditions of this home have deteriorated (windows, holes in walls, etc.). She is proposing to reduce the value by $8300. 3. 317 5th Avenue: The assessor noted that this home has very narrow hallways and the interior condition is deteriorating. She is proposing to reduce the value of the home by $9900. 4. 406 Hassan Street: The assessor noted that the pipes had burst in this home, as well as the radiator, causing a lot of damage. There is a lot of work that needs to be done to repair this home. She is proposing to reduce the value of the home from $106,700 to $75,900. 5. 430 Glen Street: This home is currently valued at $95,300. The assessor is proposing no change and that the home remain valued as is. 6. 626 Hassan Street: The assessor noted that floors have been built over floors in this home and the south wall is beginning to warp. She is proposing to reduce the home's value by $7300. Motion by Czmowski, second by Christensen, to approve the recommendations noted in numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Lofdahl, second by Arndt, to make no valuation adjustments to the home at 430 Glen Street. Motion carried unanimously. 7. 103 5th Avenue: This home had previously been classified as a 1 '/2 story, however the property owner is remodeling it and it is now considered a two story. New windows and siding have been installed but the inside is not complete yet. Any valuation adjustment considerations will be brought to the County Board of Appeal for their review. 8. Clocktower Plaza — Century Avenue: Dale Fenrich has requested that the valuation of this property be reviewed for potential adjustments. The assessor has not been inside the business to date so she will arrange a time to do so with the property owner and then the adjustment request will be considered by the County Board of Appeal. 9. McDonald's Mobile Home Park — The assessor noted that there is a shed on this property that is classified as commercial, however the property owner contacted her and indicated it is used for personal storage. The assessor will need to review the property and then any adjustment considerations will be sent to the County Board of Appeal. Ms. Schulz asked if the City Board of Appeal and Equalization would be willing to consider having an open book review instead of board review. An open book process allows for property owners to make local appeals directly to the county assessor which are conducted individually with the property owner at the assessor's office instead of at the City Board. The property owner can still take their final appeal to the County Board of Appeal as they can now. The Council was in favor of moving forward to this type of review process. The assessor will forward a Resolution to the Council for consideration. With no further business to discuss, a motion was made by Christensen, seconded by Arndt, to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 6:05 p.m. ATTEST: Gary T. Forcier Mayor Matthew Jaunich City Administrator