06-12-1973 CCMREGULAR MEETING HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL JUNE 12, 1973 Mayor Kost called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and the invocation was dispensed with. Members present were: Mayor Kost, Aldermen Westlund, Linder, Black and Alrick. Also present were City Engineer Priebe, City Attorney Schantzen and Administrative Assistant Meal_ey. Minutes of the regular meeting of May 22, 1973 were approved as submitted on motion by Alderman Black, Seconded by Alderman Linder and carried. The current bills having been reviewed were approved on motion by Alderman Linder, second by Alderman Black. (List) A transfer of $10,000 from the Liquor Store to General Fund was approved on motion by Alderman Alrick, second by Alderman Blac).. Mayor Kost recognized Mark D. McGraw who appeared before the Council to request removal of three parking meters, two on Franklin Street on the East side just before the corner of Second Avenue, and one on Second Avenue on the South Side, just around the earner from Franklin Street. The purpose for removal is to allow For free flow of traffic in and out of the property on that corner where Mr. McGraw proposes to construct a fast food stand. A discussion ensued concerning tie advisability of setting a precedent in removing parking maters and loss of revenue for debt retirement. Alderman Alriek moved that removal of the meters be authorized contingent upon payment of $150.00 per year by the property owner for the life of the bond j s ue toward debt retire,nent and that C ��� fvyh +� from the parkingoAA ea' Ve proIriibited onto second Avenue. Alderman Black seconded the motion. Upon vote being taken all members voted 'r aye." Motion was declared carried. Alderman Black introduced Kimmo Mettala of Lappeenranta, Finland, AFS student, who was present for the meeting. Mayor Kost welcomed him and invited him to comment on his stay in Hutchinson. Alderman Black then introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption (Resolution no. 5260). Alderman Westlund seconded the motion and upon vote being taken, all members voted "aye" whereupon said resolution was declared adopted. Mayor Kost recognized C. Pierson who appeare�a before the Council to present a revised Betker's Addition plat. After review of tfe plat, Alderman Black moved that a hearing be set before the Planning Commission at a convenient hour. Alderman Westlund seconded t:!e motion and it was carried. On recommendation by Fire Chief Eric Smith, Mayor Kost appointed Wesley Griebe Fire Marshall. Alderman Africk moved that the appointment be ratified by the Council. Alderman Black seconded t -e motion and it was carried. REGULAR COUTXIL MEETI14G General Fund Sarold Synstelien Joan G. Krueger Judy Warnke Dototny Hassman Ina Klapotz HutcAinson Telephone Co. hutchinson Utilities Crown Life Ins. Co. Junkers Sanitation Ist State Federal Savings Off Street Parking State Treasurer-PERA D.J. Black Elden Willard Grams Ins. Agency Minn. City Mgrs. Assn. Home Bakery Miller Davis Co. S-A.Nies Kurt's foods Coast tc Coast Store Ben R. Benjamin American Linen Supply Mrs. Lester Steinhaus Leef Bros. Inc. Central Chemical Co. Inc. Dutch Plbg. & Htg. Co. Rannow Electric U.S. PostEaster int.3usiness MacAres Corp. Standard Printing Co. The Typewriter Shop Allen Office Supply Burroughs Corporation Family Rexall Drug Kemske Paper Co. Persian Office Machines Alfred Jannke Gary Wurdell Hutch WHolesale Supply Quades Inc. Wally's Tire Center Rite Way Auto Wash Meade's 66 Station Plowman's Tom's Auto Body Derby Refining Co. Oswald Publishing Co. Reeves Co. Inc. Int. City Mg. Assn. Larsen Communications Instrumentation Services B.J. Kummett G.F.Nemitz Sons electrical inspections recreation labor motor vehicle labor dispatch dispatcli phone services utility services medical insurance May refuse pick up services machine savings acct. motor vehicle rental May contribution auto expenses auto experses comp. liability & police car dues for 7-1-73 to 6-30-74 election supplies election supplies fire extinguisher serviced dog food and other supplies supplies straw services cleaning supplies services supplies repair drinking fountain air conditioner -e-nairs postage typewriter ribbons & tape supplies plastic cover table & chairs & supplies 0ecks office supplies supplies typewriter maintenance beer I icense refund refuse overpayment refund supplies supplies A generator checks tire repair car washings car repairs police car and maintenance vehicle maintenance gas 2 books supplies Municipal Year Book equipment maintenance equipment maintenance cabinet supplies June 122-1973 3 