08-17-1977 Public HearingPUBLIC HEARING
7:30 P.M.
Mayor D. J. Black called the Public Hearing to order at 7:34 P.M. and read Pub-
lication No. 1970 entitled Public Hearing Notice for Downtown Study.
The following Council members were present: Aldermen R. Peterson, Westlund, and
Haag in addition to Mayor Black. Absent was Alderman B. Peterson.
Mayor Black explained the hiring of planning consultants and the work that has
been done with citizen involvement. He further pointed out that the purpose of
the hearing was for input, advice, and questions from citizens.
Chairman Skip Quade introduced Clarence Simonowicz, principal planner. Mr. Simon-
owicz, consultant from C.R.S. and Associates, then gave a detailed report on studies
conducted and explained the changes proposed in Main Street parking and turn lanes,
beautifications of park and river areas, and basic financing plan using tax incre-
ment financing, funds, grants and assessments for off-street parking.
Dennis Hukriede of the Downtown Study Committee expressed his viewpoints and indi-
cated that there has been a vote of support from various civic groups in the com-
Bob Stearns, also of the Committee, stated his views and encouraged the develop-
ment as a means of meeting the needs of our growing community.
Robert Otte
Reported that the Chamber of Commerce had
325 E. Pishney Lane
110 signatures in favor of the concept and
eight more with some reservations or questions.
Harold LeSuer
Asked how much it had cost the City of Hutch -
117 Sixth Ave. N.E.
inson to do the study to date and remarked
that this money would be wasted if the plan
does not go through.
D. J. Black
Mayor Black replied that the City entered
into a contract with C.R.S. approximately one
year ago, and he wasn't sure of the exact
cost since it was a package study. He re-
marked that the money would not be wasted as
results from the study would be useful in
other aspects of planning for the city.
Name Indistinct
Commented that if the traffic is re-routed
around the Mall, it will go around the shop-
ping area and nothing will be achieved. Also,
the parking meters should be removed if busi-
ness is desired for downtown.
Public Hearing
August 17, 1977
D. J. Black Mayor Black responded that the idea is to
bring traffic on Main Street into the busi-
ness area. By providing limited time park-
ing, there will be a turn -over of traffic
in the business area and no one will abuse
the privilege of free parking. The money
from the parking meters makes payment on
the revenue bonds sold to build the off-
street parking lots.
Lady - Name Indistinct Inquired about a planned starting date on the
D. J. Black He replied there was no planned starting date,
but a developer should be selected within the
next six months.
Freda Lindenberg Asked if it would be possible for the town
635 Milwaukee Ave. S.W. residents to vote on downtown development
D. J. Black The law does not call for this project to be
an Item for a referendum. This is the type
of issue for which the City Council was elected
to make a decision on. If it were to be re-
ferred back to the public, the City Council
would be remiss of their duties and could be
accused of misusing funds.
Lady - Name Indistinct Inquired about the proposed swimming pool.
D. J. Black The swimming pool is considered as part of
a concept and does not have to be approved
with the rest of the plan. The location is
not definite. An indoor pool could be used
for several purposes, i.e., physical educa-
tion for the school system, recreation, etc.
Lady - Name Indistinct Inquired about revenues.
D. J. Black Mayor Black responded that up to the present,
parking meters have provided sufficient rev-
enues for off-street parking lots.
Nan - Name Indistinct Inquired about off-street parking for develop-
ment plan.
Public Hearing
August 17, 1977
John Korngiebel Read a letter which opposed certain parts of
Sioux Hills the proposal and suggested different direc-
tions the design could take in other areas.
D. J. Black Mayor Black commented that this is only a
concept at this point and more study and de-
cisions will be made at a later time as to
proper location, etc. He mentioned that City
Hall and the Old Armory are past remodeling
stage due to the cost involved and new laws
passed for handicapped must be considered.
Also, the Fire Department and Police Depart-
ment space needs must be acted upon in the
near future.
