10-09-1973 CCMREGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 9, 1973 Vice -Chairman Linder called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Reverend Norval Curry delivered the invocation. Members present were: Aldermen Westlund, Alrick and Lueneburg in addition to Vice -Chairman Linder. Members absent were: Mayor Black. Also present were: Administrative Assistant Mealey, City Attorney Schantzen and City Engineer Priebe. The minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 25, 1973; Special Meeting of September 27, 1973 and Special Meeting of October 5, 1973 were accepted as presented on motion by Alder- man Westlund,seconded by Alderman Lueneburg and carried. The current bills were approved as submitted on motion by Alderman Alrick,seconded by Alderman Westlund and carried. On motion by Alderman Westlund was a transfer of $50 to the Safety Council. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried. On motion by Alderman Alrick a $424 bill from Burlington Northern Inc. for work on storm seiner crnSc irlcrc3 7.7ac =uta ^,_ i zn� =or pavment. Alderman Westlunrl-PcnndPd the motion & it was carried. The budget for fiscal year 1974-1975 was presented and after a substantial discussion, Alderman Westlund introduced Resolu- tion No. 5283 (Adopting Budget for Fiscal Year 1974) and moved its adoption. Alderman Lueneburg seconded the motion and upon vote being taken all members present -=oted "aye" whereupon said resolution was declared adopted. (TEXT) Alderman Westlund introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 5284 (Certifying Assessments of City of Hutchinson to County of McLeod), certifying annual installments of special assessments and delinquent utility and service bills to the County Auditor for collection in the same manner as taxes. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and upon being put to vote all present voted "aye", "nays" there were none whereupon said resolution was declared adopted. (TEXT) A Certificate of County Board of Classification of Forfeited Lands, which will be sold at the forth coming Forfeited Tax Sale to be held some time in October or November, was received from McLeod County Auditor, Clarence E. Schultz for approval of said non -conservation lands. After some discussion, Alder- man Alrick moved AdTlinistrative Assistant Mealey be directed to sign the above stated Certificate thereby approving said non - conservation lands. Alderman Westlund seconded the motion and it was carried. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING October 9, 1973 GENERAL FUND Nancy Danielson motor vehicle labor $ 61.60 Cheryl M. Heimerl motor vehicle labor 70.90 Loren Buske police reserve 6,00 Michael Hogan police reserve 16.00 William Mattsfield police reF;erve 6.00 Harvey Dahars3-38 police dispatch Dorothy Hassman police dispatch 87,50 Ina Faapotz police dispatch 72.00 Eugene Iverson park dept. labor 198.00 Norman Wright park dept. labor 128.00 Nancy Degn recreation dept. labor 64.00 Dave Mooney recreational football 20.00 Gus 011rich recreational football 20.00 Ed Waltman recreational football 40.00 Burroughs Corporation maintenance agreement -calculator 16.12 The Typewriter Shop gestetner repairs 29.10 Persian Office Machines desk & ribbons 203-50 Quade's Inc. bulbs 8.00 Leef Bros. Inc. service 16.00 Kemske Paper Co. supplies 18-30 Hutch Medical Center 3 physicals 45.00 Grams Ins. Agency notary bond 1e insurance 188.00 Family Rexall Drug supplies 59,01 Coast to Coast supplies 41-13 Ben R. Benjamin straw 10.00 American Linen Supply Co. services 16-70 Hutchinson Leader Inc. publication costs 122.90 Thomas E. Mealey mileage & expenses 37.72 Hutchinson Plbg. & Heating maintenance repairs & water cooler 490-50 St. Paul Stamp Works Inc. bike licenses 85.95 Marlin Haag labor on bldg. dog house 47-50 Rockite Silo Co. supplies for dog house 18.00 Great Plains Supply Co. supplies for dog house 212.43 Hutchinson Telephone Co. phone services 348.02 Hutchinson Utilities utility services 282-17 Crown Life In's. Co. medical insurance 1594.72 State Treas.-PERA employer contribution PERA 2808.90 State Treas.-Soc.Sec. employer contribution Soc.Sec. 3891.67 Cash Drawer #4 supplies etc. 25.74 Junker Sanitation Service September services 7485.40 State Treas.