12-26-1973 CCMREGULAR COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 26, 1973 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Black at 5:40 P.M. Members present were: Aldermen Westlund, Linder, Alrick and Lueneburg in addition to Mayor Black. Members absent were: None. Also present were: Administrative Assistant Mealey, City Attorney Schantzen and City Engineer Priebe. The minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 11, 1973 were accepted as corrected on motion by Alderman Westlund seconded by Alderman Alrick and carried. The current bills were approved as submitted, with an additional bill from Ben Jerabek - Machine Shop in the amount of $480, on motion by Alderman Linder seconded by Alderman Alrick and carried. On motion by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman Lueneburg, an investment of $108,785 from Sinking Fund No. 6 was authorized. It was noted the quarterly payment of $50,000 from Hutchinson Utilities was accepted. A delinquent water account was reviewed and no one appeared to be heard or show cause why service should not be discontinued, therefore, service was ordered shut off on motion by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman Lueneburg as follows: Woody's Drive -In, 4th Avenue N.E., Account No. 34-08. Application for renewal of annual licenses to Sell Cigarettes at Retail were taken under consideration. After discussion, Alderman Lueneburg moved licenses for the following be approved. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and it carried. (TEXT) Application for renewal of annual Milk and Cream Licenses were considered. After discussion Alderman Westlund moved licenses for the following be approved. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and it carried. (TEXT) Application for renewal of Miscellaneous Licenses were taken under consideration. After some discussion, Alderman Westlund moved licenses for the following be approved. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it carried. (TEXT) Alderman Linder introduced Ordinance No. 454 (Regulating the Flow of Traffic on Third Avenue S.W.) and moved its adoption. Alderman Westlund seconded the motion and upon vote being taken, all members voted "aye" whereupon said Ordinance was declared adopted upon its second(W and final reading. (TEXT) REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING December 26, 1973 General Fund Wesley Greve fire inspections 15-00 Harold Synstelien electrical inspections 202-50 Nancy Danielson motor vehicle labor 89.60 Cheryl M. Heimerl motor vehicle labor 133.00 Lorna E., Kohn motor vehicle labor 181.14 Arlene Zimmerman motor vehicle labor 142.50 Loren Buske police reserve 48.00 Audley Jorgenson police reserve 30-00 Jon Kummet piice reserve 16.00 Ralph Blackstad police dispatcher 119.60 Harvey Daharsh police dispatcher 18.00 Dorothy Hassman police dispatch 140.00 Kathy Kuester police dispatch 50.63 Eugene Iverson park dept. 180.00 Nancy Degn recreation dept. office 60.80 Bob Corl recreation basketball 36.00 Jody Pahle recreation other activities 25.20 Wayne Hasz recreation b-asketball 36.00 Ron Jansen recreation basketball 36.00 Ken Norman recreation basketball 36.00 Claudia Swanson recreation other activities 25.20 Quentin Larson recreation basketball & other act. 72.50 Melvin Wentworth electrical repair on hockey rink 23-75 U.S. Leasing machine rental 2018.66 National Guard Armory rental -Sr. Citizens 100.00 Thomas E. Mealey mileage & expenses 43.40 D. J. Black mileage & expense 24.50 Culligan Water services 11-50 Allen Office Supply 53 report of audit books 183-38 4o98.86 Water & Sewer Fund Sinking Fund #6 transfer for debt retirement 80,000.00 Road & Bridge Fund Quentin Larson labor -engineer dept. 176.00 Bill Karl labor -engineer dept. 176.00 McCall Road Surfacing Co. crushed gravel 8307.60 Curtis Paulsen 2 used tires 10.00 Cargil Inc. de-icing salt 568.27 Ben Jerabek Machine Service machine repairs 955.94 $10,193-81 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING -2- December 26, 1973 Off Street Parking Fred Sorensen final contract payment 161.62 Hilda Bergs contract payment 136.00 297.62 S. F. #14 Erickson Const. Co. granular material for 744.00 Public Sites curb & gutter projects Harold & Esther Hanson yearly contract payment 1000.00 Municipal Liquor Store Twin City Home Juice Co. supplies 59-76 Griggs Cooper & Co. liquor 2808.14 Johnson Brothers Wholesale liquor 393.69 McKesson Liquor Co. liquor 223.92 Mid West Wine Co. Inc. wine 418.45 Twin Citir Wine Co. wine 435.08 Ed Phillips & Sons liquor 638-78 Quades Inc. supplies 12.90 New Ulm Grocery Co. supplies 36-13 Hutchinson Cold Storage contract payment 150-00 New Ulm Grocery Co. supplies 27.87 Allen Office Supply supplies 6.40 Ed Phillips & Sons liquor 2791.46 Twin City Wine Co. wine 535.73 McKesson Liquor Co. liquor 440.52 Johnson Bros. Wholesale liquor 1483-10 Griggs Cooper & Co. liquor 4866.23 Distillers Dist. Co. liquor 2194.15 17,522-31 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING (2) DECEMBER 26, 1973 The Housinq Redevelopment Authority minutes were accepted as presented and ordered filed. Two applications for snow removal permits were received. One each from James Hansen of 575 Franklin Street, and Edwin A. Karg of Route #4. After some discussion Alderman Linder moved the permits be granted. Alderman Lueneburg seconded the motion and it carried. Mayor Black noted a date should be set for reviewing and dis- cussing the 1974 Proposed Improvement Project Hearing that was held on December 11, 1973. After discussion, it was the concensus of the Council that the matter be placed on the Agenda of the Regular Meeting - January 8, 1974. Mayor Black reminded that January 2, 1974, an organizational meeting was scheduled. At this time the oaths of office for the newly elected Aldermen and Mayor would be administered. Mayor Black noted also that a breakfast meeting had been arranged with Senator Bernhagen and Representative Kvam on January 9, 1974, 7:30 A.M., at Lee's Truck Stop. Mayor Black in recognizing retiring Alderman Alrick and Alder- man Linder, noted that this was a meeting which he had not been looking forward to. The Mayor commented that there had been pleasant associations in doing the work of the City and much had been accomplished in that time. He said the remaining Council would hate to see Aldermen Linder and Alrick leave, not out of sentimentality, but because of the work that had been accomplished through the years. Mayor Black upon thanking Alderman Linder and Alrick presented them with framed certifi- cates of the Athenian Oath. Alderman Alrick commented that it had been a privilege to serve the City and an experience he would not have wanted to miss. Alderman Linder commented that he had served nearly ten years, and many projects had been undertaken in that time. He said the Council took most of the heat for the garbage pickup but still thought it was the right move and in back -tracking, would not change any votes or decisions made over the ten years as Alderman. The being no further business to come before the Council, meeting was declared adjourned at 5:55 P.M. on motion by Alderman Westlund seconded by Alderman Lueneburg and carried.