51.00 51.20 61.60 101.25 108.00 353-18 584.69 1586.11 7342-50 500.00 100.00 2349-35 16.00 64-70 16,112-78 15.00 2.25 42.45 55.08 68.69 66.27 Coo 0-70 13.45 16.00 45.43 S-50 6.00 290.00 42-75 205.40 4.84 425.64 860.55 84-34 46.00 49.50 154.63 9.00 27.28 70-88 5.00 7.90 51.55 3264.14 176-85 6.22 7.75 6.70 19.50 101.90 50-00 42.90 3.25 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING CONT. -2- June 12, 1973 General Fund Cont. Henke's Cafe prisoners board 2.10 Concord Press office supplies 23-30 Protect -Aire office supplies 72.75 Great Plains Supply Co. pegboard 3.60 Southern Uniform Co. police uniforms etc. 68.10 Merson Uniform Co. police uniforms 45-85 Uniforms Unlimited Inc. police uniforms& supplies 84-05 Earl Wills typewriter maintenance 9.00 Leo's Electronic Service equipment maintenance 25.60 Gambles supplies 27-08 Mork Communications equipment maintenance 24.55 Steve Schramm fire s&ool expenFes 113.0 George Nelson fire school expenses 97.66 Roger Bluhm fire sc400l expenses 97.66 James Brodd fire scnool expenses 98.16 Hutchinson Fire Dept. fire runs Mao Municipal Water Dept. water 108.75 Standard Oil Co. gasoline 261.96 Custom Made Equipment equipment maintenance 10.00 Felska's Auto Machine Service equipment maintenance 213.94 G.T.C. Auto Parts supplies 85-15 Geme Time Inc. repair parts 44.75 Hutch Iron & Metal Co. strap iron 4.40 Hoels' Service Center equipment maintenance 17-39 Jerry's Tire Co. equipment maintenance 18.25 Jacobson's Hardware Hank tools & supplies 10-56 Ideal Shoe Snop supplies 21.00 Popp's Electrical tennis courts labor 10.00 Plaza OK Hardware supplies 23-50 Rockite Silo Inc. playground maintenance 71-09 Schramm Implement new mower and vehicle maintenance 637.68 Simonson Lbr. Co. lime for ball fields ink Franzen Hardware lock for pla-mobile 2.79 -Tri County Umpires Assn. umpiring ball games 10F.00 Citizens Bank bldg. rental 150.00 Ind. School Dist. #423 summer band music iO00.00 Kokesh Athletic Supply wrestling uniforms 230-75 Family Rexall Drug supplies 7.82 Ideal Shoe Shop repair of bases 7.50 HutcAinson Utilities Senior citizens bldg. 55.70 Hutchinson T-lephone rt I 't 2.0 Norman Wright park dept. labor 154.00 Ed Westpahl, part dept. labor 200.00 Rod Keith expense mileage 27-30 Division of Boiler Inspection boiler license for Lester 3.00 Armory rental for election 154.00 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING CONT. June 12, 1973 Road & Bridg-e Fund Bill Karl labor $205-00 1,11cCa11 Road Surfacing Co. adv. on 1973 projects -gravel 5201.48 Chapin Pub. Co. adv. on '1973 projects 128.03 Northern City National Bank Contract payment on equipment 927-50 American National Bank contract payment on equipment 510.00 Hutchinson Telephone Co. services 40.06 Utilities services & supplies 1650.04 Standard Oil Co. gasoline for vehicles 276.22 Allen Office Supply office sunrlies 6.10 Dunker Sanitation Service 3 montes refuse -pick up 18.00 W.H. Barber Oil Co. street oil, 904.43 Barco Mun. Products Inc. back up alarm 92.00 Bellkato Co. office supplies 1.00 Coast to Coast Stores supplies 1.00 Culligan Water Conditioning 300 lbs sal.t. 6.60 Crow C;iemical & Equipment Co. Tar &, spec cleaner 167-85 Frank Motor Co. vehicle maintenance 1.5.25 Farm Fe -H, -e Dist. Co. supplies P-4-97 Albinson drafting supplies 200.60 Felskals Auto Mac«ine Services ve-icle maintenance 39-36 G.T. C. fi,uto Parts supplies 28.36 Gopher Stamp & D --"e Co. signs 944.69 call Equi )went Co, pair 271 .56 Tuts -i Iron Fc Metal Co. iron 17.28 Hoels' Service Center fire repair 2.00 )Ioriie Gas Co. Inic. LP gas 168.09 Hutch `�Ploles-alr, SUPI17Y supplies 56.1 8 Jerry's Tire Co. vehicle mi,xinterance 28.21 Jacob,-on's liardware T'P,,,-k street paint & supplies 390.64 Lawson Products Inc. 'supplies 13-60 Mork C,-,mnunications radio ;)60.00 U .F. Nemitz' Sono supplies 4.507 S.A. Nies fire extinguis"er powder 3.62 Popp's Electrical repairs 22.77 OK Hardware supe es 21-51 Plowman's Inc. repairs 38-11 Ruffridge-Johnson Equipment Go.repair supplies 75-165 Sc-,-irarqm Implement repairs 78.75 Great Plains Supply Co. eng. sup-olie,- ?2.12 Simonson Lbr. Co. supplies 6.00 Zila 'Hardware supplies 7.64 L & J Distributors supplies 93-50 Wigen C�ievrolet Co. vehicle maintenance 68.20 West Central Industries Inc. late 97-50 Ylun. Water Dept. water 22-95 Griffith Construction Co. advancement on '73 Projects 3375-00 juu! Contracting Co. advancement on '73 projects 2L, p) -or, 434 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING CONT. WATER & 3EUER FUND Hutc�iinson Tele -phone Co. Mun. Water Dent. j-Tutc",inson Utilities Commissioner of Taxation LeRoy Platb Krasen Inc. Jerry's Tire Co. Hutchinson Vholesale Supply Goodin Company Standard Oil Co. (',cast to Coast Store C'i-.arles S'Uombaugh Bob Carter State Treasurer Minn. Flexible Corp. Mantek Corp. Neptune Meter Co. Oxford C,-iemicals Water Products Co. Riverview Press Downtown Shell McAndrews State Treasurer Hawkins C-iemical Inc. Lyon Chemicals Inc. U.S. Postmaster dater Ec Sewage 'dorks Northern Water Works Off Street Parking Fund T rlpr-ve,,, Dalharsh ffutc!; Utilities Cemetery Fund Felska's Auto Mac!