11-13-1973 CCMREGULAR COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 13, 1973 Mayor Black called the meeting to order at the hour of 7:30 P.M. Reverend E. David Natwick delivered the invocation. Members present were: Alderman Westlund, Linder, Alrick, and Lueneburg, in addition to Mayor Black. Members absent were: None. Also present were: Administrative Assistant Mealey, City Engineer Priebe and City Attorney Schantzen. The minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 23, 1973 and Special Meeting of November 7, 1973 were accepted as presented on motion by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman Alrick and carried. The current bills were approved as submitted on motion by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman Lueneburg and carried. (list) On motion by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman Linder investments and t=ransfers were authorized in the following funds and amounts: A transfer of $5,000 in the Automotive Equipment Account to the Hutchinson Fire Department Sinking Fund No. 11 - Approximately $20,000.00 Sinking Fund No. 13 - Approximately $150,000.00 Mayor Black on behalf of the Council, welcomed newly elected Alderman Paul Ackland to the Council. The Mayor noted that they will be looking forward to working with him in the future. Mayor Black then welcomed everyone and noted that the Council was pleased to have citizens take an interest in their City by sitting -in and being concerned with what business takes place at the Council meetings. Ralph Bergstrom was present to represent the Library Board's recommendation of joining a Regional Public Library System. After considerable discussion and study of material presented, Alderman Lueneburg moved the appropriate documents be executed by the City, thereby expressing intention to join a Regional Public Library System when Uossible. AlBerman Westlund seconded the motion and it was carried. Mr. James Schaffer presented a petition opposing the ruling that only flat markers could be used in the cemetery and requested upright tombstones be allowed. Mayor Black noted the ease of-L�aintenance and the resulting cut down of costs were reasons why this ruling was in effect, but said it would be referred to the Park and Recreation Board. iiuGULAR COIINCI_L P�,ETING GENER','iL FUND Nancy Danielson Cheryl Heimerl Loren Buske Michael Hogan Audley Jor-ensor: Harvey Daharsh Dorothy Hassman Ina Klapotz Kathryn Kuester Eugene Iverson Ed Westpahl Norman Nancy DegnJ Jerry Hoi alta Gus 011rich Ed 'JJalt...a-i Standard Oil Co. Edwin Homan Thomas Brown Randv DeVries Marvin Michelson Nat'l Fire Protection Assn. Johnson Motor Co. Inc. E.C.Peterson Co. Inc. Eric A. Smith Lloyd Schlueter Butchinson Fire Df -pt. Hutchinson Fire Dept. Hutchinson Fire Dept. Plowman's Inc. Uniforms Unlimited Inc. s- chard Waage Shell Oil Co. Correctional service of Minn. Graham Paper Co. Hen'_,e's Care ?i.te Way Auto 'gash Rod Keith Sylvan Studio Ina. School Dist. No. 423 Koke sl t liuth Torgerson Awards Inc. FelskaIs Fara. & Home Distributing Simonson Lbr. Co. Plaza OK Hardware McCormick Imzplement Co. Inc. Jacobson's Hardware Hari'; G.T.C. Auto Parts Howard Laky , Narser- .-i.et inc. Hutchinson Wholesale Supply G.F.Nemitz' Sons NOVEMBER 1-,1973 mot or vehicle labo.- motor vehicle labor police .roserve police reserve pct vt_ e• reserve police dispatch police dispatch police dispatch police dispatch p•-rk dept. labor jpnitor nark deet. labor recreation Gabor recrf�ation football recreation football. =ecreation football gasoline basic fire fighting fee basic fire fighting fee basic f'=ire fighting fee basic �i-re fighting fee booklets repair vehicl.