05-22-1973 CCMREGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MAY 229 1973 Vice -Mayor Black called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Reverend Stanton Hecksel of Our Saviour's Church pronounced the invocation. Members present were Alderman Linder, Alderman Alrick and Vice -Mayor Black, also present were Administrative Assistant Mealey, and Engineer Priebe. Absent were Mayor Kost and Alderman Westlund. Minutes for the reg�lar meeting of May 8, the special meetings of May 8 and May 15 were read an approved after correction. 1 The current bills werk approved as submitted on motion by Alderman Linder, second by Alderman Alrick. On motion by Alderman Linder, second by Alderman Alrick transfers and invest- ments were authorized in the following funds and amounts: SinkingFu�o. 8 approximately $ 12,000 13 approximately $200,000 14 approximately $100,000 9 approximately $ 15,000 1 approximately $ 12,000 Cemetery Fund approximately $ 10,000 Bids received in accordance with MSA 429 for the 5t'' Avenue Improvement Project No. 73-20 were opened and read as follows: Duininck Bros. d Gilchrist of Olivia Minnesota - $67,316.80 Upon motion by Alderman Linder, Second by Alderman Alrick bids were referred to the City Engineer for analysis and recommendation. The Engineer was directed to forward the bids to the Minnesota Highway Depart- ment for approval as MSA project. Mr. Bill Scherer, of the Crow River Vocational Center appeared to ask the Council for approval to continue for another year the construction of cabins on the Second Avenue side of the Merril school building in North Park. After some discussion it was moved by Alderman Alrick, seconded by Alderman Linder that approval be given for one more year. Subsequent discussion indicated that all parties believe it better that each year be special permit and the Vocational Center will make application in May or June each year. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McDonald appeared to present the preliminary and plan of final plat of the Lakewood Terrace subdivision. The Planning Commission had approved the plat at their regular meeting of May 15. After discussion it was moved by Alderman Linder, second by Alderman Alrick that the primary north - south street in the plat terminating in cul-de-sac be named Lakewood Drive, and the east -west short street between blocks one and two be named Sibley Avenue. The easterly continuation of Sibley Avenue, terminating in cul-de-sac would be named Sibley Court. It was further provided that the area designated as future Roberts Road would be dedicated at this time to street. purposes. All parties being in agreement, these terms were agreed to. It was mentioned that the REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MAY 22, 1973 Planning Commission had recommended $2,040 as the proper amount to be deposited to Public sites fund for park and recreation development for this plat. That amount was made a part of this approval. Alderman Linder moved approval of the plat and plan of the final plat. Alderman Alrick seconded. All present voted aye, Vice -Mayor Black declared the motion passed and the plat approved. Dr. J.W. Kuehl appeared to make appeal from administrative ruling by zoning ordinance administrator. Mr. Willard had interpreted the ordinance to prohibit fence higher than 30 inches in the front yard of Dr. Kuehl's house which adjoined the Lee's Truck Stop and restaurant along the north line of the truck stop. Under the circumstances, the Council directed that a permit be issued to Dr. Kuehl to allow a uniform height to the fence to a point twenty feet east of the street right of way of the Shady Ridge Road. Ordinance #442, vacation of the platted alley between Grove and Lynn Road, Block 5 Bonniwell's lst Addition was introduced for first reading and approval was moved by Alderman Linder, second by Alderman Alrick, all present voted "aye", "nays" there were none. The ordinance was thereupon declared approved on its first reading and ordered to be placed on the agenda for the next regular Council Meeting. Mr. John Miller then presented an amended plat of Rolling Oaks 3rd Addition. He indicated that the Planning Commission had approved the amended plat at a Special Meeting on May 22. After discussion Alderman Linder moved approval of the plan, Alderman Alrick seconded and all present voted "aye", "nays" there were none. Whereupon Vice -Mayor Black declared the motion passed and the plat approved. Engineer Priebe presented recommendations flpr award of bids for Project Nos. 73-189 73-19 and 73-25. After due deliberaion Alderman Linder intro- duced Resolution No. 5251 and moved its adop ion. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and upon vote being taken, all members voted "aye" whereupon said Resolution was declared adopted. (text) Alderman Linder then introduced Resolution No. 5252 and moved its adoption. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion,and upon vote being taken, all members voted "aye" whereupon said resolution was declared adopted. (text) Alderman Linder then introduced Resolution No. 5254 and moved its adoption. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and upon vote being taken, all members voted "aye" whereupon said resolution was declared adopted. (text) After discussion Alderman Linder introduced Resolution No. 5253 subject to approval from Minnesota Highway Department and moved its adoption. Alder- man Alrick seconded the motion and upon vote being taken all members voted '°aye" whereupon said resolution was declared adopted. (text) - 2 - REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING GENERAL FUND MAX 22, 1973 Grace Sanstead election judge $13.75 Doris Daggett " " 13.75 Muriel Dobratz If " 1.50 Bernice Erickson " it 13.75 Fern Fitzloff " If 1.50 Lillias Gilhousen " IT 13.75 Kenneth Gruenhagen " If 1.50 Dolores Holtz " If 1.50 Olga Kern "it13.75 Darleen Knigge " "' 1.50 Grace Kottke If It 13.75 Pat Kuester °' If13.75 Emma Lake If it 13.75 Gladys Madson " " 13.75 Mildred Nelson " If 13.75 Evelyn Odegaard " It 1.50 Mary Ann Price " If 1.50 Karen Priiioda ' it 1.50 Marilyn Schaffer " " 13.75 Norma Scnepers 13.75 Arlene Schumacher 13.75 Roy H. Thompson " " 1.50 Ruth Torgerson " " 1.50 Harriet White " " 1.50 Clara Witte " " 13.75 Betty Zehringer " " 1.50 Elvera Zupfer " " 1.50 Martha Wilson If " 17.75 Marion Rick " " 1.50 Bette Nelson It If 1.50 Harold Synstelien electrical inspections 578.50 Frank Engelhart fire inspections 85.00 Joan Krueger recreation office labor 50.40 Judy Warnke motor vehicle office labor 44.80 Lynette Berghuis extra labor city clerk 14.25 Audley Jorgenson police reserve 40.00 Dorot+y Hassman police dispatch 102.50 Ina Klapotz police dispatch 72.00 Norman Wright park dept. labor 154.00 Ed Westpahl park dept. labor 180.00 Rod Keith mileage -recreation dept. 24.50 Tri -County Unpires Assn. fees 72.00 Minn. Civil Service Dept. police sergeant exam fee 51.00 Northwestern Bell teletype servic e 111.60 League of Minn. Mun. registration fees 195.00 3M Bus. Prod. Sales Inc. maintenance ag reement 205.00 D. J. Black meeting expenses 22.00 Thomas E. Mealey mileage expenses 42.80 Nason,Wehrman,Chapman,Associates professional fees 505.70 Culligan Water Conditioning fire dept. & city hall 10.00 $2,789.8o REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING CONT. -2- May 22, 1973 WATER DEPT. Wm. Karl Village of Plymouth ROAD & BRIDGE DEPT. Bill Karl Hyde Park Chemical Corp. OFF STREET PARKING FUND Harvey Daharsh County Treasurer Hilda Bergs PUBLIC SITES TRUST FUND County Treasurer SINKING FUNDS #14 Kemper Tree Service #4 American National Bank //6 Northwestern Nat'l Bank #8 American National Bank #10 American National Bank #11 Co. Treasurer MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE Distillers Dist. Co. Griggs,Cooper & Co. Mid West Wine Co. Inc. Twin City Wine 6o. Ed Phillips & Sons Co. Simonson Lbr. Co. Northwest Linen Service New Ulm Grocery Co. Anderson,Helgeson,Lieser etc. Madsen Agency labor 38 water meters $ 25.00 1330-00 $1355.00 labor 210.00 supplies 91.84 301.84 servicing meters 74.25 real estate taxes 444.60 contract payment 136.00 654.85 real estate taxes 266.02 stump removal 250-00 interest 301-00 Bonds & interest 81,641.00 Bonds & interest 63,270.45 Interest 18,765.55 1970-2 W & S assessment .596.46 liquor 771.26 liquor 4477.87 wine 126.10 wine 134.20 liquor 1361.84 supplies 19.7? service 40.00 supplies 45.65 audit services 265-00 liquor liability ins. 2o49.00 $9290.69 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MAY 22, 1973 A letter from the American Legion Club was read inviting all members of the Council to participate in the Memorial Day Parade and ceremony on Monday, May 28. Alderman Linder moved the approval of Marie Thurn as dispatcher. Alderman Alrick seconded and all present voted "aye." Alderman Black presented a proposal for repair of the emergency generator at the waste treatment plant and asked approval. Alderman Alrick moved approval of the repair Alderman Linder seconded the motion and it was carried. An application for parade permit for Monday,May 28 by the American Legion Club was presented. Alderman Linder moved approval, Alderman Alrick seconded and all present voted aye. There being no further business before the Council at this time, the meeting was declared adjourned at 8:25 P.M. - 3 -