Joseph Wesley Raised a question on the purchase of land in
560 Larson Street S.W. Plan No. 1 and development of the Shopping
Center. Can the concept support both shopping
areas? Commented on traffic problems. Won-
dered if the downtown development would not
distract from the over-all look of the down-
town. Also, wondered if any other plans of
financing have been looked into.
Clarence Simonowicz Replied that he could not give a definite
answer to questions on downtown as there are
many factors to be considered. The Hutchinson
retail center is drawing people from a 25 -mile
Commented that there are other methods of fi-
nancing parking other than assessment and they
are being studied.
Further commented on the change in traffic pat-
terns and remarked that the present streets
need to be improved to handle the traffic.
Man - Name Indistinct Asked how the City will acquire private property
needed for the development of the plan.
D. J. Black Mayor Black replied that the City would nego-
tiate with the property owner if the property
was needed immediately. A fair market price
plus relocation costs would be paid. Property
needed for a longer range plan for parking lots
and other uses would be acquired when they come
on the market, with the owner being notified of
the City's desire to have first option to buy.
Public Hearing
August 17, 1977
Man - Name Indistinct
D. J. Black
Lady - Name Indistinct
D. J. Black
Milton Lueneburg
550 Third Avenue S.W.
Lady - Name Indistinct
D. J. Black
Lady - Name Indistinct
Ted Simons
570 Glen S.W.
Mayor Black further commented that as far as
he could remember, "condemnation" had never
been used as a method of purchase by the City.
He hopes this policy will continue. The City
Council has not discussed this matter yet.
Inquired about property between Hassan and
Jefferson Streets behind the library.
Mayor Black responded that on the concept this
area is shown for library expansion, fire hall,
police station, and City Hall. If these fa-
cilities are built at this location, it would
be on a phased basis, building by building over
15 to 20 years.
Raised a question concerning the First Avenue
mall and the covered alleys.
Mayor Black answered that they would probably
be built with public money but the individual
property owners would be responsible for tie-
ing their buildings to the covered area. If
the present buildings do not extend to the
alley, there would be construction expense.
Commented on trip to Duluth and Superior and
contrast between the two cities. Duluth has
made an effort to rebuild the downtown, while
Superior has done nothing.
Asked if it was necessary to go through with
the entire concept. Felt more parking was a
major priority.
Mayor Black explained that the plan was di-
vided into phases, and it will take 10 to 20
years to complete the whole plan. Some phases
need to be done within the next one to five
years. One thing is dependent upon another
for the next step. There is some money avail-
able for funding through grants.
Commented on the long-range plan covering
several years.
Comments indistinct.
Public Hearing
August 17, 1977
Alan - Name Indistinct Commented that from previous experience in
other cities, he has observed that new busi-
nesses draw new customers for all stores,
even when a major street is closed to cars.
Chairman Skip Quade Commented on Alexandria's downtown and a
Sioux Hills mall that was built on the edge of town.
Two main stores in the downtown area moved
out to the shopping center, leaving the down-
town_ empty with only smaller businesses.
Hutchinson has a strong retail center at
the present time, but it needs some posi-
tive steps in the downtown area to keep it
that way. There are many business possi-
bilities here.
Lady - Name Indistinct Asked how much money is spent per year on
parking lot notes.
D. J. Black Mayor Black responded that $8,000 to $10,000
per year is paid on notes plus service and
maintenance costs giving a total of $15-20,000
per year necessary to pay on the parking lot
In closing, Mayor Black pointed out that changes might come out of the next Legis-
lature regarding tax increment financing. There are other means, but he feels tax
increment is the most clear-cut method.
The City Council is at the crossroads and must reach a decision to do nothing or
move ahead. Discussion of the Development Plan will be held at the next Council
meeting on August 23, 1977, and a final decision will be reached at a special meet-
ing scheduled for Thursday, September 1, 1977 at 8:00 A.M.
The Public Hearing was adjourned at 9:45 P.M.