06-26-1979 CCMMINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1979 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Black called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M., with the following members present: Aldermen Peterson, Gruenhagen and Huntwork, in addition to Mayor Black. Absent: Alderman Westlund. Also present were: Administrative Assistant Plotz, City Engineer/Public Works Director Priebe, and City Attorney Schantzen. 2. INVOCATION The invocation was given by the Reverend Robert Lounsbury of the Bethany Baptist Church. 3. MINUTES The minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 12, 1979 arfd Special Meetings of June 18, 1979 and June 21, 1979 were approved as presented upon motion by Alderman Peterson, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, and unanimously harried. 4. PUBLIC HEARING None ' 5. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (a) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY WARREN BACHAND AND MARK MURPHY TO SELL RELIGIOUS BOOKS DOOR-TO-DOOR IN HUTCHINSON After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Peterson to approve the re- quest for Warren Bachand and Mark Murphy to sell religious books door-to-door. The motion was seconded'by Alderman Huntwork and unanimously carried. (b) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY JOLEEN RUNKE FOR PART-TIME WORK FOR ONE MONTH Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Huntwork to approve the re- quest for Joleen Runke to return from a maternity leave of absence on a part- time basis .from July 9 to August 9 and then full time. Seconded by Alderman Gruenhagep', the motion unanimously carried. (c) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR STREET LIGHTING AT INTERSECTION OF HWY. 22 AND FAIR AVENUE WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF HUTCHINSON UTILITIES After discussion, Alderman Peterson made the motion to approve installation of one additional street light at the location of intersection Hwy. 22 and Fair Avenue, with an estimated cost of $250. Seconded by Alderman Huntwork, the motion unanimously carried. Council Minutes June 26, 1979 6. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES (a) ORDINANCE NO. 7/79 - SECTION 590:00 - ORDINANCE REQUIRING FILING FEE FOR ANNEXATION INTO CITY OF HUTCHINSON Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Huntwork, seconded by Alderman Peterson and unanimously carried, to waive the second reading and adopt Ordinance No. 580 entitled Section 590:00 - Ordinance Requiring Filing Fee for Annexation Into City of Hutchinson. (b) ORDINANCE NO. 8/79 - SECTION 1020 - DUTCH ELM DISEASE After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Peterson, seconded by Alderman Huntwork and carried unanimously, to waive the second reading and adopt Ordi- nance No. 581 entitled Section 1020 - Dutch Elm Disease. (c) RESOLUTION NO. 6351 - APPROVING FIVE YEAR STATE AID PROGRAM Following discussion, Alderman Huntwork made the motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 6351 entitled Approving Five Year State Aid Program. Sec- onded by Alderman Gruenhagen, the motion carried unanimously. (d) RESOLUTION NO. 6352 - RESOLUTION OF APPLICANT REVISING THE FIVE-YEAR ACTION PLAN Administrative Assistant Plotz explained that each time a LAWCON Park Grant application is submitted, it is also necessary to submit a resolution and amend the five-year park plan. After discussion, Alderman Gruenhagen moved to waive the reading and adopt Resolution No. 6352 entitled Resolution of Applicant Revising the Five -Year Action Plan. The motion was seconded by Alderman Peterson and carried unani- mously. (e) RESOLUTION NO. 6353 - TRANSFER OF GENERAL REVENUE SHARING FUNDS FOR SUPPORT OF HUTCHINSON GENERAL FUND Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Peterson, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and unanimously carried, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 6353 entitled Transfer of General Revenue Sharing Funds for Support of Hutch- inson General Fund. 7. REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS (a) MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT - MAY, 1979 There being no discussion, the report was ordered by the Mayor to be received for filing. -2- Council Minutes June 26, 1979 (b) MINUTES OF BURNS MANOR MUNICIPAL NURSING HOME BOARD DATED MAY 22, 1979 There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be re- ceived for filing. (c) MINUTES OF TRANSPORTATION BOARD DATED MAY 9, 1979 There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be re- ceiwd for filing. (d) MINUTES OF HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION DATED MAY 15, 1979 There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be re- ceived for filing. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF CITY UTILITY RELOCATION COSTS FOR PROPOSED MOTEL SITE (DEFERRED JUNE 12, 1979) City Engineer/Public Works Director Priebe presented a map of the area in- volved. Administrative Assistant Plotz further commented no decision would be necessary at this meeting inasmuch as the TARS Study would be ready by Friday, June 29, 1979. Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alderman Huntwork and unanimously carried, to defer action. (b) DISCUSSION OF REQUEST FOR INDUSTRIAL REVENUE BOND FINANCING BY DEVELOPERS DIVERSIFIED - JOHN MCGILL (DEFERRED APRIL 24, 1979) Mr. John McGill of Developers Diversified appeared before the Council and re- ported his firm wished to make formal application for industrial revenue bonds through the City in accordance with Resolution No. 6342. He then presented a check in the amount of $1,000.00 as an escrow deposit in addition to the re- quired financial data on Developers Diversified. He further stated he felt his company was in compliance with the requirements of the Resolution and asked for approval of a bond for the Hutchinson Mall. Mayor Black stated he appreciated the information provided by Mr. McGill, but there was nothing to indicate any change in his previous decision. He believed City assistance of financing for the project was not in the best interest of the community, and he would not be supportive of issuing an industrial revenue bond to Developers Diversified. Alderman Huntwork commented he felt it would be a shame to lose a project of this nature when the alternatives have not been too favorable. -3- Council Minutes June 26, 1979 Alderman Gruenhagen stated the company had been serious about its project and had performed studies related to Hutchinson before deciding to build here. Other communities would welcome a similar project in their city, so he felt the request for bonds should not be rejected. The shopping center would be an asset to the City. Alderman Peterson responded he had nothing to add to the previous comments. Mayor Black referred to an earlier letter from Alderman Peterson in which he suggested leaving the door open but set a six-month waiting period. No action had been taken on the matter. Mayor Black said he would like to see the Down- town Development have an opportunity to get organized before issuing any bond. Alderman Peterson stated conditions had changed since he wrote the letter, and his opinion had also changed. He now favored granting bond financing for the Hutchinson Mall. Administrative Assistant Plotz reported some of the business people planned to attend the meeting and would be arriving around 8:00 P.M. He, therefore, asked that action be deferred until after their arrival. When discussion resumed, the following businessmen addressed the issue: Ted Beatty Asked the Council to deny issuance of a bond to Snyder Drug Developers Diversified. Stated the downtown de- velopment is close to a development program, and the two projects cannot both succeed. Didn't feel the City should provide funding for the shopping mall. Frank Fay Stated he had done considerable research on this Frank Fay Realty matter since the last meeting. The State of Iowa had a considerable number of shopping centers built with tax free bonds but no longer continue this practice because of the effect it had on downtown retail. Industrial revenue bonds are no longer used in Iowa for any type of retail development. Mr. Fay stated that Developers Diversified has financing available if the bond is denied. Didn't feel they should be given an "edge" over others. George Schmidt Stated he would like to make clear that the tax Legal Counsel for payer's money is not involved; it is a pledge of Developers Diversified community assets. Made reference to 9% to 9-1/4% interest rates charged on available money by fi- nancing institutions and pointed out the company would have a minimum 1% "edge." -4- Council Minutes June 26, 1979 Mayor Black Agreed there are misconceptions about industrial revenue bonds and tax increment financing. The City would only act as a conduit for the purpose of selling the bonds or making the mortgage so it becomes interest free. No money of the City is involved. Stated again he felt it was not in the best interest of the City and could be a detri- ment to the downtown and could hurt the entire City. However, he would not want to close the door on the shopping center project. He again extended an opportunity to work with the developer. Jim DeMeyer Stated the downtown group will be seeking City fi- DeMeyer Realty nancing the same as being requested by Developers Diversified; then that group would have an "edge" on the existing shopping center (Plaza 15). If one group receives approval, all should. The ad- vantage to Developers Diversified in the market area against the community is not really so. Other communities are offering industrial revenue bonds to them. Some local residents have asked for cer- tain items, ie. swimming pool. This requires tax- paying entities in the community, and the mall would pay taxes. However, the proposed downtown mall would have tax increment financing whereby the City would not receive increased taxes until the bonds are paid. When a project is in hand and an improvement for the City, it should be given favorable consideration. Milton Lueneburg Commented tax payers are involved since they had Family Rexall Drug a part in making the City attractive. Cited Crook- ston and Willmar as examples. Joe Wesley Asked for consideration of the local people rather Wesley Pharmacy than having outsiders come into the City. Asked what use had been designated for these bonds. Mayor Black Commented the opportunity is available to all who wish to apply for a bond. No solicitation was done to any group. Further stated no determination has been made on the use of bonds, but they are legal under the state law. They would be used for matters considered to be in the best interest of the total community. -5- Council Minutes June 26, 1979 Duane Dickey Inquired if the developers had applied for a build- DuMax, Inc. ing permit without the bonds, and was told by Mayor Black that all proceedings had