-,i�,ie Services Mun. Water Dent. Simonson Lbr. Co. S",-andard Printing Co. Riebe &-id Co. inc. ,-Zock-ite Silo Inc. Sinkinp,- Funds -4- phone services services services sales tax 11 -or May installing door at pump house repairs equipment repairs supplies supplies for repairs gas and oil supplies water scr.00l. expenses water school expenses 2 certificat-ions, repairs repairs meters anC parts supplies Water meter post cards tire repair repairs lease rental acid chlorine ?.iquid postaEe 3 yr. subscription repairs servicing meters gas and electric services repairs water 6u-p-olies request for service cards sod silo staves -111 Ist `i.,ional Bank o-" 't. Paul Bonds are, interest ; ,J -electrical 13 Jotin Portele installatio- June-12, 1973 3 48.65 -185-85 2913.83 460.72 625.00 3.29 4.25 6.31 39.71 64.10 20.00 20.00, 64.5-') 10.00 25.10 219.10 ,-n7. or) 163.80 40.00 1.75 39-55 1.00 138.77 435.00 310.0'` 117,.00 20-95 19 7 . ?j 105.75 8.63 ll4-38 6.38 4.8o 6.55 121.65 13. j0 210.00 362.88 61,821.91 13-7.25 REGULAR COUTTCTL VIEETING 'CONT. -f June 12-1-973 A:u �icinal .Liquor Store Distillers Dist. Co. liauor 3343.9-9 Famous Brands Inc. liquor 484.51 Grkggs,Cooper6Co. liquor 1,849.11 Twin City Wine Co. wine 183.67 Ed Phillips d Sons Co. liquor 1,510.55 New Ulm Grocery Co. grocery 26.72 Distillers Dist. Col. liquor 354.54 Griggs, Cooper Co. Inc. liquor 1,521.98 McKesson Liquor liquor. 508.07 Ed Phillips & Sons Co. liquor 1,014.95 Hutchinson Cold Storage credit payment 150.00 New Ulm Grocery Co. grocery 43.42 Gerald Fischer supplies 10.21 City of Hutchinson service 3,393.28 Griggs, Cooper & Co. Inc. liquor 1,364.91 Twin City Wine Co. wine 261.16 Ed Phillips d Sons Co. liquor 849.91 Coca-Cola BottlingCo. supplies 162450 Northland Beverages Inc. beverages 85.80 Lenneman Bev. Dist.,Inc. beverages 79141.19 Marsh Distributing liquor 39830.30 Olivia Bottling Co. liquor 1,008.15 Premium Distributing Co. liquor 1,440.35 Lacher Bros liquor 644.35 Electro Watchmen, Inc. security service 54.00 Internal Revenue Service special tax return 54.00 Hutchinson Teleph6ne Co. utilities 23.55 Hutchinson Utilities Commission utilities 9.73 Hutchinson Utilities Commission utilities 135.45 Distillers Distributing Co. liquor. 697.04 Griggs, Cooper d Co. Tnc, liquor 1,120.43 Johnson Bros. Co. liquor 553.74 McKesson Liquor Co. liquor 172.63 Old Peoria Co.,Inc. liquor 539.72 Ed. Phillips d Sons Co. liquor 20107.17 New Ulm Grocery Co. grocery 44.13 Earl SPrengler. freight 220.88 Junker Sanitation Service, Inc. refuse pick up 20.00 Commissioner of Taxation sales tax 1,690.80 Madsen Agency Insurance j.24.00 Northwest Linen Service uniforms 32.00 City of Hutchinson transfer to city 10,000.50�0 345 , 786. C,5 KESOI.UIION NO. 5263 1Z'sSOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION AND LEASING OF A PROJECT UNDER THE MINNESOTA MUNICI- PAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT AND THE SALE AND ISSUANCE Or INDUSTRIAL Dh VELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS TO FINANCE THE PROJECT, SECURED BY A PLEDGE AND ASSIGNMENT OF THE REVENUES THEREOF` AND A MORTGAGE OF THE PROJECT TO A TRUSTEE, ELEC" d NG TO ISSUE SUCH BONDS IN EXCESS OF $1,000,000 AND DESIGNATING THE CITY REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE PROJECT BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota as follows: 1. It has been proposed that the City acquire certain zeal property within the City and lease the same, together ,,7i-th one or more buildings and improvements to be constructed thereon, to Hutchinson Industrial Corporation, a Minnesota corporation (hereinafter, the Corporation), which will use the Project for a manufacturing and warehousing facility, consisting primarily of precision chemical etching. The Council gave preliminary approval to the proposal by resolution duly adopted March 13, 1973, and pursuant to that resolution, the following documents relating to the Project have been submitted to the Council and are now on file in the Office of the City Clerk; (a) Warranty Deed, conveying to the City title to the real estate which is situated in McLeod County, Minnesota; (b) Lease, dated as of May 1, 1973, proposed to be made and entered into between the City and Hutchinson Industrial Corporation, as Tenant; (c) Mortgage and Indenture of Trust, dated as of May 1, 1973, proposed to be made and entered into between the City and the First Trust Company of Saint Paul, St. Paul, Minnesota, as Trustee; and (d) Official Statement, or prospectus. 