-Surcharge building surcharges for 3rd quarter 278-72 U.S. Postmaster postage 200.00 Standard Oil Co. gasoline 550-71 C.F. Coyer & Assoc. fire hose 530-00 Hutch Fire Dept. fire runs 502.50 S. A. Nies supplies 275,56 G.T.C. Auto Parts supplies 18-17 George Field mileage 15-30 Richard Waage year book & misc. expenses 10-50 Wally's Tire Center vehicle maintenance 143-95 Rite Way Auto Wash vehicle maintenance 7.20 Gibson Products Cr). cups 17-04 Plowman's Inc. vehicle maintenance 435.93 October 9, 1973 General Fund Cont. Uniforms Unlimited Inc. sunDlies Bullseye Reloading & Supplies reloads United Building Center supplies Sc;-ramm Implement ve'hic'le repairs Plaza OK HarNare supplies McCormick Implement Co. vesicle maintenance Krasen Ire. supplies Ind. School Dist. 0423 materials for hockey Jerry's 'Tire Co. veliiele maintenance Jacobson's Hardware Hank supplies Hoels' Service Center vet'licle -repairs Tlutc-,i-'Ln,gon 'W,iolesale Supply supplies Moehrin�- Motors supplies ipplies for repairs IHutcI,inson Mfg. & Sales sk,._-tirg rinks < bldg. Denier Truck Service welding lWelska's Auto Macl-ne ve,icle maintenance Custom Made Equipment ve�-Iicle repairs David Decker repair of park bldgs. Van's Stump Cutting stump removal LnHass Corporation vericle repairs Hutchinson Utility Service service Simonson Lbrc. Co. football supplies Family Rexall Drug supplie's Hutchinson Utilities service Hn utchinson Telepone Co. n - n1rione service U Hager Jewelry T door sign Rod Keith mileage Kokesh football supplies Quades Inc. basketballs 1st State Federall Savings machine account Off Street Parking motor veliicle rental Spfety C(--)Urcil transfer out WATER & SEiM FUND Steve Evans Jacobson's Hardware Hank Goodin Co. Standard Printing Co. Curtin Matheson Scientific Inc. Farm & Home Dist. Co. Fredericksons Inc. FeLskals *uto Machine Service Finley E. Mix Mantek Jerry's Tire Co. Standard Oil Co. Hutc'-iinson Utilities Comm. Case Drawer #4 U.S. Postmaster ifutc-11-tinson Telep'lone Co. Zep Mfg. Co. 'lige, n Chevrolet Co. labor supplies, repairs meter book slips Supplies anti -freeze repairs repairs American Water. Work. - supplies vel-icle maintenance gasoline services supplies postage services supplies ve�icie maintenance rink & labor maintenance convention 3 14.50 32.00 1..54 10-95 26.43 132.01 47.1-5 236.95 2.50 22.13 -7 , 39 20.95 6.6o 648.47 2.00 292.92 2 9.50 96.00 135.00 90.00 189-99 13-85 7.96 23-07 1.95 2.50 28.82 64.90 48.00 500.00 100.00 50.00 3 24,767-07 $100-13 11.79 124.60 78.4,5 156-70 3.75 4.o8 13.19 96.82 66.54 3-00 102.54 3250-07 3-00 300-00 5-.46 129-05 27-34 71 October 9, 1973 1 Water & Sewer Fund Cont. Scl,,lueter's Regrigeration equipment maintenance 3 63.95 Downtown Shell 2 cases oil 25-36 Power -Process Equipment Inc. maintenance 380.34 Rutz Plbg. &. Beating file boxes 6 1- .75 Hutchinson Violesale Supply supplies 22.46 G.T.C. Auto Parts supplies 21-32 Water Products Co. 1" meter 90.25 $5,138-94 ROAD & BRIDGE FUND Bill Karl labor 3254.33 Quentin Lai -son labor 231.25 Cr�rl Baumetz I labor 99.00 Duane Dasclier labor 207-00 Aqua Survey & Instrument Co. equipment repair 12_.36 Great Plains Supply Co. Bunn, e. 112.59 Bridge Construction Co. refun(-' of money 63,950.96 G.T.C. Auto Parts sup-t)II'Les 22_.74 Albinson office supplies 93.21 Cas;: Drawer 7r, supplies 13.47 Hutcliinson Telephone Co. phone service 27.56 Hutc-linson Utilities services & mdse 2344.47 United Laboratories Inc. supplies 126.70 Schramm Implement vehicle maintenance 10-73 Strand Radiator Service vel�icle repairs 6.00 Simonson Lbr. Co. Supplies -5.76 Plaza OK Hardware s uppl i e s 24.86 Quide's Inc. supplies 1.16 N'ort`ern City National Blank contract payment 927.50 1st 1'erican National Bank contract payment 510-00 S.A. Nie'- back u-) alarms 165.00 McCormick Implemert Co. ve]"icle ,maintenance 10.00 Jerry's Tire Co. vel_icle repairs 3.50 Jacobson's Hardware Hank supplies 203-30 Hute!, Equipment Inc. P supplies 13-50 I '- )me Gas Co. H utilities utili, s ie ,6.90 llutc'-linson W]I'iolesale Supply supplies 26.66 Farm & -Home Dist. Co. Supplies 23.90 Aller Offic e Supply supplier for office 5.34 Coast to Coast s U-07:)! i e S i.19 Family Rexall Drug supplies 3.45 Ulall Equipment I,- �C. le vehicrepairs 279-99 PloT,rman In. veliicle repairs 320.85 rind, St, ard 0: 1 Co. nc etc. Li� 579.05 $70,694-83 V October 9, 1973 PUBLIC SITES TRUST FUND Barrick Well Co. OFF STREET PARKING