09-25-1978 CCMMINUTES
The meeting was called to order at 12:25 P.M., with the following members present:
City Council: Mayor D. J. Black, Alderman Gruenhagen, Alderman Huntwork
HRA Board: Paul Ackland, Everett Hantge, Warren Macemon
Also Present: Administrative Assistant Plotz and Executive Director Lerberg
Mayor Black commented that the City had advertised for a developer for the entire
downtown area. Among the things listed for development was a housing unit similar
to Park Towers. The A & P Group was chosen to be the developer, and they have asked
to be designated as developer for the high rise also. He further reported on the Com-
munity Development Grant monies to acquire property for the senior high rise and the
problems encountered. The time has now come for a decision to be reached on what ap-
proach to use for constructing the high rise. It can either be developed by a pri-
vate developer, such as the A & P Group, or by HRA as was done for Park Towers.
Administrative Assistant Plotz gave a report on the progress of the friendly condem-
nation procedure. Since the three appointed appraisers were not able to come to an
agreement on the property evaluations, the City's appraisal group, C. R. Pelton & As-
sociates, amended their appraisals by 10%. The property owners involved are agreeable
to the adjusted figures, and there is money in the Community Development Grant fund
to cover the costs. However, there is not enough money to pay for demolition expenses.
The acquired property could then be sold to the developer, and the site would be avail-
able for a senior high rise.
It was pointed out that the over-all intent of the HRA Board is the responsibility of
providing the best possible housing for the community. Although they would like to
maintain an advisory position during construction, the HRA Board would be agreeable
to a private developer constructing and owning the completed unit.
Mayor Black made reference to a resolution requesting a one mill levy for HRA. Mr.
Ackland reported the HRA Board had discussed the possible uses for the mill levy money.
Two more appraisals were done on the property next to the Park Towers which they would
like to adquire. The selling price is $29,500. Mayor Black felt the acquisition of
this property would be worthwhile.
Reference was made to the nutrition for the elderly program. The possibility of lo-
cating the program in the location of Park Towers was discussed.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:15 P.M.