03-13-1973 CCMREGULAR COUNCIL NIFETIN13 MI�RCH 13, 1973 1 Mayor Kost called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and invited Reverand Coyle to deliver the invocation, which he did. Members present were, in addition to Mayor Kost, Aldermen Westlund, Linder, Black and Alriek, Also present was Administrative Assistant Mealey, City Engineer Priebe and City Attorney Schantzen, and Utilities Superintendent Wacker. The minutes of the regular meeting of February 27 and special meeting of February 27, 1973 were accepted as presented on motion by Alderman Black, seconded by Alderman Westlund. The current bills were approved as submitted on motion by Alderman Linder, second by alderman Alrick and carried. An extensive discussion was held on the proposal of the Utilities Commission, presented by Superintendent Wacker, for utility rate adjustment schedule. Alderman Black questioned the 100% increase in the minimum from $1.00 to $2.00 for electric service. He also questioned the authority of the Utilities Commission to set an automatically sc-(:eduled adjustment in fuel rates. After further discussion and study, Alderman Black moved that the proposal be approved with the minimum electric rate at $1.50 and proposed future adjustments to be presented to the Council for consideration 30 days in advance of the proposed rate change. Alderman Westlund seconded the motion and it was carried. A letter was received from Reverend Thor Skeie on behalf of the "Key 73" ecumenical program requesting use of space in Firemen's Park for erection of a small portable booth for distribution of literature during the Water Carnival; and Library Square and Bandstand on May 21, June 3, 18, July 1S for religious programs. After due delibera- tion, the request was approved on motion by Alderman Black, seconded by Alderman Linder and carried. Mr. Richard Anderson r_1Dr--senting Hutchinson Industrial Corp. was recognized and introduced Jeff Green, Vice President of the Corporation. Attorney Schantzen explained the background and legal aspects of municipal industrial bonds and Jeff Green made a presenta- tion on the history and status of the Hutchinson Industrial Corp. Mr. Anderson requested that the Council consider approval of issuance of * municipal industrial bonds. All members of the Council commented favorably toward the proposal. Alderman Westlund introduced resolution no. 5195 and mDved its adoption. Alderman Black seconded the motion and vote having been taken, all members present voted "aye," "nays" there were none, and said resolution was declared adopted. (text in full) (*1,600,000) REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING General Fund Walter Rippe G.B. Frederickson Dr. G. R. Smith Judy Warnk- Municipal Electric Plant Hutchinson Utilities Hutchinson Telephone Co. Off Street Parking Ist Fed. Savings & Loan Assn. Crown Life Insurance Co. Junkers Sanitation Services State Treasurer - PERA American Linen Supply Co. Allen Office Supply Quade's Inc. 3M Business Products Sales Inc. Burroughs Corporation Business & Institutional Furniture Coast to Coast S -,,ores Kemske Pa -per Co. Elden 1,"illard Family Rexall Drug Coalition of Outstate Cities Floor Care Supply Co. Hutchinson Medical Center Eutcl-!inson Leader Inc. Leef Bros. Inc. Oswald Publishing C,,-,. Pitney Bowes Westward Products Co. The Typewriter SLop Keefe, Schantzen & Bradford ":tate Treasurer Minn. Urban Co. Atty's Board Miller Davis Co. Specialty Screening Uniforms Unlimited Inc. 1,11agen Office Equipment Irc. Zila Hardware Plowman's Inc. Quades, Inc. Standard Oil Co. Municipal Water Dept. Hutchinson Fire Dept. Leo's Electronic Service Frank Engel': art Riverview Press S. A. Nies National Fire Protection Assn. State Treasurer U.S.Po8t Office March 13, 1972 plumbing inspections civil defense director healt'r, officer motor vehicle labor utilities - electric utilities - gas utilities- telephone motor vehicle rental accounting machine savings acct medical insurance premium utilities - garbage pickup employer contribution February services office supplies lites 209 copy paper supplies 25 folding c'iairs supplies supplies mileage for bldg. inspector