been agreed upon for the shopping center. The issue was on City support for lower -interest tax-free financing through in- dustrial revenue bonds. Mr. Dickey further commented that a good business- man always tries to get the best possible deal on financing. Commented the downtown needs some work done, but felt the merchants should not be afraid of competition, which is a cornerstone of private enterprise. Alderman Huntwork Commented industrial revenue bonds have now become an accepted thing for large projects because of the interest advantage. Taking into consideration the continued growth of the City and the overall econ- omy, he thought the shopping center would be a "shot in the arm." The motion was made by Alderman Huntwork that by adoption of Resolution No. 6362 to approve issuance of an industrial revenue bond to Developers Diversified ac- cording to the Guidelines recently adopted by the City Council. The motion was seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, with Aldermen Huntwork, Gruenhagen and Peter- son voting aye, and Mayor Black voting nay. Motion carried. Mayor Black referred the matter to City Attorney Schantzen to see that Resolu- tion No. 6362 was properly prepared. (c) CONSIDERATION OF STAFF RECOMMENDATION FOR SELECTION OF ARCHITECTURAL FIRM(S) TO DESIGN POLICE/FIRE STATION (DEFERRED JUNE 18, 1979) City Engineer/Public Works Director Priebe reported that members of the Police and Fire Departments as well as himself had reviewed the 24 proposals submitted by architectural firms to design the police/fire station in Hutchinson. After comparing lists, it was their recommendation to interview the following four firms: Boarman Architects, Inc. Fowler -Hanley, Inc. Rieke, Carroll, Muller Assoc. & Korngiebel Architects Toltz, King, Duvall, Anderson & Assoc. Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Gruenhagen to meet with the above-named firms on July 9, 1979 from 4:00 to 6:00 P.M. and 7:00 to 9:00 P.M. for interviews and to select one firm at the City Council meeting of July 10, 1979. Seconded by Alderman Huntwork, the motion unanimously carried. "I Council Minutes June 26, 1979 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF SUMMER BAND CONCERTS IN HUTCHINSON At the time the 1979 City budget was being prepared the Hutchinson Area Cham- ber of Commerce Community Development and Retail Committees representative, Clarice Coston, appeared before the Council and requested consideration of summer band concerts. The request received favorable approval, and the Coun- cil agreed to match the cost involved with the Chamber of Commerce. A pro- posed summer band concert schedule has been prepared, and the Chamber of Com- merce asked for ratification from the Council. After discussion, Alderman Gruenhagen moved to approve the summer band con- certs. The motion was seconded by Alderman Peterson and unanimously carried. (b) CONSIDERATION OF APPLICATION FOR LICENSE TO SELL CIGARETTES BY 7 WEST WASH & DRY Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Peterson, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and unanimously carried, to approve the cigarette license and issue same. (c) CONSIDERATION OF PERMANENT STATUS OF OFFICER ROBERT RINGSTROM After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Peterson to approve the perm- anent status of Officer Robert Ringstrom, following his one year probationary period. Seconded by Alderman Huntwork, the motion unanimously carried. (d) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR VARIANCE SUBMITTED BY JIM REID WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Discussion was given to the importance of an alley onto Second Avenue. One problem foreseen might be foot traffic from the Park Towers Apartments. The steps that were formerly used by the nurses going from the old hospital to the nursing home were left in after the hospital was torn down. The residents of Park Towers use these steps. Jean Lerberg, Executive Director of Park Towers, expressed concern of the traf- fic in the area. She had no solution to the problem but felt there was a need for a safety factor. After discussion, Alderman Huntwork made the motion that with the recommenda- tion of the Planning Commission to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 6354 entitled Resolution Granting Variance from Section 6.05, B-3 of the Zoning Ordinance No. 464 to Allow Reduction of 50' Setback from R-3 Zoning for Plan- ned Office Building. Seconded by Alderman Peterson, the motion carried unani- mously. nani- mously. -7- Council Minutes June 26, 1979 (e) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBMITTED BY JIM REID WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Huntwork, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and unanimously carried, to waive reading and adopt Reso- lution No. 6355 entitled Resolution Granting Conditional Use Permit under Sec- tion 6.07, C-5 of Zoning Ordinance No. 464 to Allow Use of Upper Level of Of- fice Building for Apartments. (f) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR VARIANCE SUBMITTED BY CHESTER MAKI WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION With the recommendation of the Planning Commission, Alderman Peterson, moved to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 6356 entitled Resolution Granting Variance from Section 6.05, B-3 of the Zoning Ordinance No. 464 to Allow Set- back Reduction to Allow Construction of a 12 -Foot Adjoining Bedroom. The mo- tion was