2. It is hereby found, determined and declared that: (a) the real property, building or buildings, and improvements described in the Warranty Deed, Lease and Indenture referred to in paragraph 1 constitute a Project authorized by the Municipal Industrial Development Act; (b) the purpose of the Project, as defined in the Lease and Indenture, is and the effect thereof will be to promote the public welfare by the attraction, encouragement, retention and development of economically sound industry and commerce so as to prevent, so far as possible, the emergency of blighted and marginal lands and areas of chronic unemployment; the development and retention of industry to use the available resources of the community, in order to Vetain the benefit of its existing investment in educational and public service facilities, by halting the movement of talented, educated personnel of mature age to other areas and thus preserving the economic and human resources needed as a base for providing governmental services and facilities; more intensive development of land available in the community to provide an adequate tax base to finance the increase in the amount and cost of governmental services; and a better distribution of tax burdens between industrial or commercial properties and residential properties within the City; (c) the Project is to be located within the City limits, at a site which is easily accessible to employees residing within the City and the surrounding community, and to means of transportation of materials and products by rail and highway; (d)' the Project when completed will add signifi- cantly to the tax base of McLeod County, the City and the School District in which the City is located; (e) the Project has been approved by the Commissioner of Economic Development of the State of Minnesota as tending to further the purposes and policies of the Industrial Develop- ment Act; (f) the acquisition and construction of the Project, the issuance and sale of the bonds, the execution and delivery of the Lease and of -the Indenture, and the performance of all covenants and agreements of the City contained in the Lease and Indenture and of all other acts and things required under the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota to make the Lease, Indenture and Bonds valid and binding obligations of the City in accordance with their terms, are authorized by the Municipal Industrial Development Act; (g) it is desirable that the Tenant be authorized, in accordance with the provisions of Section 474.03(6) of the Industrial Development Act and subject to the terms and conditions set forth in Article 3 of the Lease, which terms and conditions the City determines to be necessary, desirable and proper, to provide for the construction, acquisition and installation of the building or buildings and improvements to be included in the Project by such means as shall be available to the Tenant and in the manner determined by the Tenant, and with or without advertisement for bids as required for the construction and acquisition of other municipal facilities; -2- (h) it is desirable that a series of Industrial Development Revenue Bonds in the amount of $1,600,000 be issued by the City upon the terms set forth in the Indenture, under the provisions of which the City's interest in the Lease and the rentals will be pledged and the Project will be mortgaged to the Trustee as security for the payment of principal and interest on the Bonds; (i) the rentals charged in the Lease for the use of the Project are fixed, and required to be revised from time to time as necessary, so as to produce income and revenue sufficient to provide for prompt payment of principal of and interest on all Bonds issued under the Indenture when due, and the Lease also provides that the Tenant is required to pay all expenses of the operation and maintenance of the Project including, but without limitation, adequate insurance thereon and insurance against all liability for injury to persons or property arising from the operation thereof, and all taxes and special assessments levied upon or with respect to the leased premises and payable during the term of the Lease, during which term a tax is imposed by Minnesota Statutes, Section 474.03(3) for the privilege