10-06-1978 CCMMINUTES
The special meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor D. J. Black at
12:07 P.M., with the following members present: Aldermen Westlund, Peterson, Gruen-
hagen and Huntwork, in addition to Mayor Black. Absent: None. Also present were
Administrative Assistant Plotz and City Accountant Merrill.
Mayor Black inquired if anyone had comments or questions regarding the 1979 budget.
There being none, Alderman Westlund made the motion to waive reading and adopt Reso-
lution No. 6220 entitled A Resolution Adopting the Budget for the Fiscal Year 1979.
Seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, the motion unanimously carried.
It was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, to waive reading
and adopt Resolution No. 6221 entitled Resolution Approving 1978 Tax Levy, Collectible
in 1979. The motion unanimously carried.
It was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, to waive reading
and adopt Resolution No. 6222 entitled Certifying Assessments of the City of Hutchin-
son to the County of McLeod. The motion unanimously carried.
Mayor Black commended City Accountant Merrill., Administrative Assistant Plotz, and the
Department Heads for the fine work they had done in preparing the 1979 budget.
Mr. Merrill informed the Council members that the water/sewer and liquor store budgets
are being worked on and should be completed by the end of October.
There being no further business to come before the Council, Alderman Westlund made
the motion to adjourn the meeting at 12:14 P.M. The motion was seconded and unani-
mously carried.