seconded by Alderman Huntwork and unanimously carried. (g) CONSIDERATION OF VACATING OF FOURTH AVENUE N.E. FROM BLUFF STREET TO HWY. 7 WITH UNFAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION City Engineer/Public Works Director Priebe explained the vacation of the street was in conjunction with expansion of Hutchinson Wholesale Supply Co., which would occupy 100% of the property and leave no space for parking. It was sug- gested to vacate one-half of the street for parking purposes. The people in the area were opposed to the vacation and preferred a two-way street. After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Huntwork to sustain the recom- mendation of the Planning Commission. Seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, the mo- tion carried unanimously. (h) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR ANNEXATION SUBMITTED BY JOHN MILLER, DAVID DECKER, AND IRENE M. ERICKSON WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, Alderman Huntwork moved to waive reading and adopt Reso- lution No. 6357 entitled Request for Annexation. The motion was seconded by Alderman Peterson and unanimously carried. (i) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST TO AMEND SIGN ORDINANCE 10.05E AND 10.05 F OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 464 WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Building Official Willard reported there is a need to change the wording on the present sign ordinance (10.05 E and F). After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Peterson to defer action at this time. Seconded by Alderman Huntwork, the motion unanimously carried. Council Minutes June 26, 1979 Building Official Willard, City Engineer/Public Works Director Priebe and Administrative Assistant Plotz were instructed to prepare a recommendation of new language for Sign Ordinance 10.05 E and 10.05 F. (j) CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT OF TOWN AND COUNTRY ESTATES WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Peterson, seconded by Ald- erman Huntwork and carried, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 6358 entitled Resolution Giving Approval of Final Plat for Town & Country Estates. Alderman Gruenhagen abstained from voting. (k) CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT OF ROLLING OAKS FOURTH ADDITION WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Peterson, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and carried unanimously, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 6359 entitled Resolution Giving Approval of Final Plat for Rolling Oaks Fourth Addition. (1) CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT OF HELLAND'S THIRD ADDITION WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION City Engineer/Public Works Director Priebe reported that Helland's Third Addi- tion had received approval for its final plat, but the 90 -day limit had ex- pired. Therefore, it was necessary to reapply to meet the requirements of the City Ordinance time schedule for recording platting of land under the Hutchin- son Ordinance Code. It was moved by Alderman Gruenhagen that with the recommendation of the Plan- ning Commission, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 6360 entitled Reso- lution Giving Reapproval of Final Plat for Helland's Third Addition. The mo- tion was seconded by Alderman Huntwork and unanimously carried. (m) CONSIDERATION OF STATE NATURAL RESOURCES FUND PROJECT AGREEMENT FOR WEST RIVER PARK EXTENSION Administrative Assistant Plotz reported this agreement would be final approval for the West River Park Grant. The grant would cover 50% of the cost, and the City would match it with 50%, in addition to the cost of relocation of five parcels, demolition costs and improvements required. Total cost is $138,100. After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Huntwork to authorize staff to sign the agreement for the West River Park Grant. Seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, the motion unanimously carried. Council Minutes June 26, 1979 (n) CONSIDERATION OF ADDITIONAL AUDIT CHARGES BY CITY AUDITING FIRM In June, 1978 the City's auditing firm of Thorsen, Campbell, Rolando & Lehne quoted a figure of $10,750 to perform the 1978 City Audit. It was necessary for the firm to do some additional work which amounted to $3,722. The audit- ing firm would be willing to split the excess on a 50/50 basis, with the City owing an additional $1,861. Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Peterson to refer the matter to the City Attorney for examination of the June, 1978 letter of con- tract. The motion was seconded by Alderman Huntwork and unanimously carried. (o) CONSIDERATION OF CONCRETE WORK AT CIVIC ARENA The Hutchinson Civic Arena Board requested authorization for the expenditure of $2,860.00 for the removal and replacement of the concrete slab in the north- east entryway of the Hutchinson Civic Arena. No monies were included in the Civic Arena budget to cover this matter. After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alderman Huntwork and unanimously carried, to approve the expenditure of $2,860.00 for concrete work at the Civic Arena. (p) CONSIDERATION OF HIRING THIRD TREE INSPECTOR The City Forester requested a third person be hired as tree inspector for the summer season, and he recommended Mary Schantzen for the position. Following discussion, Alderman Huntwork made the motion to approve the employ- ment