of using and possessing the Project; in the same amount and to the same extent as though the Tenant were the owner of all real and personal property comprising the same; and (j) under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 474.10, and as provided in the Lease and Indenture, the Bonds are not to be payable from nor charged upon any funds of the City other than the revenue pledged to the payment thereof; the City is not subject to any liability thereon, no holders of the Bonds shall ever have the right to compel any exercise of the taxing power of the City to pay any of the Bons or the interest thereon, nor to enforce payment thereof against any property of the City except the Project mortgaged by the Indenture; the Bonds shall not constitute a charge, lien or encumbrance, legal or equitable, upon any property of the City except the Project; each Bond issued under the Indenture shall recite that the Bond, including interest thereon, is payable solely from the revenue pledged to the payment thereof; and no Bond shall constitute a debt of the City within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limitation. 3. The forms of Warranty Deed, Lease and Mortgage and Indenture of Trust referred to in paragraph 1 are approved. The City accepts the conveyance by the Warranty Deed of the real estate therein described. The Lease, with such variations, insertions and additions as the City Attorney may hereafter deem appropriate, is directed to be executed in the name and on behalf of the City by the Mayor and City Clerk, upon execution thereof by the officers of the Company. The Mortgage -3- and lnd�'ntur,'_ sir '!--'I:ust, wl t f'. Such Variations, insert ions and addition, t':c, citylett _ , .ie_ may hereafter deem appropriate, is directed to .-2 O::c cu'tc,_. n the name and on belialf of the City by the ?'ayor- and Citi, ,',.erk and delivered -o the `Trustee. Copies of all of the docu; ::ts shall bre delivered, filed and recorded i rovi-cj_d thc_-,. i n. `-Lhe official :statement, or prosp(,ct.u:,, ,%ith ­.Uch Variations, insertions and additions as the City Attorncy may hrreafter deem appropriate, is hereby a_ I}roved, ani ­ty hereby consents. to the clistri�uti_c-)I, o such official al statement, or prospectus, to prospective purch;-users of the Bonds. 4. In anticipation of the collection of revenues of the Project, the City shall proceed forthN.-iith to issue its Industri_.l Develonruent Pevenue I3onds, (Hutchinson Industrial Corporation) Series 1973, dated as of May 1, 1973, in the pr..nc.i.p,-1 Euiicunt of $1,600,000, in the form anti upon the terms set forth in the Mortgage and rndentur_e of Trust, which terms are for this pur_posc in n this resolution and made a part thereof. The proposal of Miller & Schroeder 119unicipals, Inc. to purchase such bonds at a price of % of their par value plus accrued interest, upon the terms and conditions set forth In the i-iortgage and Indenture of Trust is hereby found and determined to be reasonable and is hereby accepted. The Mayor and City Clerk are authorized and directed to prepare and execute the Bonds as prescribed in the Piortgaye and Indenture of Trust and to d,�liver them to the Trustee, together with a citified co-,Dv of this resolution and of er documents required by the iMortgage and Indenture of Trust, for authentication and delivery to the purchaser. 5. The Ptayor and Cite' Clerk and other officers of the City are authorized and directed to prepare and furnish to the purchaser of the Bonds, when issued, certified copies of all proceedings and records of the City relating to the Bonds, and such other affidavits and certificates as may be required to show the facts relating to the legality and marketability of the Bonds as such facts appear from the boos and records in the officers' custody and control or as otherwise known to them; and all such certified copies, certificates and affidavits, including any heretofore furnished, shall constitute representations of the City as to the trust of all statements contained therein. 6. In accordance with Section 103(c)(6)(D), the City hereby elects to issue its Bonds under the Indenture in an amount excr-olinq $1,000,000, and the Clerk, is hereby authorized and directed to file with the Internal Revenue Service a statoment of this election. 