08-28-1973 CCMMINUTES - REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 28, 1973 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Black. Pastor Ingvoldstad delivered the invocation. Members present were: Mayor Black; Aldermen Westlund, Linder, Alrick, and Lueneburg. Minutes of the regular meeting of August 14, 1973 were approved as amended on motion by Alderman Westlund, second by Alderman Alrick which was carried. The current bills were approved as presented on motion by Alderman Linder, seconded by Alderman Westlund and carried. (List) A transfer of $7,500 from the Municipal Liquor Store to General Fund was approved on motion by Alderman Alrick, seconded by Alderman Westlund and carried. A variance requested by Leslie Smith for extension of his home was reviewed and the Planning Commission's recommendation considered. Alderman Linder reported on behalf of the Planning Commission that no objection was found, and he thereupon moved that the variance be allowed by the Council, subject to approval by the Building Official. Alderman Lueneburg seconded the motion and it was carried. Mayor Black recognized Mr. Wayne Edwards, building arts teacher from the Vo -Tech School who requested permission to construct three cottages in front of the Merrill Building on Second Avenue SW, as opposed to the two constructed as part of the training program last year. Considerable discussion was held concerning the placement of the structures. Alderman Linder moved that the three cottages be authorized for construction this school year, with the recommendation that the school consider relocating this training project in the future. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried. Mayor Black recognized Hospital Administrator Phil Graves and Assistant Roy Provo. Mr. Graves presented the proposed budget for Ambulance Service and it was discussed in detail. No action was required and Mr. Graves was thanked for his presentation. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING General FunC M.Dianne Fowler Joan Krueger Loren Buske Michael Hogan Audley Jorgenson Harvey Daharsh Dorotily Hassman Ina Klapotz Wesley D. Greve Harold Synstelien Gale Boelter C',)ris Braun Jim Duhamel Brian Kaping Robert Neise Ted Neuman Jeffrey Reiner. Ed Westpahl Norman Wriglit Julie Arlt Roger Fitzloff Dan Goede Vicki Hawker Jan Hoel Gail Jensen Ted May Dave M,oney Scott Powers Jill Prihoda Dave Smith Bill Tapper. Uopber Shooter's Supply Co. Reeves Co. Inc. Sliell Oil Co. U-r.ited Building Center United School Supply Corp. Culligan Water Conditioning U.S. Leasing T'iomas E. Mealey Water. & Sewer Dept. Steven Evans Greg Seivert motor vehicle labor extra labor police reserve police reserve police reserve dispatch dispat cli dispatch fire inspections electrical inspections park dept. labor work prog. labor work prog. labor work prog. labor work prog, labor work prog. labor work prog. labor park dent. labor park dept. labor playground program labor baseball labor swimming program labor swimming prOgram labor playground program labor swimming program labor swimming program labor baseball program labor baseball program labor swimming program labor playground program labor baseball program labor police supplies police badges gasoline material for repairs office su-0-0�ies1 services rental -postage miter machine mileage expenses labor labor AUGUST 28, 1973 $142.00 64.00 l 6. oo 12.00 86.00 18.00 162.50 90.00 50.00 442.00 23o.63 118.40 118.40 118.40 131.20 191.20 67.20 166.5o 208.00 102.50 140. 00 280.50 92.00 150.00 462.00 310.75 240.00 120.00 290.50 130.00 180.00 34828.18 24.33 36.32 13.42 295.94 147.85 11,50 22.27 31.40 $5411.71 139.50 255.37 X394.87 Road & Bridge Dept. Bill Karl labor 298.38 Quentin Larson labor 298.75 Carl Baumetz labor 126.00 Duane Das"ier labor 267-75 990- . 3- 8 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING CONT. -2- August 28, 1973 S.F-.-#I-3 Water & Sewer Fund Off Street Parking Hilda Bergsl Harvey Dal,,arsh- Public Sites Marion Sahr Paul Ri-be Revenue ShariiV. Fund Public Sites Trust Fund Municipal Liquor Store Ed P'nilli-ps &S r Co. Commissioner of Taxation Old Peoria Co. I-nc. Twin City Wine Co. McKesson Liquor Co. Griggs,Coo-rer & C, . Inc. Ed Phillips & Sons Co. Twin C-,'.ty 'dine Co. Griggs,Cooper &Co. 17eW Ulm Grocery Co. liutchinson ColO, Storage Distillers Di --t. Co. repayment for advancement on Well >/5 contract payme-t-J-t servicing, parking meters $47,558-78 136.00 6o.7.5 3 196-75 Balance of Contract + interest 52-0.00 contract / payment + interest 675.00 5925.90 balance of paymfrnt on purchase 3 5250.00 of park land rom Marion Sahr liquor 3 705.98 sales t, x for July 1847-53 liquor 96-32 liquor 137.61 liquor 248-36 liquor 1788-17 Liquor 488.81 