of Mary Schantzen as tree inspector. Seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, the motion unanimously carried. (q) CONSIDERATION OF RESIGNATION OF GERALD FISHER After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Gruenhagen to accept the resignation of Gerald Fisher and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 6361 entitled Resolution of Appreciation. The motion was seconded by Alder- man Peterson and carried unanimously. (r) CONSIDERATION OF PERMANENT STATUS OF DIANE OLSEN Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Peterson, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and unanimously carried, to approve the permanent status of Diane Olsen. -10- Council Minutes June 26, 1979 (s) CONSIDERATION OF DUTCH ELM TREE REMOVAL BY ANDERSON -RIVER VALLEY TREE CONTRACTOR City Engineer/Public Works Director Priebe reported the work completed by Anderson -River Valley Tree Contractor totals $1,585.92 and recommended pay- ment. After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alderman Peterson and carried unanimously, to approve the work and authorize payment in the amount of $1,585.92. 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CLERK -ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Administrative Assistant Plotz reminded the Council of up -coming meetings of the Department Heads on Thursday, June 28, and a joint meeting with the School Board on June 28, at noon, to discuss the sheltered workshop proposal. Mr. Plotz reported the TARS Study would be ready by Friday, June 29, 1979 so a date needed to be determined for a presentation to the Council. It was de- cided to have the report presented at 8:00 A.M. on Tsiesday, July 3, 1979. The Council was informed that Robert Watkins will not be available as Airport Manager due to health problems. Therefore, the Airport Commission will be meeting soon to discuss the matter. The group health insurance contract expires the first of August. The City has been informed by Blue Cross/Blue Shield that their premium will remain the same for the up -coming year. The life insurance rate has increased from 40�, per 1,000 to 46(� per 1,000, with a $650 total increase for the year -from St. Paul Life Insurance. The accidental death and disability premium with St. Paul Life Insurance will remain the same. No report has been received to date from Equitable Life Assurance on long term disability or from Crown Life Insurance regarding dental coverage. Mr. Plotz referred to 10 meetings scheduled for Wednesday, June 27, with land owners regarding six-month options for the motel project. He further reported the appraisals have been completed on the parcels for the parks grant, and a meeting will be held with each property owner to review the appraisal and con- sider selling to the City. (b) COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR Mayor Black reported the term of Bruce Ericson on the Community Services Board would expire the end of the month. He then reappointed Mr. Ericson as a rep- resentative from the Recreation Department to the Community Services Board for another term. -11- Council Minutes June 26, 1979 The motion was made by Alderman Huntwork, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and carried unanimously, to ratify the appointment of Bruce Ericson to the Com- munity Services Board. (c) COMMUNICATIONS FROM BILLY JEAN PULKRABEK Ms. Billy Jean Pulkrabek appeared before the Council with a complaint about traffic conditions along Highway 7 and around the Big C restaurant. She felt the highway was being used as a dragstrip area and something should be done. (d) COMMUNICATIONS FROM RECREATION DIRECTOR ERICSON Recreation Director Ericson reported on the estimated cost of the operation of a swimming pool. Marshall, Minnesota budgets $43,000 a year for three out- door pools to cover the cost of staffing, maintenance, pest control, etc. Additional information will be included in the next Council packet. St. Louis Park has a pool attached to their ice arena,which heats the pool from equip- ment in the arena. (e) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ATTORNEY City Attorney Schantzen reported on a lawsuit of Mark Undesser vs. the City, dating back about one and one-half years. A motion had been made to the Court to dismiss the City and City Engineer from the case, but to date only the City had been released. (f) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR City Engineer/Public Works Director Priebe reported the Park Department budget has $3,000 reserved for a tractor and mower. A new John Deere CP tractor, Model 950, and a new John Deere mower, model 72, are available from Teply Equip- ment Inc. for a total of $5,850.00. It was Mr. Priebe's recommendation to pur- chase the mower and tractor over a three-year period, with payments of $2,250 yearly. Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Gruenhagen to authorize purchase of the tractor and mower from Teply Equipment Inc. Seconded by Alder- man Huntwork, the motion carried unanimously. 11. CLAIMS. APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS It was moved by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alderman Huntwork and unani- mously carried, to approve the verified claims and authorize payment from the appropriate funds. 12. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was ad- journed at 9:27 P.M., upon motin by Alderman PeterFon, seconded by Alderman Hunt - work and unanimously carried. -12-