- maintenance travel expenses travel Expenses fare runs, _fire -O ie t' fund veh-i cll main`enarce police un :.form mi les -g(' r7asoline rent-, fee teletype p -_per pr•iscners lunches maintenance travel expense-,; recreot _oi: Lwirirring expense y 1Lfeguard f -)O tbal i ' Sil���J..'.1eS wir.rmiii� pool election exp. veh-ic.1_e maint.enancc supplies supplies supplies. vehicle maintenance straping tape vehicle maintenance & suppli trees "applies ,.uppl.i.es 5 61.60 14.00 66.00 12.00 71.00 18.00 1.15.00 18.00 157.00 184.51 36.00 164.00 56.80 10.00 X0.00 40.00 388.6; 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 20.07 2_2.32 3.66 62.00 69.50 160.00 971o.46 5000.00 2 38.42 16o.o5 19.50 cn�/ • 6.00 22-36 16.25 12.90 44.32 47.71 6o.00 28.60 23.49 198.70 120.95 10.55 9?.76 20.54 14.20 4.38, 14.44 433.25 10.27 368.85 November 13, 1973 - General Fund cont. -:1-insor_ Utilities Commission gas & el ec- rie, services $354.37 Mun. Water Dent, water 61.4,. •-�uade.Is Inc. generator check & supplies 40.?l Junker San i tati oxo Octobc-r .services 7484.40 State Treas.-PERk Octoc.�r employee contiribution 2881.46 Crown Life Ins. Co. medical insurance 1611.94 C.W. Bonniwell refund on milk & cigarette lic. I-,. 5o National. Gua..rd Armory Plect.:ion rental 1.5.00 1st State Fed. Savings machii tie savings 500.00 Off Star -` Parking off -ice rental. 100.00 Hat chi neon Leader Inc. publication co:.ts 484.69 Allen Office Supply riles Por election etc. 69.50 Americrn Linen Supply Co. services 14.40 Popp's Electrical c-ouipment. repair 27.80 Hutchinson iris. Agency 7T1:.i1J1" tt�CE: i4x0 Hutch Plbg. & Htg. Co. equipment repair- fl;rnace 129.19 G,-�a:lb.le s suppl tes 12.88 F ami.l y nex ,. -1. Drug s�zppl.ie ~ 59.40 Hager Jewelry name tag,-, 10.75 Coast to Coast supplies, 33.38 Floor (;are Supply Co. cleaxiixig supplies 104.62 Burroughs Corporation window envelopes 176.59 Burroughs Corpor•at.lon ribbox!a & maintenance agreement 37.7;, IBM t,pew.riter ma.int. agreement 55.11 k zrt_� Fo+l.'s d-);; "ood & sul>l)i.ies 106.13, Co. Treasurer 3rd quartet, prisoners board 2:31.00 Thomas E. Mealey mileage 23.25 Fou cher Printing t1lect:ion supplies 14 6. 50) Oswald Publishing Co. legal_ blanks 34.75 Standard Printing Co. swirnain cool brochures 91.70 State of Minn. 1973 session 1 a�rrs 35.00 Typewriter Shop stencils 108.00 William Peet Co. _insurance retainer 250.00 Hutchinson Telephone Co. phone service - Rec. Dept. 4.11 Hutchinson Utilities electric 2.00 Hutchinson Telephone Co, phone service 382.35 D. J. Black travel expense 21,00 Citizens Insurance Agency notary bond -E. Torry 29.49 State of Minn. annexation fee 25.00 34,304.98 November 13,1973 Road & Bridge Fund Bill Karl quentin Larson Carl Baumetz Duane Dascher Hutchinson Utilities Standard Oil Co. wades Inc. G.F. Nemit,­,'Sons Tri State Machinery Co. Michael Todd & Co. Chas. Olson & Sons, Inc. Schubert's Texaco Station Plaza OI{ Hardware Plowman's Inc. S.A. Nies MacQ,ueen Equipment Inc. Meeker Washed Sand & Gravel Kurtli Foods Jerry's Tire Co. Jacobson's Hardware Hank Northern City National Bank lst American National Bank Frank M ',or Co. Inc. Anderson Chemical Co. Cargil, Inc. Culligan Water Conditioning Home Gas Co. Inc. Hutchinson Wholesale Supply Hutch Mfg. & Sales Inc. Hall Equipment Inc. Coast to Coast Store Albinsons Hutchinson Telelphone Marlow V. Priebe U. of Minn. Water & " aer Fund wades Inc. Hutchinson Utilities Hutchinson Wholesale Supply Hawkins Chemical Inc. G.T.C. Auto Pa? to Coast to Coast Curtin Matheson Scientific Am. Water Works Assn. z, --Farm & Home Dist. Co. Barco Mun. Products Inc, Jacobson's Hardware Han'_ G.F.Nemitz's Sons Rutz Plbg. & Htg. -3- labor labor labor labOr gas & electric service gas brackets for crossing signs supljlie s vehicle maintenance vehicle maintenance vehicle