liquor 146.33 liquor 641.55 supplies 46.85 contract naypent 150.00 liquor 911.21 3 7208-72 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 28, 1973 A request was received from the Chalet for water and sewer service as soon as the annexation is complete. Engineer Priebe advised the Council that the water main is installed and only a hook-up is required, but that approximately 400' of sanitary sewer trunk will be required and hook-up installed.Alderman Linder moved that the request be approved contingent upon annexation. Alderman Alrick sec onded the motion and it was carried. The necessary work was discussed for both the Chalet and the Santleman/Dunning property currently undergoing annexation procedures. It was determined that it could be accomplished by change order on current contract. Alderman Linder moved that such change order be authorized. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried. *(please refer to addendum for detail) A request from Everett Hantge was received and considered, for the use of no parking signs covering half block on Hassan between lst and 2nd avenue SE on one side of the street and (2) hooding the meters in front of the funeral chapel on 2nd Avenue SE. He further requested that he be given total discretion in the use of the signs and hooding. Following considerable discussion, Alderman Linder moved that the subject be tabled and the City Clerk be directed to contact Mr. Hantge inviting him to appear before the Council at the next regular meeting to discuss the matter. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried. The City Clerk was also directed to provide the Council with an indication of the meter useage in that location. Cole Fowler, Manager of the Chamber of Commerce was recognized by Mayor Black and reported that the representative from the State Office of Manpower Services had made a tour of facilities in the City for location of a local office, and that they would like to use the second floor of the Motor Vehicle Building if that is agreeable with the City Council and the HRA which is currently occupying the space. Mayor Black requested Executive Director Jean Lerberg to speak on behalf of the Housing Authority and she reported that she had taken the matter up with the Commissioners who have no objection to moving if they can use the Assessor's unused office on the second floor of City Hall. -2- REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 28, 1973 Alderman Linder moved that the Housing and Redevelopment Authority be authorized to use the space on the second floor of City Hall previously occupied by the Assessor, and further that the State Manpower Services be authorized to use the second floor of the Motor Vehicle Building free of rent until such time as their budget permits the rental expense, Alderman Westlund seconded the motion and it was carried. Cole Fowler then .reported on his review of the Christmas Decoration Fund useage by the Chamber of Commerce and a balance of $494.67.. Ordinance No. 446 providing for issuance of on -sale liquor licenses came under review. Alderman Westlund moved that the second reading be tabled to the regular meeting of September 11, and further that a public hearing be set for that meeting at 8:00 p.m., the publication to state that copies are available in the City Clerk's office for public review in advance of the hearing. Alderman Lueneburg seconded the motion and it was carried. The Council's study of comparative water rates in communities around the state came under discussion. The administrative recommendation of a 20o increase in rates to meet rising costs of operation was considered. The section of Ordinance No. 325 requiring penalty payments after the 10th of the month was also reviewed and it was the concensus that the clerical and administrative costs were greater than the value of the payments. Alderman Westlund therefore introduced Ordinance No. 449 amending Ordinance No. 325 and moved its adoption. Alderman Lueneburg seconded the motion and upon vote being taken, the motion was carried and said ordinance was declared adopted upon first reading. A report from the Park and Recreation Board to the effect that the wooden burial vaults have been deteriorating and creating sinking of graves and tipping of gravestones thereby creating a maintenance problem at Oakland Cemetery was discussed. It was recommended by the Park Board =Z REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 28, 1973 that concrete or other permanent -type material vaults be used. Following discussion, and concensus having been reached, Alderman Westlund moved that the Council adopt a policy of requiring that all burial vaults used at Oakland Cemetery be constructed of permanent