supplies for offices members'0ip dues janitorial supplies examination of Elden Willard publication costs services legal blarAs tape for postage meter kleen air stencils legal fees- City vs. Lowell Otto w-,rksllip regisEr-tion 'ies SUPPL -police court register emblems -police car police clothing cleaning typewriter police supplies car rental and vet-licle repairs generator cflecking & supplies gas for vehicles water fire runs for 7 -bruary maintenance of equipment supplies -file folders & paper supplies for fire inspector -fire dept. supplies Supplies application for c-t"icatton. postage 5 154.2o 100.00 300-00 5o.4o 1246.40 3o4.o3 311.0-5 100.00 500.00 1553.26 7359.70 2379.4o 16-70 7.4o 3597.90 279.97 153.84 ,L14.25 40.75 249-70 44-95 59-09 25.00 49.00 15-00 12-03 16.00 9.10 18.55 12.00 109.10 1050-00 50.00 11.15 26.20 24.00 17551-00 20.1-0 3.00 128-75 69-85 132.37 13-05 387.50 82.55 1.08 30-00 126.25 29.06 20.00 80.00 $21,649.13 -2 - Recreation Debt. Marcli 13, 1973 Joan Krueger office labor 51.20 Mike Busch work in Saturday progrrim 1_5.00 Vicki Hawker work in Saturday program 35-00 Ed Homan work in Saturday program 75-00 Dave Klingerman work in Saturday program 90.00 Mark Marcellus work in Saturday program 20.00 Maryne Popp work in Saturday program 35-00 Dan Prochnow work in Saturday program 20.00 Ed Westpahl hockey r4 rik labor 209.00 Tl-eophil Gruerwaldt skating rink labor 180.00 Judy Bretzke for work in Saturday program 60.00 Hutc'iinson Telephone Co. tellephor-e utility 15.10 Hutchinson Utilities gas uti-I ity 17.02 Municipal Electric Plant electric Utility 23.45 Citizens Bank senior citizens rental 150-00 Rod Keith mileage 12.00 Kokesh Athletic Supply Co. recreation equipment 76-75 Leonard Miller bus to Litchfield -basketball 15.00 Ray Clemenson bus to Mpls-gymnastics 21.08 Brinkman Camera 'Shop film 13.20 :wades Inc. rer,.,,eation equipment 2.25 Sy: -van Studio ribbon,-; - skating progra--i _1.9-75 �,"_Ier Office Supply office supplies 8.26 $1$164.06 Municipal Electric Plant electric utility 2?2.5r) Hutchinson T,-'-epbone Co. telep!ione 23.48 Hutchinson Ut'lities gas Utility 158.30 Standard Oil Co. gas 120.46 O.A.Bretzke & Son Inc. supplier, 1-34 Great Plains Supply Co. repairs & supplies 58-00 U.T.C. Auto Parts ve�,icle maintenance 38 .12 Simonson Lbr. Co. epair supplies 6.08 I dila IT ardware supplies 38.23 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply supplies 4.58 FeIrka's Auto Machine Service ve--icle repair 394.73 Farm & Home Distributi-c s -M -)Ties 1.02 Popp's Electrical electrical wiring 51.92 ROAD F, BRIDGE FUND $1$188.81 Hutchinson Teleplione Co. telep�ione 29.90 Municipal Electric Plant electric utilities 2254.27 Hutchinson Utilities gas utility 145.22 Standard Oil Co. gas & oil 151-19 "qua Survey & Instrument Co. instrument repairs 14.82 Allen Office S upply calculator & pencil snarpener 200-30 Dome Gas Company Inc. gas348 .93 Albinson office supplies 163-11 O.A.Bretzke & Son Inc. ve-Ilicle repairs 15-30 Erickson Construct Co. snow removal 542.50 Road & Bridge cont. -3- March 13, 1973 G.T.C. Auto Parts vehicle maintenance 4.44 Hutc inson Volosale Supply Vekicle taintenance 71,41 aatclinsar Equipment Inc. vehicle maintenance 19.69 Hall Equipment Inc. vehicle maintenance 65.68 Hutch Iron & MetalCo. iron 12.0 Jerry's Tire Co. vehicle maintenance 11.25 Plowman's Inc. vehicle maintenance 191.66 Interstate Diesel Inc. vehicle maintenance 12.25 Nortlern Slate Supply Inc. supplies 17.54 N-rthern City National Bank contract payment on equipment 927-50 Road Machinery & Supplies contract payment & supplies 787.0 Schramm Implement vehicle maintenance 6.29 Sorensen Farm Supply vehicle maintenance 20.19 Wigen C evrolet Co. vehicle maintenance 119.08 Dila Hardware supplies 26-83 Simonson Lbr. Co. supplies 1.90 Culligan Water Conditioning salt 10.45 Coast to Coast Stores supplies 3.70 Frank Motor Co. Inc. vehicle maintenance 135.34 Transport Clearings freight charges 7.30 Rogers office supplies 2205 Minn. Blueprint parallel straightedge 25.40 Farm & Home Dist. Co. Inc. sapplies 22.10 Champion Auto tire; for Ford van 48.00 Minn. Good Roads Inc. subscription 20.00 16,459.69 