05-09-1978 CCM (2)u
TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1978
Mayor Black called the special meeting of the City Council to order at 2:00 P.M.
Present were Aldermen K. Peterson and Gruenhagen in addition to Mayor Black. Absent
were Aldermen Westlund and B. Peterson. Also present were Administrative Assistant
Plotz and City Engineer/Public Works Director Priebe.
Publication No. 2051 was read by Mayor Black, which called for Advertisement for Bids,
City Project No. 78-01, M.S.A.P. 133-117-03, for construction of curb and gutter, bi-
tuminous surfacing, sidewalk and appurtenances on School Road from Roberts Road to
T.H. No. 7. The following bids were opened and read:
Buffalo Bituminous, Buffalo, MN
Fairway Construction, Hector, MN
William Mueller & Sons, Hamburg, MN
Mayor Black read Publication No. 2050 for City Project No. 78-01 & 78-02, for con-
struction of curb and gutter, bituminous surfacing, sidewalk and appurtenances on
School Road, Rolling Oaks Service Road and other locations. The following bids were
opened and read:
Atkinson Blacktop, Litchfield, MN $154,188.90
Buffalo Bituminous, Buffalo, MN 158,662.50
Fairway Construction, Hector, MN 191,542.50
William Mueller & Sons, Hamburg, MN 166,821.50
Publication No. 2052, Stoney Point Addition Project for construction of curb and gut-
ter, bituminous surfacing, sidewalk and appurtenances on Lewis Avenue, Stoney Point
Road, Boulder Street, Boulder Court and Roberts Road was read by Mayor Black. The
following bids were opened and read:
Atkinson Blacktop, Litchfield, MN $ 96,908.00
Buffalo Bituminous, Buffalo, MN 99,625.00
Fairway Construction, Hector, MN 111,391.00
William Mueller & Sons, Hamburg, MN 110,357.00
After discussion, it was moved by Alderman K. Peterson to defer the awarding of bids
and refer them to the City Engineer for review and recommendation. Seconded by Alder-
man Gruenhagen, the motion unanimously carried.
Mayor Black read Publication No. 2053 calling for bids on the purchase of a truck
mounted aerial bucket. The following bids were opened and read:
Council Minutes
May 9, 1978
Road Machinery & Supplies Co., New Brighton, MN
La Hass Mfg. & Sales, Inc., St. Paul, MN
5,200.00 - Trade In
32,000.00 - Net Bid
2,250.00 - Trade In
36,297.00 - Net Bid
Publication No. 2060 was read by Mayor Black, calling for bids on removal of trees
and stumps in the City of Hutchinson. The following bids were opened and read:
Joe Nelson, Darwin, MN
Soeffker Bros. Tree Service, Arlington, MN
Hutchinson Landscaping, Hutchinson, MN
Tree Craft, Inc., Pine City, MN
F & F Tree Service, South St. Paul, MN
Bid not according to
specifications so not:
$ 27,605.00
Stump ) 1.70 per - Private
Removal) .60 per - Public
$ 18,100.00
Stump ) .95 per - Private
Removal) .65 per " - Public
$ 23,260.00
Stump ) 1.75 per - Private
Removal) 1.25 per - Public
$ 31,225.00
Stump ) 1.75 per - Private
Removal) .75 per " - Public
After discussion, it was moved by Alderman K. Peterson to refer the bids on the truck
mounted aerial bucket unit for the Park Department and the tree and stump removal to
City Engineer Priebe for review and recommendation. Seconded by Aldeman Gruenhagen,
the motion unanimously carried.
There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned
at 2:25 P.M.