Harvey Daharsh Hutchinson Utilities The Harstad Co. Sinking Fund #12 CEMETERY FUND Hutch Utitilies Simonson Lbr. Co. Ed Ondrachek Felska's Auto Machine SINKING FUNDS #1 Northwestern National Bank Hutchinson Leader Irc. ,'/6 Te _ni Co, rtc Dor: M. Feterson D,-.ini nc' _ Br ),s Ft u= c' _-i -7t #11 Hutch Leader Inc. #14 Duininck Bros. & Gilchrist Hoffman Bros. National City Bank of Mpls. #15 Griffith Const. Co. W. H. Barber Co. Duininck Bros. & Gilchrist Sterling Electric Co. Burlington Northern Inc. #13 C;-icago Bridge & Iron Co. Frederickson's Inc. Quade's Inc. -4- pump rental $ 50.00 servicing meters 78.75 utilities 3.50 meter pipesMM 212.80 aEgF2gent&oyntun.Parking 8887.24 3 9182.29 sec. lite 2.00 supplies 2.20 use of pickup 20.00 vehicle maintenance 97.60 121.80 Principal & interest $120,226.00 publics;tion costs Ro11 48 11.34 220,2373+ — 8 x 8 building 797.01 Estimate #2 28,785.15 $ 29,582.16 publication costs Roll 49 10.69 Est.#2 9,468.00 Est. #6 10,477.57 interest & fee 23,333.20 43,278.77 Est. #3 22,158.50 supplies 1,877.55 Est. #2 46,352.00 supplies 649.74 Permit � removal of track rail 424.93 _ 71,462-72 Est. #8 18,603.00 Est. #6 4,815.00 ouhlehf�ater gwgrmp out23, 41.54 9.54 October 9, 1973 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE City of Hutchinson Hutchinson Cold Storage Twin City Home Juice Co. Allen Office Supply Distillers Dist. Co. Griggs Cooper & Co. Inc. Johnson Brothers Wholesale Liquor McKeaBon Liquor Co. Twin City Wine Co. Old Peoria Co. Inc. Ed Phillips & Sons Co. Coca Cola Bottling Co. Northland Beverages Inc. Lenneman Beverage Dist. Inc. Mars? Dist. Co. Olivia Bottling Co. Premium Dist. Co. Locher Bros. Earl Sprengler Hutchinson Utilities Hutchinson Telephone Co. Grams Ins. Agency Junker Sanitation Service Inc. Northwest Linen Service Superior Products City of Hutchinson -5- reimbursement for salaries $3509-81 reduction loan 150-00 supplies 15.20 supplies 7.57 liquor 879.58 liquor 3492.59 liquor 1094.99 liquor 676.55 Wine 781.53 liquor 596.76 liquor 1920.61 supplies 178-70 supplies 50-70 beer 6433.15 beer 2602-30 beer 539.05 beer 934.7.5 beer 876.75 freig t 129-17 services 244.65 phone services 23.55 burglary & robbery ins. 506.00 refuse service 20.00 uniforms 20.80 supplies 6.30 transfer to General Fund 7500-00 $ 33,191.06 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 9, 1973 A report was received from City Engineer Priebe informing that Hanson's Construction Company would not be able to start the completion of their curb and gutter work until October 15, 1973. It was City Engineer Priebe and Street Superintendent Robert's recommendation that it would be more practical to wait until spring since the cleanup work in conjunction with the curb and gutter work would be a problem to finish. After considerable discussion, Alderman Westlund moved that the above said construc- tion be delayed until spring,howeverlit be the first job completed and finished in the calendar year of 1974. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried. A recommendation was received to appoint Mrs. Eileen Torry, Hutchinson, Minnesota as Duputy Motor Vehicle Registrar due to the fact that Mr. Ron Smahel submitted his resignation because of a serious illness in his family. Alderman Westlund moved that the appointment be ratified by the Council. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried. On motion by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman Alrick investments were authorized in the following funds and amounts: Bridge Account Approximately $64,000 Revenue Approximately $31,900 Sinking Fund #13 Approximately $100,000 At 7:30 P.M. bids were received to furnish 5,000 cubic yards of Aggregate. At 7:45 P.M. bids were opened and read as follows: Duninck Bros. and Gilchrist of Olivia, Minnesota - $2.10 per cubic yard, accompanied by a Bid Bond in the sum of Five per cent (50) of the total amount bid. Donald and Delas Stark of Buffalo Lake, Minnesota - $1.57 per cubic yard, accompanied by a $400.00 cashiers check. McCall Road Surfacing Company of Hector, Minnesota - $1.38 per cubic yard, accompanied by a $400 certified check. Alderman Luenebuig then moved that the lowest bidder, being McCall Road Surfacing Company of Hector, Minnesota's -Bid be accepted. Alderman Westlund seconded the motion and it was carried. A proposal was received from the Hutch Drift Riders and the Hutchinson Saddle Club in which they requested permission to use the house in West River Park for their regular meetings and outings. After some discussion Alderman Westlund moved approval of their use of the house. Alderman Lueneburg seconded the motion and it was carried. ( 2 ) REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 9, 1973 The Safety Council, Park and Recreation Board, and Library Board minutes were accepted as presented and ordered filed. The Building Official's Monthly Report and the September Revenue and Budget Report were accepted as presented and ordered filed. A memorandum was received from Recreation Director Keith requesting permission to attend the Minnesota Recreation and Park Association's Annual Fall Conference to be held in St. Paul November 1-3. Alderman Lueneburg moved that Recreation Director Keith's attendance at the conference be approved. Alderman Westlund seconded the motion and it was carried. It was noted that the funds for this expenditure were allocated. Engineer Priebe submitted recommendations for 1974 Improvements and requested that work to be done in 1974 be confirmed. The Engineer's recommendations were studied and discussed after which Alderman Westlund introduced Resolution No. 5286 (Ordering Preparation of Report on 1974 Improvements) and moved its adoption. Alderman Lueneburg seconded the motion and upon vote being taken all members voted "aye", "nays" there were none whereupon said resolution was declared adopted. (TEXT) Two Snow Removal Permit Applications were received. One from Mr. Elton Lueck, 94 -5th Avenue N.W. and one from Mr. Doug Schutz, Lewis Avenue West. After a brief discussion, Alderman Westlund moved that the two permits be approved subject to Street Superintendent Roberts' approval. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried. Alderman Westlund then moved that all Snow Removal Permits routinely be approved by Street Superintendent Roberts before being submitted to the Council for approval. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried. A Short Term Retail "On -Sale" Non -Intoxicating Malt Liquor License was received from Mr. Duane Buske representing the Hutch Elks Lodge to sell beer on November 10 and 11 at the U.S. Armory in Hutchinson. After some discussion, Alderman Westlund moved that the application be approved subject to approval from the Hutchinson U.S. Armory. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried. Alderman Westlund reported he had been approached by an insurance agent interested in talking to City Employees about a deferred compensation insurance plan. This plan would allow any City employee wanting to participate, to have a certain portion of their salary withheld by the City bookkeeper and transmitted to the insurance company to be available as income after retire- ment at a lower tax rate. It was the concensus of the Council that an advertisement be prepared for interested parties to submit a proposal to the Council at its Regular Meeting of October 23, 1973. ( 3 ) REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 9, 1973 Alderman Westlund recommended also, that all City insurance policys (except hospital, surgical and major medical) be combined into a General Package. After considerable discussion, Alderman Lueneburg moved that bids be called for a combined insurance program to be in force January 1, 1974. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried. It was noted that the League of Minnesota Municipalities would prepare specifications for a combined insurance program for the City at a fee of $250. After considerable discussion, Alderman Westlund moved the League of Minnesota Municipalities be contacted for said specifications and the $250 fee be authorized for payment when it came due. Alderman Lueneburg seconded the motion and it was carried. There being no further business to come before the Council, meeting was declared adjourned on motion at 9:10 P.M. by Alderman Lueneburg, seconded by Alderman Alrick and carried. *** Alderman Westlund introduced Resolution No. 5285 (Approving 1973 Tax Levy, Collectible in 1974) and moved its adoption. Alderman Lueneburg seconded the motion and upon vote being taken all members present voted "aye" whereupon said resolution was declared adopted. (TEXT) ( 4 )