maintenance gas supplies vehicle maintenance supplies supplies, sand supplier repais4 supplies cont-ract payment contract payment vehicle maintenance chloride flake de. icing salt salt supplies supplies repairs vehicle maintenance supplies office supplies phone service travel expense registration fee supplies gas & electric services supplies suviol4 maintenance supplies supplies suppli e: dues supplies supplies sul nl:i.es supplies sapi lies $162.25 207.50 22.50 231.75 2492.6o 405.76 720.00 60.38 50.18 21.40 74.50 12.71 13.64 416.81 4.00 385.40 212.45 12.50 308.38 15.43 927.50 510.00 210.07 Z C 1 l. 1 l0 264.72 14.40 106.50 7.69 296.24 30.19 3.49 7.05 27.08 51.35 13.00 8, -50.92 22.04 3178.65 18.66 443.88 36.03 h.47 7.00 25.00 2.78 238.19 5.77 22.6o 39.00 November 13, 1973 -4- Water & Sewer Fund Cont. Schwanke Tractor & Truck vehicle maintenance $355.00 Commissioner of Taxation sales taxxes 598.26 Wigen Chev. Co. vehicle maintenance 4.50 Neptune Meter Co. meters 696.53 Water Products meter 528.00 Pall Trinity Micro Corp. supplies 58.10 Flexible Pipe Tool Co. indicator 36.15 Oxford Chemicals blocks 92.85 Hutchinson Telephone Co. phone service 46.14 6,464.60 OFF STREET PASKING FUND Coast to Coast Store supplies, $ 1.49 Hutch Utilities electric 7.11 Harvey Daharsh repair of meters 90.00 98.60 CEMETERY FUND Coast to Coast a sullies .66 Carr Flowers ceketery urn 10.00 Felska's Auto Machine ripai.rs 21.69 Ed Ondrachek use of pick up 20,00 Standard Oil Co. $0 gallons gas 23.92 Hatch Utilities security lite 2.00 78.21 SINKING FUNDS #6 (?uade's Inc. tennis courts at school $8733.00 #11 lst National Bank Mpls interest & bond prin. 119,704.00 #14 William May refund on assessment 75.70 #15 Erickson Const. Co. stock pile gravel 1815.00 McCall Road Surfacting project work 12,561.00 Hutch Leader publication costs 20.13 Popp's Electrical tennis courts at No. Park 3800.79 L.N. Sickels Co. stripping 4 tem.is Courts 240.00 November 13,1973 -'- Municipal Liquor Store Distillers Distb. Co. liquor Griggs,Cooper & Co. liquor Johnson Bros. Co. liquor Twin City Wine Co. wine Ed Phillips & Sons Co. liquor Dobratz Inc. carpet per cc41'tract Municipal Water Dept. water Hutch Ut4lities Comm/ gas & ele��ric service Hutchinson Telephone Co. telephon,0' New Ulm Grocery Co. supplie Hutchinson Dold Storage contr�Ect payment Ed Phillips & Sons Co. licjlz62- Twin City Wine Co. wig Johnson Bros. Co. 1'yuor Griggs,Cooper & Co. liquor Distillers Distb. Co. ,,'liquor City of Hutchinson salaries Earl Sprengeler freight Northwest Linen Service ! linen service Junker Sanitation Service, ,enc refuse Twin City Home Juice Co. juice Ed. Phillips d Sons Co. liquor Old Peoria Co., Inc. liquor McKesson Liquor Co. liquor Griggs, Cooper & Co.,,'Inc. liquor Famous Brands, Inc. liquor Distillers Distributing Co liquor Locher Bros. bei,: Premium Distributing Co. beer Olivia Bottling Co. beer Marsh Distributing beer Lenneman Beveraie Dist., Inc. beer Northland Beve,tages, Inc. 7up Coco -Cola Bottling Co. Mix $703.43 3401.68 1659.52 231.70 2185.10 1345.00 18.o6 183.43 22.90 63.77 150.00 823.20 123.16 1+47.64 5164.35 392.11 4045.83 432.50 20.00 20.00 19.12 1364.06 1047.92 823.50 2752.15 1541.66 640.00 902.75 1299.85 1040.15 3959.70 7325.23 97.50 158.45 TOTAL 44,405.42 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETIN ( 2 ) NOVEMBER 13, 1973 Mr. Zimmerman, representing Farmers Elevator Association, was present to request that Lot 14 of Auditors Plat of the W 1/2 of Section 5 Township 116 N Range 27 W be annexed to the City of Hutchinson. After discussion Alderman Westlund moved that the petition be accepted and sant to the Minnesota Municipal Commission for approval. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried. 11 l A letter was received from the State of Minnesota, Department of Aeronautics regarding the City's execution of State Aid for Airport Maintenance and Operation Agreement/ which the State will participate on a 66 2/3 percent basis not to exceed $3,000 of State aid for the cost of snowplowing, mowing, fertilizing, reseeding, rehabilitating runway lights, landing strip markers and drainage system, and general maintenance of th,:� runways, taxiways and apron areas in which reimburse- ment ,ill be based on actual cost records kept by the Munici- pality. After discussion, Alderman Lueneburg moved the City enter into Agreement with the State of Minnesota to receive State Aid for the Hutchinson Municipal Airport's maintenance and operation. Alderman Westlund seconded the motion and it was carried. A trash and refuse reduced rate affidavit was received from Henry Schmidt of 135 -1st Avenue N.E. It was noted that the assessed value of his property is $51,190 which is over the allotted $15,000 market value amount that would entitle him to the reduced rate. After a brief discussion, Alderman Westlund moved that the request for reduced rate for trash and refuse be denied. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and it was carried. A request to install a light in the alley behind 456 Bluff Street N.E. was received from Mrs. Gilbert Hawes of 456 Bluff Street N.E. Mrs. Hawes would accept the cost of the installation of said light. After some discussion, Alderman -Linder moved that above -said light be installed. Alderman Westlund seconded the motion and it was carried. Upon recommendation from the Street Commissioner, Alderman Linder moved Duane Dascher be appointed as a full-time employee in the Street Department, effective November 15, 1973. Alder- mand Westlund seconded the motion and it was carried. A request to install added lighting on Freemont Avenue was received from Mr. Philip Graves, on behalf of the Hutchinson Community Hospital. After considerable discussion, Alderman Alrick moved Administrative Assistant Mealey be directed to contact Utilities Superintendent Tr7acker to make a study of the Echo -Freemont area and present those recommendations to the Council. Alderman Westlund seconded the motion and it was carried. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING ( 3 ) NOVEMBER 13, 1973 Delinquent water accounts were reviewed and no one apoeared to be heard or show cause why service should not be discon- tinued, therefore/service was ordered shut-off on motion by Alderman Linder, seconded by Alderman T^?estlund as follows: Antony Petla, 546 Fourth Avenue S.E., Account No. 190-06. The following made partial payment on account and were given until December 1 to pay in full before water service would be discontinued: Ben Roth, 184 Fourth Avenue N.W., Account No. 40-07; Art Stamps, 515 Highway 7 East, Account No. 142-8A. A letter was received from Pastor Hecksel from Our Savior's Lutheran Church requesting permission to erect two 10-12 foot Christmas trees in Library Square. One tree would be decorated with 33 red ornaments symbolic for the Fall of M,an thru Adam and is called the Sin Tree. The second tree would be decorated with 33 white ornaments symbolic of Jesus' resurrection and called the G% -ace Tree. After some discussion Alderman Westlund moved approval be granted for the two trees to be put up in Library Square. Alderman Lueneburg seconded the motion and it was carried. It was noted that Park Superintendent Roberts be contacted before installing the trees. A letter was received from Dick Lennes, requesting that a representative from the Council be appointed on the newly formed Community Education Program Board. After some discus- sion, Mayor Black appointed Alderman Lueneburg on the Board subject to Council ratification. Alderman Westlund so moved, Alderman Linder seconded and motion was declared carried. A memorandum was received from City Engineer Priebe requesting authority to attend the Twentieth Annual Bituminous Conference on Thursday, November 29. It was noted that the funds for this expenditure were budgeted. After a brief discussion, Alderman Westlund moved that City Engineer Priebe's attendance at the conference be approved. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried. The October Revenue and Budget Report; Building Official's Monthly Report; Safety Council Minutes; Library Board Minutes; Park and Recreation Board Minutes; Housing Redevelopment Authority Minutes; and Airport Board Minutes were accepted as presented and ordered filed. There was a recommendation from the Safety Council to erect a sign in front of G.T.C. Auto statingtNO PARKING FOR CAMPER - TRAILERS OR TRUCKS. After considerable discussion, Mayor Black suggested the subject be tabled indefinately. Alderman Lueneburg then moved that the subject be tabledindefinately. Alderman No Westlund seconded the motion and it was carried. REG13LAR COUNCIL MEETING ( 4 ) NOVEMBER 13, 1973 Four Snow Removal Permit Applications were received. One each from Leslie R. Johnson, Route #1, Hutchinson; Kenneth Gruenhagen, 200 Park Avenue, Hutchinson; Donald M. Peterson, Jefferson Street South, Hutchinson; Richard Larson, 715 Merril, Hutchinson. After a brief discussion, Alderman Linder moved that the four permits be approved. Alderman Westlund seconded the motion and it was carried. A letter was received from the Secretary of the Coalition of Outstate Cities, informing that a meeting will be held at Waseca, Minnesota on Friday, November 16 at 9:00 A.M. It was noted that Mayor Black, Alderman Westlund and Administrative Assistant Mealey will attend. A letter was received from Mr. Stan Skaags, owner of S & A Bus Lines. Mr. Skaag expressed his concern in the small amount the bus line is being used. He stated there was a ?500 to $600 loss per month and unless the community would increase their use of the bus facilities,process would begin to drop the bus service entirely. After some discussion it was the concensus of the Council that a letter be sent Mr. Skaag expressing the City's concern of the problem and suggesting that reason for the small percent of usage may be caused by the current time schedule. The Engineer's Report on the 197,? proposed Projects were received from City Engineer Priebe. ********* Alderman Westlund then moved. t;iat the Hearing date be set for December 11, 1973 at the hour of 8:00 P.M. Alderman Lueneburg seconded the motion and it'v7as carried. A breakfast meeting was scheduled with Senator Bernhagen and Representative Adolph Kvam on Wednesday, December 5, 1973 at 7:30 A.P. Administrative Assistant Mealey was directed to contact Senator Bernhagen and Representative Kvam; arrange a meeting place and make appropriate reservations. Ater some discussion Alderman Westlund moved proposals for Deferred Compensation Program be considered at the Council's Regular Meeting of November 27, 1973. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and it was carried. There being no further business to come before the Council, meeting was declared adjourned at 9:41 P.M. on motion by Alderman Westlund seconded by Alderman Linder and carried. ********** After due deliberation AIderman Westlund introduced a.nd moved adoption of Resolution Not 5288 (Resolution Receiving Report and calling Hearing on 1974 Improvement Projects). Alderman Lueneburg seconded the motion and upon vote being taken, all members present voted "aye" whereupon said resolution was declared adopted.