WATER & SEWER F0D Wm. Karl labor Mono Municipal Electric Plant electric utilities 2884.63 Hutchinson Telephone Co. telephone 59.83 Mun. Water Dept. water 185.85 Hutchinson Utilities gas utilities 20.65 Standard Oil Cc. gas 42.40 Allen Office Supply office supplies at plant 1.30 Power Process Equipment Inc. repair partsl 124.49 Doyle Lock Co. keys 7.80 Zep Mfg. Co. supplies at disposal plant 301.34 Zila Hardware supplier .70 Strand Radiator Service repairs 12.00 AeTtune Meter Co. meter parts 191.51 Lyon Chemicals Inc. chlorine liquid 435.00 Krasen Inc. repairs 2.95 Interstate Utility Products part for meter 25.18 Juul Contracting Co. repair watermain at plant 90.50 Hawkins Chemical Inc. acid 315.89 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply supplies 10-72 Great Pains Supply Co. supplies 22.9.5 G.`_'.C. Auto Parts vehicle maintenance 2.46 dater & Sewer cont. -4- Marc- 13,1973 Flexible Pipe Tool Co. equipment s 18.8o Denler Truck Service vesicle repairs 405.60 Coast to Coast Stores supplies 14.70 U of Minnesota Water works operators school 30.0') Commissioner of Taxation sales tax for February 4o ,� .87 Water Treatment School correspondence school for 4 4k -nn Sinking Funds: W12 General Fund reimbursement of postage 5.12 1113 Ghicago Bridge & Iron Co. estimate #6 23,614.20 Rieke, Carrol!,N.Tuller Assoc. Professional fees 260.46 rjUtel TMprovement Co.?_,234.00re-nairs $26.108.6= //14 General Fund reimbursement of postage 23-1P JuuL Contracting Co. sanitary sewer connecti,:n 573.25 6,37 Holding Vault Acct. ,Tuul Contracting Co. repair water pipe at Mauseleum 76.25 Off Street Parkin Harvey Daharsh servicing meters 58-50 Municipal Electric Plant electric utility 1.00 Hutch Utilities gas ut-i.'Iit-,., 11-34 �.8 4 Public Sites Register of Deeds recording fees 2.00 Munici al Liquor Store Distillers Distributing Co. Griggs, Cooper & Co., Inc. Johnson Brothers Wholesale McKesson Liquor Co. Mid -West Wine Co., Inc. Twin City Wine Co. Municipal El �tric Co. Hutchinson Ut lities Hutchinson Tele hone Co. City of insXn Electro Watchman tjqc. Distillers Distribu�,ing Co. Famous Brands, Inc. Griggs, Cooper & Co. Inc. Twin City Wine Co. Ed. Phillips & Sons Co. Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Northland Beverages, Inc. Bernick's Pepsi-Cola Lenneman Beverage Dist., Inc. March Distributing Olivia Bottling Co. Premium Distributing Co. Locher Bros. S. A. Nies Earl Sprengler Commissioner of Taxation hlarc''l 13, 1973 liquor 3 148.54 liquor 2214.36 liquor 399.83 liquor 745.90 wine 54.77 wine 442.60 electricity 107.35 natural gas 47.20 telephone 22.90 payroll 3439.60 burglar alarm 54.00 liquor 653.97 liquor 868.50 liquor 2664.61 wine 168.38 liquor 1746.94 supplies 104.05 7 -up 51.75 Pepsi 10.80 beer 5032.55 beer 2561.75 beer 744.90 beer 1170.30 beer 508.20 service fire extinguisher 2.50 freight 177.05 Minn. sales tax 1498.25 $25,641.55 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING , -2- MARCH 13, 1973 Mayor Kost called a recess to give -those assembled an opportunity to examine the voting machine set up in the lobby for demonstration by Ray Anderson of Automatic Voting Machines, Inc. The meeting was reconvened at 9:55 p.m. and discussion of voting machines continued. The recommendation was for one machine per 300 to 350 voters. Mr. Anderson explained that the danger is in overload- ing the machines during peak periods and creating problems with waiting lines and congestion at the polls. The discussion concluded, Alderman Westlund moved that the Council authorize rental of 10 voting machines, 2 per precinct, on a rental/ trial basis for one year at $220.00 per machine to be applied to purchase price, and further that the Administrative Assistant be directed to work out details of contract with Mr. Anderson. Alderman Linder seconded the motion. Upon vote being taken, all members present voted in favor and the motion was carried. Chamber of Co-nm2ree Manager Cole Fowler and Parking Committee Chari - man Milt Lueneburg presented a proposal and form of resolution requesting that the City Council request that the 1973 State Legislature pass a law permitting the City of Hutchinson to