08-05-197 CCMMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1977 Alderman K. Peterson called the special meeting to order at 4:00 P.M. Absent were Aldermen Westlund, B. Peterson, and Haag in addition to Mayor Black. Also present was City Engineer/Public Works Director Priebe. Publication No. 1959 entitled Invitation for Bids, Two -Way Radio System was read by Alderman K. Peterson and the following bids were opened and read: General Electric, Minneapolis Comm -Co., Hutchinson RCA $19,667.30 - Installation 2,474.40 - Maintenance 14,664.69 - Installation 1,425.00 - Maintenance No Bid Submitted After discussion, the bids were referred to City Engineer/Public Works Director Priebe for review and recommendation. There being no further business for discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 4:10 P.M.