7. i,iie City Cler:: is hereby designated as City Represcntativo, and the Mayor as alternate City Representative, -4- a • for all purposes of the Leazo and Indenture, with full authority to do, in behaii 9i the City, all those things required or authorized in th n Lease and IndenLure by action or upon certificate of the City Representative. PASSED by the City Council. of the City of Hutchinson this 'QZday of 1973. c, Attest: �1OMAS L . MEALEi' ,City C1 rk [SEAL] DON 0. KOST, Mayor -5- REGULAR MEETING HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL JUNE 12, 1973 Prompted by information received from the League of Minnesota Munici- palities, a discussion was held concerning amendment of existing ordinances relating to the age of majority for sale of intoxicating beverages due to recent legislation. It was determined that a blanket ordinance conforming with state law would handle all contingencies. AldermanBlack then introduced ordinance no. 443 for its first reading and moved its adoption. Alderman Westlund seconded the motion and upon vote being taken, all members voted "aye" whereupon said ordinance was declared adopted upon first reading. A request for rezoning of a parcel of land on T. H. 15 South owned by Richwalks, Inc. was received and considered. It was agreed that a hearing should be set in a eeordance with the provisions of ordinance 345 and that the advertisement should state that the rezoning request is for either B-3 as stated or BSC, subject to approval of the property owner. Alderman Westlund so moved, Alderman Black seconded the motion and it was carried. A request for an on -sale 3.2 licence by the Elks Lodge for sale of beer at the ball park in Riverside Park on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th of June, during the Water Carnival was received and considered. D. Buske appeared before the Council on behalf of the Elks, and explained that it is their intent to confine the sale to an enclosed, fenced, area with careful policing by members of the lodge. After considerable discussion, Alderman Alriek moved that the licence be approved upon receipt of proper application, coordination avid approval by Chief OTBorsky, and payment of a fee of $25.00. Alderman Westlund seconded the motion and it was carried. After due deliberation, Alderman Black introduced Resolution 5259 and moved its adoption. Alderman Westlund seconded the motion and upon vote being taken, all members voted "aye" whereupon said resolution was declared adopted. Upon advice of City Engineer Priebe, Alderman Black introduced resolution no. 5255, declaring cost and ordering preparation of assessment roll no. 48, and moved its adoption. Alderman Westlund seconded the motion and it was carried, whereupon said resolution was declared adopted. (Text) Alderman Black then introduced resolution no. 5256, declaring cost and ordering preparation of assessment roll no. 49, and moved its adoption. Alderman Westlund seconded the motion and it was carried, whereupon said resolution was declared adopted. REGULAR MEETING HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL JUNE 12, 1973 Alderman Westlund then introduced resolution no 5257, ordering hearing for proposed assessment roll no. 48, and moved its adoption. Alderman Black seconded tole motion and upon vote being taken, all members voted TTayeTT whereupon said resolution was declared adopted. (text) Alderman Westlund then introduced resolution no. 5358, ordering hearing for assessment roll no. 49, and moved its adoption. Alderman Black seconded the motion and upon vote being taken, all members voted "aye" and said resolution was declared adopted. (text) After due deliberation, Alderman BlaeR introduced resolution no. 5261 approving legislation providing for off-street parking assessment procedures in th? City of Hutchinson, and moved its adoption. Alderman West Lund seconded the motion, and upon vote being taken, all m?mbers present voted TTaye" whereupon said resolution was declared adopted. (text) Alderman Black then introduced ordinance no. 442, vacation of alley in BonniweJIT s Addition, and mDved its adoption. Alderman Westlund seconded the motion and upon vote being taken, all members voted "aye TT whereupon said ordinance was declared adopted upon second reading. (text) Alderman Linder introduced resolution no. 5239, setting election, designating polling places and times and appointing judges for special election on bond iddue for swimming pool and moved its adoption. Alderman Westlund seconded the motion and upon vote being taken, all members voted "aye" whereupon said resolution was declared adopted. (text) A letter of resignation was received from Civil Defense Director, George Fredrickson. After due deliberation, Alderman Black moved that the resignation be accepted. Alderman Westlund seconded t'e motion and it was carried. After further discussion of Civil Defense Director position, Alderman Black moved that the position