11-22-1977 CCMMINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1977 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Black at 7:30 P.M. with the follow- ing members present: Aldermen Westlund, B. Peterson, Haag, and K. Peterson in addition to Mayor Black. Absent: None. Also present were: Administrative Assistant Plotz, City Engineer/Public Works Director Priebe, and Acting City Attorney John Keefe. 2. INVOCATION The invocation was given by the Reverend Thor Skeie of the Faith Lutheran Church. 3. MINUTES On a motion by Alderman K. Peterson, seconded by Alderman Westlund, the minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 9, 1977 were unanimously approved. 4. PUBLIC HEARING None 5. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (a) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR APPLICATION FOR SNOW REMOVAL PERMIT BY: 1. GENE BETKE R 2. GILBERT BOLDT 3. DOUGLAS DOBRATZ, DOBY INC. 4. FLORIAN THODE 5. HAROLD MOLLS 6. MR. OR MRS. ROBERT DUHAMEL After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Haag, seconded by Alderman B. Peterson, to approve the applications for the above -stated persons and issue snow removal permits. Motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR APPLICATION FOR CHRISTMAS TREE SALES PERMIT: 1. LEONARD RIEMANN 2. GLEN VARLAND After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Haag, seconded by Alderman B. Peterson, to approve the applications for Christmas tree sales permits and issue appropriate permit. Motion carried unanimously. Council Minutes November 22, 1977 (c) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR REDUCED TRASH AND REFUSE RATE: 1. CARL ROHDE 2. MARTHA BURMEISTER 3. HARVEY THOMPSON 4. AMELIA LOEFFERS 5. MARTHA SCHAEFER After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alder- man Haag, to approve the requests for reduced trash and refuse rates for the above -stated individuals, effective with their next billing. Motion carried unanimously. 6. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES (a) ORDINANCE NO. 31/77 - ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 410 - AUCTIONEERS ORDINANCE After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman B. Peterson, to waive second reading and adopt Ordinance No. 552 entitled Ordinance Amending Section 410 - Auctioneers Ordinance of the 1974 Ordi- nance Code of the City of Hutchinson. Motion carried unanimously. (b) RESOLUTION NO. 6047 - COMMENDING LUCILE ULRICH After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman B. Peterson, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 6047 entitled Com- mending Lucile Ulrich. Motion carried unanimously. (c) RESOLUTION NO. 6048 - COMMENDING LESTER STEINHAUS After discussion, it was moved by Alderman B. Peterson, seconded by Alder- man Haag, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 6048 entitled Commend- ing Lester Steinhaus. Motion carried unanimously. (d) RESOLUTION NO. 6049 - TRANSFERRING $10,000 FROM LIQUOR STORE TO GENERAL FUND After discussion, it was moved by Alderman K. Peterson, seconded by Alder- man Haag, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 6049 entitled Trans- ferring $10,000 from Liquor Store to General Fund. Motion carried unani- mously. 7. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS (a) MINUTES OF HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION DATED OCTOBER 18, 1977 AND OCTOBER 31, 1977 There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be received for filing. -2- Council Minutes November 22, 1977 (b) MINUTES OF BURNS MANOR MUNICIPAL NURSING HOME DATED OCTOBER 18, 1977 There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be received for filing. (c) MINUTES OF HUTCHINSON COMMUNITY HOSPITAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS DATED OCTOBER 18, 1977 AND SPECIAL MEETING DATED OCTOBER 28, 1977, AND EXECU- TIVE COMMITTEE DATED OCTOBER 10, 1977 Alderman Haag reported that an Open House will be held at the Medical Center on Sunday, December 11, 1977. A program is scheduled for 2:00 P.M. (d) MINUTES OF TRANSPORTATION BOARD DATED NOVEMBER 9, 1977 There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be received for filing. (e) MINUTES OF DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE DATED NOVEMBER 15, 1977 There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be received for filing. (f) MINUTES OF AIRPORT COMMISSION DATED NOVEMBER 16, 1977 There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be received for filing. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PARKING AT HUTCHINSON CIVIC ARENA Following discussion of the parking situation at the Hutchinson Civic Arena, it was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman K. Peter- son, to approve the recommendations submitted by Chief of Police 0`Borsky and waive first reading of Ordinance No. 33/77 entitled Ordinance Estab- lishing Parking Regulations at Hutchinson Civic Arena and set second read- ing for December 13, 1977. Motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION OF SELECTING AN AUDITOR FOR 1977 YEAR -ENDING AUDIT Considerable discussion was given to selecting an auditor for the 1977 year -ending audit. After due deliberation, it was the general consensus of the Council that the City of Hutchinson should continue working with the present auditing firm of Anderson, Lieser, & Thorsen of Minneapolis for the following reasons: First, there is the time factor to be -3- Council Minutes November 22, 1977 considered. A new firm would not have the proper amount of time to pre- pare an audit. Second, the City has new personnel, Administrative Assis- tant and City Accountant, who are not totally familiar with all the records. Third, with the new computer system (LOGIS) and its particular problems, Anderson, Lieser, & Thorsen would be more readily able to assist because of their knowledge of the City. The fourth, and major reason, for this decision pertains to the background data presently held by Anderson, Lieser & Thorsen on the City of Hutchinson's records. Mayor Black commented that four proposals were recently presented to the City Council by three local C.P.A.'s, Lyle Jensen, David McGraw, and Richard Anderson, as well as Robert Campbell from the firm of Ander- son, Lieser & Thorsen of Minneapolis, the City's present auditing firm. It was moved by Alderman Haag, seconded by Alderman Westlund, to retain the present services of the auditing firm of Anderson, Lieser & Thorsen of Minneapolis for the 1977 year-end audit and to request return of all financial records that are not currently being kept at City Hall. It was further moved to reconsider hiring a local firm to do the City's audit a year from now. Motion carried unanimously. 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF ESTABLISHING FEE FOR AUCTIONEERS PERMIT After considerable discussion, it was determined to establish a fee of $25 per day for an auctioneers permit, with the fee to be waived for non-profit and/or charitable organizations. It was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman B. Peterson, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 6050 entitled Resolution Estab- lishing Fee for Auctioneers Permit. Motion carried unanimously. (b) PRESENTATION BY WESTLY HENDRICKSON OF TOLTZ, KING, DUVALL, ANDERSON & ASSOCIATES ON MUNICIPAL FACILITIES FINAL REPORT Mr. Westly Hendrickson of Toltz, King, Duvall, Anderson & Associates dis- tributed copies of the minutes from the November 15, 1977 meeting of the Hutchinson Municipal Facilities Study Committee. He then discussed the concept of the Draft Report of the Municipal Facilities Study and pointed out that the Police and Fire Station would have first priorities over City Hall and a Recreation Center. Once the Study is approved by the Council, it will be printed in final form and 50 copies made available to the City of Hutchinson. This will conclude the Study. Alderman K. Peterson commended the Hutchinson Municipal Facilities Study Committee for the good work they have done on the Study. It was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman K. Peterson, to accept the Draft Report of the Municipal Facilities Study. Motion car- ried unanimously. -4- Council Minutes November 22, 1977 (c) CONSIDERATION OF ELECTION PROCEDURES Personnel Coordinator Sitz commented on the election procedures and the salaries paid. After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alder- man B. Peterson, to defer action at this time. Motion carried unani- mously. (d) CONSIDERATION OF RELOCATION POLICY FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AREA, DECLARATION OF POLICY In the absence of Clarence Simonowicz, this item was removed from the agenda. (e) CONSIDERATION OF ESTABLISHING DATE AND TIME FOR OPENING OF DEVELOPER PROPOSALS FOR DOWNTOWN AREA After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alder- man Haag, to hold a special meeting of the City Council with the Down- town Development Committee on Wednesday, November 30, 1977 at 4:00 P.M. to open proposals or statements of interest for developers of the Down- town