material such as concrete or fiberglass. Alderman Lueneburg seconded the motion and it was carried. Administrative Assistant Mealey reported that a cigarette license application had been applied for the day prior to the County Fair opening and that the applicant had objected to payment of the fee as required for the short term of the license. Considerable discussion ensued concerning fees for temporary or short-term cigarette licenses and it was the concensus that a minimum fee of $5.00 should be charged for a period of time less than 5 months with a $1.00 charge in addition for each month thereafter up to the full annual fee of $12.00. Alderman Westlund introduced Ordinance No. 451 amending Ordinance No. 105 establishing fee for cigarette license, and moved its adoption. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and upon vote being taken, all members voted "aye" and said ordinance was declared adopted upon first reading. Administrative Assistant Mealey was directed to contact the applicant who, it was determined had sold cigarette during the fair without the license, and exact payment of the minimum $5.00 fee. It was noted that Chief O'Borsky had been awarded a scholarship for attendance at a criminal justice course sponsored by the state crime bureau. Alderman Westlund moved that the travel expense be authorized. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and it was carried. The Safety Council and Planning Commission minutes were accepted for filing. ****** Notice of the Regional Meeting of the LMM to be held in Redwood Falls on September 19, 1973 at 6:30 p.m. was received and discussed. It was determined that Aldermen Westlund, Linder, Lueneburg and Engineer Priebe and Administrative Assistant Mealey would plan to attend. The Clerk was directed to so notify the League representative in charge. -4- REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 28, 1973 Alderman Westlund announced proposed personnel changes in the City Clerk's Office as follows and requested Council approval: Kathy Smith, Receptionist submitted resignation effective September 15, 1973; Employment application received and reviewed from Mrs. Diane Fowler with a recommendation for acceptance at $375.00 per month, replacing Mrs. Smith; Employment of Mrs. Marilyn for Stenographic assistance at $375.00 per month; Miss Sandra Olson to replace Mrs. Jean Lerberg as Administrative Secretary. Alderman Westlund then moved that the proposed personnel actions be authorized. Alderman Linder seconded the Motion and it was carried. Alderman Westlund then moved that Mrs. Smith be commended for the fine and conscientious work she has performed for the City and that her resignation be acc epted with regret. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and it was carried. -7 A report was received from Park Superintendent Roberts concerning required repairs to the West River house to make it fully habitable for rental purposes. The total cost was estimated at $14,000. The matter was discussed briefly and it was noted that the Council had not yet had an opportunity to view the premises. A meeting was set for this purpose at 1:00 p.m., August 29, 1973 and further discussion postponed. Administrative Assistant Mealey advised the Council that the previous tenant of the West River house had left behind an outstanding trash and refuse bill of $19.00. Alderman Westlund moved that the bill be turned over to the City Attorney for collection. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and it was carried. A warranty deed for the parkland dedication at Rolling Oaks Third Addition was presented for review by Attorney Schantzen. After due deliberation, Alderman Linder moved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the deed as presented. Alderman Westlund seconded the motion and it was carried. -5- REGULAR MEETING CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 28, 1973 sludge Mayor Black reminded the Council that the postponed/meeting with the Hassan Valley Town Board would be held at a date convenient to the board and that this should be kept in mind. Discussion was initiated by Alderman Linder concerning the drainage system on 3rd Avenue NW. No conclusion was reached because as City Engineer Priebe explained, it would be necessary to install a complete storm sewer system on Third Avenue to alleviate the continuing silt collection problem. There being no further business before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Alderman Linder introduced Ordinance No. 448 (Amending Ordinance No. 245, Rezoning Southside Terrace Addition From R2 to BSC) for its second and final reading and moved its adoption. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried. (Text) -6-