be filled in joint by City Engineer Priebe, Police Chief O'Borsky and Administrative Assistant Mealey, Administrative Assistant Mealey to act as 'coordinator and authorized signator. Alderman West Lund seconded the motion and it was carried wi.tl:out dissenting vote. Mayor Kost noted that Dr. Proci.now's tern on the Civil Service Commission is up and announced his reappointment, subject to Council ratification. Alderman Black moved that the appointment be ratified, Alderman Westlund seconded the motion and it was carried. The Building Official's mont ly report and the Financial report were accepted for filing. Alderman Black reported on ti:e State Safety Council Award Banquet in St. Paul and announced presentation of award to the City of Hutchinson and presented the plaque to Alderman Linder, w'no accepted it on bahalf of t,ie Safety Council. - 3 - REGULAR MEETING HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL JANE 12, 1973 The minutes of the Safety Council, Library Board and Park and Recreation Board were accepted for filing. Applications were received from Larry Cornwell for license to operate a bowling alley, to sell cigarettes and on sale 3.2 beer license. These were approved on notion by Alderman Linder, second by Alderman Westlund and carried. Application to operate a concession stand in Library Square was received from Mrs. Marcy Kolils '3'1 behaLf of Welcoxe Wagon, during the Water Carnival. The permit was approved on motion by Alderman Westlund, second by Alderman Black. Alderman Linder reported that in meeting with Superintendent Roberts and Foreman Larry Karg, he had been informed that they have both been notified verbally of Al Molitor's intent to resign from the Street Department, effective date to be presented in writing by Mr. Molitor. Alderman Linder moved that Mr. Molitor's resignation be accepted. Alder,nan BlaeR seconded the motion and it was carried. Alderman Linder also noted that Clifford Paulson who transferred to the Street Department, has performed wall in that position and recommended t'at since he is not a new City employee, the probation period be reduced to three months and salary adjustment as previously approved be effective June 1, 1973. Alderman Black seconded the motion and it was carried. Alderman Black then noted t;,at Charles Stambaugh had also satisfactorily completed three months of probation in the Water Department and moved t, -at the 6 month provision be waived and furt er that the scheduled salary adjustment be effective June 1, 1973. Alderman Westlund seconded the motion and it was carried. Alderman Black then noted receipt of certificate of completion of water operator's se'iool and Class D Water Operator certification earned by Robert Carter and Charles Stombaugh and commended both employees for their efforts. Engineer Priebe presented a verbal report on the advisability of slurry coating this sumner and presented a proposal fro -n Slurry Coat for materials in the amount of $4,400. Alderman Linder moved t at the proposal be accepted. Adlerman Black seconded t. -.e motion and it was carried. Alderman Black reported that Water Superintendent Mix has located 150 used water meters, available from t': -ie Village of Plymouth and reeomnended that they be purchased for use in replacement of worn out meters in older structures, the cost to be $15.00 each. Alderman Black placed t, -,e recommendation in t, -.e form of a motion, Alderman Linder seconded, and it was carried. - 4 - REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 12, 1973 Alderman Linder reported that Superintendent Roberts has found that the frame building at Second and Franklin, formerly used for a shoe repair shop, is available to t:he city at no cost other than for moving it, approximately $250.00, and he would like to have it for use as a warming horse south of the south hockey rink at Tartan Park. After some discussion, Alderman Black moved tAat t.e moving expense be authorized. Alderman Linder seconded th` motion and it was carried. Administrative Assistant Mealey presented a report on disposal of sludge at the Satterlee Gravel Pit, and informed the Council of his intention to contact the PCA for advice on disposition. A.proposed agreement, received from Elsie Soltow, 725 Second Avenue SE was considered and discussed. Mrs. Soltow proposed to sell her property to the City for the sum of $4,000 provided that she be permitted to live in the house until such time as of-er arrangements can be made for her residence. Her home is located in ti -le flood plain area along the Crow River and is the last of three properties the City has been interested