Development project. Motion carried unanimously. (f) CONSIDERATION OF DESIGNATION OF ANTI -RECESSION FUNDS Administrative Assistant Plotz reported that the City of Hutchinson re- ceived $2,804 in anti -recession funds and suggested that the money be designated for services already performed or being done. He further suggested that the funds be designated to one department for ease of administration. After consideration, it was moved by Alderman Haag, seconded by Alderman Westlund, to divide the anti -recession funds in the amount of $2,804 equally between the Civic Arena and Park Department. Motion carried unanimously. (g) CONSIDERATION OF DELINQUENT WATER AND SEWER ACCOUNTS After reading a copy of the letter mailed to all parties with delinquent water and sewer accounts, Mayor Black asked if there was anyone present wishing to be heard. No one responded. Alderman Haag made the motion to discontinue service on all delinquent accounts listed, with the exception of Account No. 20-0065-0-00 and No. 26-0165-1-00 where arrangements for payment have been made with the City Clerk's Office. Seconded by Alderman Westlund, the motion carried unani- mously. -5- Council Minutes November 22, 1977 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CLERK -ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Administrative Assistant Plotz reported that Maureen Bye, President of the League of Minnesota Cities, has appointed the following four indi- viduals to Legislative Study Committees: Mayor D. J. Black, Municipal Development Strategies Task Force; Gary D. Plotz, Government Structure and General Legislation; Marlow Priebe, Land Use and Environment; and Kenneth Merrill, Revenue Sources. An application for the Shade Tree Program has been completed and forwarded to the Minnesota Department of Agriculture requesting funds in the amount of $84,807. Mr. Plotz reported that the City's application for a Comprehensive Em- ployment Training Act Grant (CETA) was denied, but it is possible to re- apply in December. On November 28, 1977 Mr. Plotz and Ken Merrill, City Accountant, will be meeting with the State Public Service Commission to obtain a "FX" tele- phone transmission service to the Twin Cities. This is for the computer terminal and will lower the operating expenses. An inquiry has been submitted to the State of Minnesota on the application procedures for obtaining State/Federal funding on a non -directional beacon (instrument landing) for the Hutchinson Airport. Mr. Douglas McGraw, Chair- man of the Airport Commission, has also written a letter in support to apply. (b) COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR Mayor Black reported on a memorandum received from Chief of Police O'Borsky. He requested that the name of Bradley Knutson be removed from the Police Reserve Officer List inasmuch as he is working for another community. Also, the name of Audley Jorgenson should remain on the Police Reserve Officer List as a part-time dispatcher only. It was moved by Alderman K. Peterson, seconded by Alderman Haag, to approve the removal of Bradley Knutson from the Police Reserve Officer List and Audley Jorgenson as a part-time dispatcher. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Black reminded the Council of the Department Head Meeting scheduled for Friday, November 25, 1977 at 8:00 A.M. Also, the Coalition of Out - state Cities will be holding a meeting on December 9, 1977 in Rochester. (c) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR City Engineer/Public Works Director Priebe reported that funds have been Council Minutes November 22, 1977 budgeted for repla4ng three self-contained heating and air conditioning units in City Hall.\ The following two proposals have been received: t Krasen PlumbingHeating Inc. $4,225.00 Hutchinson Plumbiig & Heating, Inc. $3,550.00 After discussion, it was moved by Alderman K. Peterson, seconded by Alder- man Haag, to approve the)proposal of Hutchinson Plumbing & Heating, Inc. in the amount of $3,550.0 to replace three heating and air conditioning units at City Hall. MotioA carried unanimously. 11. CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRAq PAYMENTS (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS A motion was made by Alderman Haa , seconded by Alderman K. Peterson, to approve the verified claims and authorize payment from the appropriate funds. Motion carried unanimously. 12. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 P.M. on motion by Alderman Haag, seconded by Alderman B. Peterson and unanimously carried. -7-