borrow money to acquire land and develop an adequate off-street parking system for the Central Business District. A discussion on assessment procedures ensued after which Alderman Alrick introduced Resolution No. 5196 and moved its adoption. Alderman W,stlund seconded the motion. Vote having been taken, all members present voted "aye," "nays" there were none and said reso- lution was declared adopted. (text in full) Administrative Assistant Mealey presented the new salary schedule for City Employees as budgeted (Resolution No. 5131, adopted October 10, 1972) . The Council having reviewed the schedule, determined that there were no questions unresolved at this tier.- Alderman Black moved that the salary schedule be adopted as sub,nitted effective April 1, 1973. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and upon vote being taken, all members voted llaye,' "nays" there were none and the motion was carried. A trash and refuse reduced rate affidavit was received from Mrs. Evelyn Adams and duly considered. The County Assessor's notation that the property value was excessive of the allowable limit was discussed. Alderman Alriek moved that the request be denied. Alder -- man Linder seconded the motion and it was carried. 46 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING -3- MARCH 13, 1973 Alderman Linder introluef ced 0 dinance No. 436 annexing the Ben Piehl property on S. ferso for its second and final reading and moved its adoption. Alde an Westlund seconded the motion and it was carried, whereupon said or inance was declared adopted. Alderman Black introduced OrdinaV to eliminate water account depos and moved its adoption. Alderman was carried whereupon said ordina ce No. 438 amending ordinance 325 is for its second and final reading Alrick seconded the motion and it ce was declared adopted. Engineer Priebe presented plans and improvement work. After due delibe the following resolution and moved i seconded the motion. Upon vote bein to have voted "ayet1 whereupon said r (Text in full resolutions no. 5197 t and specifications and ordering adve specifications for proposed tion, Alderman Black introduced S adoption. Alderman Westlund taken all members were found e olution was declared adopted. h ough 5220, approving plans rt"sement for bid.) s >�A request was received from Glen Getzk referendum. Attorney Schantzen advise be held and further, that the City can retain the municipal off -sale facility stated that according to law, annexing still have no bearing on the municipal dlil�e37atapn �'� A3� an ack \intlo uszd tvo�ion. Alderman Westlund Fe (4gli_nk, take i.t wa ound fh1t asX!d/resof awa cl pice. requesting a liquor license that a special election must ssue three licenses and still ccording to law. He further sale establishments would auor store. Ater 'due onded e moti der vot ' ye' eup The monthly financial report and minutes of he Library Board, Safety C, Council and Planning commission were ac cep and ordered filed. The annual League of Minnesota Municipalitie Convention was discussed due to a notice from the League reminding tha early reservations will be required since it is to be held in Al xandria, a resort area and housing will be scarce in June. Aldermen Black, Westlund and Linder requested double rooms as did Engineer Priebe and a single reservation was ordered for Superintendent Roberts. Regi tration fee of $15.00 each was approved. Administrative Assistant Mealey submitted are est for authorization of expense for Building Official to attend co e administration and enforcement workshop for building officials Ma ch 26-28 at Mankato. On motion by Alderman Black, second by Alderma4 Westlund, registration fee of $25.00 and travel expense was authorizeA. Administrative Assistant Mealey presented a rec mmendation from Chief O'Borsky for purchase of police patrol car from lowmans in accordance with bid received February 27, 1973 at $2,990 neprice. Alderman Black moved the bid be accepted and the purchase e authorized. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and it was ca ried. There being no further business before the council the meeting was adjourned at 10:20 p.m.