05-15-1973 CCMSPECIAL MSETING OF CITY COUNCIL n),Y 15, 1973 The meeting was called to order at the hour of 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of receiving bids as duly advertised for 1973 improvement projeets, by Vice -Mayor D. J. Black. Members present were Ald2rmern Westlund, Linder, and Alrick in addition to Alderman Black. Also present was Administrative Assistant Mealey. Vice Mayor Black called for bids received which were then opened aiid recorded as follows: Letting No. 8 - Project 73-18, Bituminous Base, Surfacing and Appurtenances, Grove Street from Washington Avenue to Second Avenue Duininck Bros. & Gilchrist Olivia, Minn 56277 B.B.-10% Bid: $71,272.50 Letting No.9 - Project 73-19, Curb, Gutte,,, Bituminous Base and Surfacing, and appurtenances; Juul Road from Dale Street to Lynn. Road Duininck Bros. & Gilchrist Olivia, Minn 56277 B.B. - 10% Bid: $68,490.00 Letting No 11 - Project 72-25, Watermain and Sanitary Sewer California Street M. J. Jacobs & Sons Bird Island, Minn 55310 B.B. - 10% Bid: __$15,170.00 Valley -Rich Co., Inc. Rosemount, Mn 55068 B.B. - 10% Bid:__$19,870.00 Juul Contracting Co. Hutchinson, Mn 55350 B.B. - 10/ Bid: $17,300.00 Alderman Linder moved that the bids be referred to the City Engineer for review and recommendation. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried. Discussion was held concerning the Board of Equalization conducted on this date between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. as required by law. Alderman Westlund moved that the Council go on record as being in full agreement with the evaluations as recom- mended by the City contract assessor. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and it was carried, all members present having voted IT aye." There being no further business before the Council at this time, the meeting was declared adjourned at 7:13 p.m.