in obtaining for parkland. Alderman Black moved that the Mayor and Clerk be Authorized to enter into agreement with Mrs. Soltow to purchase her property at 725 Second Avenue SE for the sum of $4,000 with the provision that she be permitted to remain on the premises until such time as she makes other arrangements for her residence. Alderman GVestlund seconded the motion and it was carried. Administrative Assistant Mealey reported, and City Engineer Priebe confirmed, a problem with raw sewage at the corner of Water Street and Third Avenue NW. Administrative Assistant Mealey stated that a letter has been written to the property owner advising him of the need for sewer hook up, bat that no response has been received. Attorney Sellantzen was consulted and advised t,,at a complaint s'gned by the Health Officer would ba sufficient to institute correction of the problem by the City, and bill the property owner. Administrative Assistant Mealey reported on receipt of information from the Commissioner of Manpower Services stating that on May 17 the State Legislature passed a hill, S. F. 1120, appropriating funds for a summer youth employment program, to be administered by the Department of Manpower services. It provides for the employment of yont:i up to age 22 at $1.60 per hour for 30 hours per week for 10 weeks. It is the intent to contract with the County and municipalities with a population of 2,500 or more, who under t.e allocation would be entitled to funds for one or more slots. MDMS will do all of the recruiting and referral of yo t -'I for t,ese jobs. The amount of funds municipalities receive will be dependent on the proportion of t ieirr population to the total county population. The total allocation for McLeod County is $7,385. Of ghat, $2,144 is allocated to the City of FIutehinson. - 5 - REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 12, 1973 Those who contract for these funds must provide 122 percent mate;ing funds and absorb administrative costs internally. Funds from tige appropriation and matc:ing funds may be used only to pay wages and F.I.C.A. contributions of youth so employed. After due consideration, Juvenille Officer Wagge appeared before the Council and stated that he would like to use these funds to employ a number of young people he has been dealing with who are so-new,at border- line caws in the hope that a sense of accomplishment and self warth will tip t.e scales in bringing them into society as law abiding citizens. Alderman Black moved that the City enter into such an agreement with the MDMS, and further that Juvenile Officer Wagge be appointed supervisor of t,e program. Alderman Westlund seconded the motion and it was carried. A report was received from Suprintendent Roberts t,at the pu,np at the house in Riverside Parc was in poor operating condition and t.,e cost of replacement would be $150.03. Alderman Westlund moved teat the subject be tabled for further consideration. Alderman Black seconded t e motion and it was carried. A request for street light on Bradford Street by But6i Wentworth was referred to the Utilities Commission on motion by Alderman Linder, second by Alderman Alrick. electrical service for Administrative Agsistant Mealey reported on proposals received for installation of/tennis courts at t:he hig:- sc�iool: Quade f s proposed to do the work for $4,358 with the City pure using the ;materials for a deduct of $500, bringing the total to $3,858. -�opp Electical proposed a total cost of $3,850. Alderman Black moved that the proposal of Popp Electric be accepted. There was no second and the ,notion was declared null. AldermanWestlund then moved that tae proposal of Quade's be accepted. Alderman Alrick seconded tie motion and upon vote being taken the follow- ing voted "aye:" Aldermen Westlund, Alrick and Linder. The following voted "nay:" Alderman Black. The motion was declared carried. On advice of Attorney Schantzen, Alderman Black introduced resolution no. 5263 for issuance of $1,000,000 Industrial Development Bonds and moved its adoption. 'Alderman 'Jestlund seconded the motion and it was carried, whereupon said resolution was declared adopted. Mayor Kost then announced that thiswould b2 his last meeting of the City Council as Mayor and stated his appreciation of working with everyone on the Council and in the administration. He stated that his emotions are mixed about leaving and said it has been a great experience. - 6 - REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 12, 1973 Alderman Black stated teat on behalf of t, -,e Council and t e City lie wished to offer appreciatio- of Mayor Kost's leaders: