04-24-1973 CCMREGULAR COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 24, 1973 Vice President Black called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m, and advised the Council that there would be no invocation as Rev. Crouse had sent word that he could not be present. Members present were Aldermen Black, Alrick, Westlund and Linder. Absent was Mayor Kort. Also present were Administrative Assistant Mealey, City Engineer Priebe and City Attorney Sehantzen. The minutes of the regular meeting of April 10, 1973 and April 18, 1973 were approved as submitted on motion by Alderman Linder, second by Alderman Westlund. The current bills were approved as submitted on motion by Alderman Westlund, second by Alderman Linder (list). On request of Ad.ninistrative Assistant Mealey, a transfer of $5,000 from General Fund to Airport Fund was approved on motion by Alderman Westlund, second by Alderman Alrick. A request was received from residents on South Kay Street for a street light at the south dead end of the street. Alderman Westlund moved that the request be referred to the Superintendent of the Utilities Co-mvission for recommendation. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and it was carried. A request was received from Peterson Paulson for rezoning of Lot 7, Bi.ock 14, North half City on behalf of the ',FVW who have an option to buy the property, from R-1 to B-3. Alderman Linder moved that a public hearing be set before the Planning Commission at the next regular meeting on May 15, 1973 at a convenient hour. Alderman Westlund seconded the motion and it was carried. Steve Wacker representing the Ambassadors group of the Chamber of Commerce appeared before the Council to request authority to place welcome signs along the highways approaching Hutchinson, and further to conduct a slogan contest for 18 -year olds and under, the w70ming slogan to be printed on the sign and the contest winner to receive a $25.00 savings bond. Alderman Alrick moved that the Council concur in this request. Alderman Westlund seconded the motion and added that he wished to go on record as supporting the project. The motion was carried. M. Lunenburg appeared before the Council on behalf of the Park and Recreation Board to formally present the reco=endation of the Board that the Council call a referendum to be held July 17, 1973 for the purpose of determining whether to issue bonds in an amount not to exceed $300,000 for construction of a swimming pool. The proposition having been duly considered, Alderman Westlund introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and upon vote being taken it was found that all members present voted "aye" whereupon said resolution was declared adopted. (Resolution No. 5239, Setting Special Election, Time, Polling Places, Judges) REGULAR C07NCIL MEETING 1011 General Fund Frank Engelhart Walter Rippe Harold Synstelien Judy Warnke Joan Krueger Audley Jorgenson Harvey Daharsh Dorothy Hassman Ina Klapatz University of Minn. Quadna Mountain Lodge Cal Rice U.S. Leasing Culligan Water Conditioning Plowman's Inc. Hutchinson Mun. Airport Nasan,Wehrman,Chapman Assoc. MRPA Softball Commission Thomas E. Mealey McLeod Co. Sanitary Landfill Road & Bridge Fund Bill Karl Water & Sewer Fund Clyde Drahos Off Street Parking Mrs. Hilda Bergs Harvey Daharsh Municipal Liquor Store Dunker Sanitation Service Earl Sprengler Old Peoria Co. Inc. Twin City Wine Co. McKesson Liquor Co. Griggs,Cooper & Co. Inc. Famous Brands, Inc. Johnson Bros.Wholesa7e liqucr New Ulm Grocery Co. Distillers Distributing Co. Griggs,Cooper & Co. Train City Wine Co. Ed Phillips & Sons Co. Krasen Inc. New Uim Grocery Co. April 24, 1973 fire inspections plumbing inspections electrical inspections motor ve4icle office labor recreation office labor police reserve police dispatch police dispat0i police dispatc!, registration fee city mgrs. conference labor for painting city hall rental of postage meter services balance due on car rental transfer of funds professional fees registration fees mileage balance due on contract labor water school expenses contract payment servicing meters garbage service pickup f'r e 4, ff 7- hauling liquor wine liquor liquor liquor lionor supplies liquor liquor wine liquor maintenance supplies 90.00 143.60 94-75 63.20 64.00 19.00 32.63 160.88 216.00 15.00 48-50 444-50 22.27 10.00 1697.60 5000.00 597.43 78-00 15.55 3860-50 $12,073.41 110.00 59.93 136.00 47-25 3 183.25 20.00 141.82 111.49 372.62 212.58 1388.55 974.39 591.57 12.44 889.58 2182.20 164. q, 2006.39 19.90 49.48 $ 9137.96 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING' APRIL 24, 1973 An affidavit of hardship and request for reduced rate for trash and refuse hauling was received from Iona Kuester, 705 Grove S. After due deliberation, Alderman Alrick moved that the request be allowed. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and it was carried. A request was received from Ben Piehl to move a garage from 621 Juul Road to 1305 Jefferson Street 13. Alderman Linder moved that the request be granted and referred to the Building Official for permit. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried. A communication was received from Fire Chief Eric Smith calling attention to current legislation (H.F. 1403) which would amend the State Building Code by adding "a municipality may enact fire pre- vention standards for commercial, industrial, and high-rise residential buildings �a1_ich exceed those provided in the state building code." It was the Fire Chief's raeomnendation that the City Council go on record as supporting the proposed legislation. After due deliberation, Alderman Alrick introduced resolution No. 5240 and moved its adoption. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and upon vote being taken, all members voted "aye" whereupon said resolution was declared adopted. (Text) At 7:45 p.m., Vice Chairman Black called to order public hearing as duly advertised for Project 73-25, improvements on California Street. It was noted that there was only one affected property owner who was not present for the hearing. Engineer Priebe advised the Council that the property owner had requested the im1drovament and there would be no cause for objection to the progress of the work. No one having appeared for the hearing, it was moved and seconded that the hearing be closed at 7:50 p.m. Alderman Linder then introduced resolution no. 5241 ordering preparation of plans and specifications for project 73-25 and moved its adoption. AldermanWestlund seconded the motion and upon vote being taken, all members voted "aye" whereupon said resolution was declared adopted. (text) Engineer Priebe then advised that in anticipation of the hearing, the plans and specifications were complete. Upon due deliberation, Alderman Linder introduced resolution no. 5242, accepting plans and specifications for project 73-25 and moved its adoption. Alderman Westlund seconded the motion and upon vote being taken, all members voted "aye" whereupon said resolution was adopted. (text) - 2- REGULAR MEETING, CITY COUNCIL APRIL 24, 1973 Engineer Priebe presented a report on the proposed surfacing of North Park adjacent to the elementary school, and discussion progressed to the proposed work on Grove Street between Washington and Second Avenues. The estimate for curb, gutter and street surfacing was between twenty one and twenty two thousand dollars. Administrative Assistant Mealey was directed to set up a meeting at an early date with the school board to reach final determination of plans. At 8:00 p.m., Acting Mayor Black called for bids received for construc- tion of tennis courts as duly advertised. Upon being opened, they were found to be as follows: Krueger Construction Co., Circle Pines, Minn; B.B. 105/., bid - $77,937.00; Wm. Mueller C Sons, Hamburg, Minn, B.B. 10;0, bid - $69,169.50; Duininek Bros. & Gilchrist, Olivia - B.B. 10/, bid, $52,833.50. AldermanWestlund moved that the bids be referred to the City Engineer for review and recommendation. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and it was carried. Administrative Assistant Mealey was directed to advise the School Board of the findings. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McDonald appeared before the Council to present a proposed plat and request for annexation of a parcel of property adjacent to Maryview, along with a request to change the name of the extension of Maryview Road to Lakewood Drive. Alderman Westlund moved that a public hearing for preliminary plat of Lakewood Terrace be set before the Planning Commission at a convenient hour on May 15, 1973. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and it was carried. Mr. McDonald described a 35 acre parcel of land along Roberts Road North of Lakeview Terrace Mobile Home Park which he has offered to sell to the City for parkland. The figure of $743 per acre, including improvements was suggested. Alderman Westlund moved that the offer be referred to the Park and Recreation Board for recommendation. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and it was carried. At 8:30 Acting Mayor Black called to order adjourned hearing for projects 73-19 and 73-20, improvements on 5th Avenue SW and Juul Road. 20 people were present for the hearing. Many questions were asked concerning costs, removal of trees and MSA status. All questions having been heard and response given, the hearing was declared closed at 9:00 p.m. Alderman Westlund introduced resolution no. 5243, ordering improvement and calling for plans and specifications, project 73-19, and moved its adoption. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and upon vote being taker all members present voted "aye" whereupon said resolution was declared adopted. (text) Alderman Westlund then introduced resolution no. 5244, accepting plans and specifications and ordering advetisement for bids, project 73=19, and moved its adoption. Alderman Linter seconded the motion. Upon being put to vote, all members present voted 'TayeTT whereupon said resolution was declared adopted. - 3 - REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 24, 1973 Alderman We�tlund then introduced resolution no. 5245, ordering improvement and calling for plans and specifications, project 73-20 and moved its adoption. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and upon vote being taken, all members present voted "aye" whereupon said resolution was declared adapted (text) Alderman Westlund then introduced resolution no. 5246 accepting plans and specifications and ordering advertisement for bids project 73-20, and moved its adoption. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion. Upon vote being taken all members present voted "aye" whereupon said resolution was declared adopted. (text) Further discussion was held on project 73-18, Grove Street between Washington and second Avenues. Alderman Westlund introduced resolution no. 524F. approving plans and specifications and ordering advertisement for bids and moved its adoption. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and upon being put to vote, all members present voted "aye" whereupon said resolution was declared adopted (text). J. Paulson appeared before the Council the present his plan for PUD and request for annexation of a portion of Stoney Point. A lengthy discussion was held concerning the possibilities of zoning for town- houses. Alderman Westlund moved that a public hearing be sat for zoning prior to annexation before the Planning Couunission at a convenient hour on May 15, 1973. Alderman Linder sem nded the motion and it was carried. Alderman Westlund introduced ordinance no. 441, annexing a portion of Stoney Point for its first reading and moved its adoption. Alderman Linder seconded the motion. Vote being taken, all members present voted 'aye' whereupon said ordinance was declared adopted on first reading. Administrative Assistant Mealey reportod on his findings for liquor licensing criteria. A discussion followed and it was the consensus that a special meeting should ba held before'the next regular council meeting for further discussion. The annual report from the municipal liquor store was received, reviewed and ordered filed. The Park and Recreation Board minutes were received and ordered filed. A request for variance for construction of a two car garage by Gene Olson was received and the recommendation .of the Planning Commission reviewed. Alderman Linder moved that the variance be approved. Alderman Westlund seconded the motion and it was carried. -- 4 - REGULR COUNCIL MEETING A request for vacation of an alley on the 500 and Lynn Road was received. Alderman Linder referred to the Planning Coranission and that be set for a convenient hour on May 15, 1973. the motion and it was carried. APRIL 24, 1973 block between Grove Street moved that the request be further, a public hearing Alderman Alrick seconded Alderman Alric'_< explained the need for an exhaust fan and hood structure over the cooling unit at the liquor store and presented estimates of costs. Alderman Alrick then moved that the proposal presented by Quades to do the work complete in the amount of $3,623.-50 be approved. Alderman Westlund seconded the motion and it was carried. (Hutchinson Sheet Metal proposal: $3,995.00) Applications for 3.2 beer licenses were duly considered and approved on motion by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman Linder (list) . Administrative Assistant Mealey presented a request for authority to invest$66,404 on hand in S. F. 6. Alderman Westlund moved that the investment be approved. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and it was carried. Engineer Priebe reported that Superintendent Wacker had earlier left the meeting and returned to report that the requested Street Light on Kay street, at the South end would not be feasible because the plat indicates one more lot to be added at the time of annexation, and a street extension east and west, thereby creating a corner where a light will be installed. Further that placement of a light at that location now would necessitate moving all other lights on the street. Alderman Linder moved that the request be denied. Alderman Alriek seconded the motion and it was carried. The Planning Commission's recommendation for approval of the preliminary plat and plan of final plat, Betker's addition, along with a park and playground contribution of $319.00 be set was accepted on motion by Alderman Westlund, second by Alderman Alrick. The resignation of Police Chief Broderius came under discussion at the request of the Chief. Alderman Westlund moved that the resignation be reconsidered, and that Frank Broderius be placed on leave of absence without pay during the period May 1, 1973 through July 15, 1973. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and all members present voted "aye" whereupon the motion was declared carried. There being no further business before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 10:20 p.m. 0*