01-23-1973 CCM4 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 23, 1973 Vice President D . J. Black called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and asked Reverend Kohl to deliver the invocation. Following the invocation, Vice President Black read a card of thanks from the Harold Schmeling family for the rememberance sent by the Council. The minutes of the regular meeting of January 9, 1973 were accepted as submitted on motion by Alderman Westlund, second by Alderman Alrick. The bills were approved as submitted on motion by Alderman Westlund, second by Alderman Alrick. (list) Reinvestment of matured funds in S. F. No. 13 was approved on motion by Alderman Westlund, second by Alderman Linder. Commissioner Popp was recognized and reported on the County Board meeting to the effect that the Board has agreed to cooperate toward construction of a new armory in the amount of $25,000. Following further discussion, Alderman Westlund moved that the National Guard be advised that the City will provide land and other facilities as agreed upon, details to be worked out at time of bid letting for construction. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and upon vote being taken, all members present voted "aye" whereupon the City Clerk was directed to so notify General Cheeseman of the National Guard. Hospital Administrator Phil Graves presented the semi-annual hospital report indicating a year-end operational balance with all payments current without the money from the sale of the old hospital. Also included was a projection of expenditures for the next five year period. It was the consensus of the Council that Mr. Graves was to be con- gratulated on the report. Change Order No. 1 for Fredrickson's Inc. on construction of well, project WS-MINN-117, S. F. 13 was presented, considered and approved in the amount of $634.90 increase, on motion by Alderman Westlund, second by Alderman Linder. Gene Birk appeared before the Council to ask for conclusion on disposition of the lease on the airport farm land. He reported that he had cleaned it all up and plowed it and would now like to plan his planting for spring. Alderman Black assured him that the matter would be resolved at the next airport board meeting which can be called at an earlier date in the month of February to accommodate ordering of planting supplies. REr=ITI,AR (7071CIL MEETTNG January 23, 1973 general Fund M. Dianne Fowler motor vehicle labor 5 171.00 Lorna E. Kohn motor vehicle labor. 187.00 Judv Warnke motor vehicle labor 75.20 Audley Jorgenson police reserve 16.00 Kenneth Krienke police reserve 12.00 B.J. Kummet police reserve 16.00 Dorothy Hassman police dispatch 91.12 Ina Klapotz police dispatch 90.00 Frank Engelhart fire inspections 50.00 Erie A. Smit` salary as fire chief 600.00 Lloyd Schlueter salary as asst fire chief 300.00 Sheldon Nies salary as asst fire chief 300.00 U.S. Post Office postage for police dept. 8.00 Edward Reed desk console for radio car 20.00 Howard Beck BCA school expenses 7.50 Dean O'Borsky BCA refresher course expenses 7.50 Irene O'Fallon use of car by Dick Moisan 12.60 McLeod County Auditor 4th quarter prisoners board 35.00 Frank Br®derius attending crime commission mtg. 29.30 Richard Waage Basic police school expenses 202.00 Don 0. Kost expenses 7.30 Thomas E. Mealey Minn. Mun. Commission mtg. 18.25 D.J. Black mtg. coalition of outstate cities 33.50 Culligan Water Conditioning city hall & fire dept. services 10.00 Earl Miller refund on ONSALE & OFF SALE 71.64 Fred Roberts meeting expenses 4.45 341.05 State Tr6asurer building permit surcharge $2716.4. Recreation Dent. Joan Krueger labor 84.00 Ed Westpahl hockey rink labor 205.00 T"eonhil Gruenwaldt skating rink labor 180.00 Michael Pollard recreation emnlems 48.00 Rod Keit}1 mileage _ 35-70- 552-70 ROAD & BRIDCEFUND Gale Boelter snow removal 51.75 Brad Burch snow removal 119.25 Tri-State Machinery Co. snow removal equipment 3931.10 Erickson Construction Co. snow removal at hospital 131.25 Eugene Birk snow hauling 138.00 Dean Oleson snow Mauling 138.00 Stan Ristow snow hauling 138.00 John Ball snow hauling 126.00 77} WATER & SEWER FUND Finley E. Mix testing fees $ 192.50 Burroughs Corporation maintenance agreement 33.50_ $ 226.00 CUFF STREET PARKING Harvey Daiarsh Hilda Beres 1st National Bank Citizens Bank_ SINKING FUNDS #5 C tizens Bank servicing meters contract payment interest on bonds interest on bonds bond & interest due #13 Chicago Bridge & Iron Co. estimate #5 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE Johnson Bros. Co. Griggs. Cooper & Co. Tne. Mid -west wine Co E� Phil -Tins R- .Sons Co. Floor Carp Supply Co. City of ifutclinson Stearnswood Inc. Distillers Distb. Co. Griggs,Cooper & Co. Johnson Bros. Co. McKesson Liquor Co. Ed Phillips R; Sons Co. Earl. Snrpr7l_er Anker Data Systems liquor Liquor l.,_qunr cleaning supplies December sdarieE renai r. s liquor 1_igly-)r l iauor liquor liq��r�r cas'. rPmi iter nanor January 23, 1973 67.50 136.00 1-575.00 1575.00 $ 3353.50 10,767.50 31,786.20 $961.64 7612.55 240.88 9?5.60 4r,,35 3333.69 66.95 721.86 2351.39 532.71 81.75 849.3n 419.38 26.40 312, l 6o. 45 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 2 - JANUARY 23, 1973 At 8:00 p.m., Vice President Black called to order public hearing on assessment roll no. 44 as duly advertised. Seven persons were present for the hearing. A number of questions having been discussed and answered, the hearing was closed at 8:20 p.m. Alderman Linder introduced Resolution No. 5162. adopting assessment roll no. 44, and moved its adoption. Alderman Westlund seconded the motion. Upon being put to vote, all members present voted "aye",TTnaysTT there were none and said resolution was declared adopted. p.m. At 8:21/Vice President Black declared open public hearing as duly advertised for assessment roll 45. Folmer and Mrs. Peterson, and K. Santleman had questions concerning their assessments, as well as several others who were present. These having been discussed and answered, the hearing was closed at 8:28 p.m. Alderman Linder then introduced resolution no. 5163, adopting assessment roll no. 45, and moved its adoption. Alderman Westlund seconded the motion. Upon being put to vote, all members present voted "aye," "nays" there were none and said resolution was declared adopted. At 8:30 p.m. Vice President Black called to order public hearing as duly advertised on assessment roll no. 46. Clayton McEwen and K. Prihoda questioned the benefited property area of storm sewer. Mrs. Folmer Peterson questioned the catch basin at the Merrill house on Washington Avenue; V. Zehringer representing L. Wick questioned the value of the assessment in ratio to the value of the property; the assessment procedure was explained to Bernard Roepke; G. Engebretson questioned method of payment and interest charges, Dick Price and Lucille Neuman also had questions. At 9:00 p.m. the hearing was recessed for the radio message on peace in Vietnam by President Nixon. The hearing was callal to order again at 9:20 p.m. All parties desiring to be heard, having been heard, the hearing was declared closed at 9:21 p.m. Alderman Linder then introduced resolution no. 5164, adopting assessment roll no. 46, and moved its adoption. Alderman Westlund seconded the motion. Upon vote being taken, all members present voted "aye," "nays" there were none, whereupon said resolution was declared adopted. The Planning Commission's recommendation for vacation of a portion of Glen Street N which was platted but never constructed as a street, was taken under consideration . Mr. Hemon was present, and stated that he can not build on his lot abutting the platted street and stay within the zoning ordinance. After further discussion and considera- tion, Alderman Westlund introduced Ordinance No. 435 and moved its adoption on first reading. Alderman Al�viek seconded the motion and upon vote being taken, all members present voted "aye," "nays" there were none, whereupon said ordinance was declared adopted upon first reading. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 3 - JANUARY 23, 1973 A letter from the Commissioner of Aeronautics concerning advisability of a master plan for the Airport was referred to the Airport Board. Engineer Priebe submitted a memorandum recommending improvements through 1985. The plan was discussed, no action taken. Engineer Priebe then submitted additional recommendations for 1973 improvements., and requested that since January 15 had been established as a cut-off date for public requests that the work to be done this year be confirmed. The Engineer's recommendations of October 31 and January 19 were studied and discussed, after which Alderman Linder introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption. Alderman Westlund seconded the motion and upon vote being taken all members present voted "aye," "nays" there were none and said resolution was declared adopted. (Resolution No. 5165, ordering report). The Council, having further discussediIhe projected improvements and having received Engineer's estimated e6sts concluded that an early hearing date should be set. Alderman Under then introduced Resolution No. 5166 and moved its adoption. Alderrhan Westlund seconded the motion and upon vote being taken, all members present voted "aye," TT naysTT there were none, whereupon said r�solut.ion was declared adopted. (Resolution No. 5166, Accepting Report afid Ordering Hearing) Two applications for snow removal permitslwere received from Martin Loneorieh and Ed Peterson and approved on';motion by Alderman Linder, second by Alderman Alrick. A request from the Recreation Director for amendment to the budget, transferring funds from Hooky to Basketball Travel account was considered and approved on motion by Alderman Linder, second by Alderman Alrick. Alderman Black reported on a meeting he had attended on this date at Litchfield concerning regional development commission for region 6E. It was reported that since it is a requirement of the State Planning Agency that the regional commissions be established, it would be to the best interest of the City and County to voluntarily establish a commission with Meeker and Kandiyohi Counties rather than be placed in a region whose interests are further removed. It was further pointed out that a regional planning agency would possibly be advantageous in handling of solid waste disposal, review of grants and establishment of regional libraries. At the termination of the discussion, Alderman Alrick introduced Resolution no. 5167 and moved its adoption. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and upon vote being taken, all members present voted "aye," and said resolution was declared adopted. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 4 Alderman Black pointed out that there were still on the portion of Third Avenue SW that has been Clerk was directed to take appropriate steps to removed. JANUARY 23, 1973 two parking meters vacated. The City see that they are The agreement with ISD 423 on tennis courts was received _From Super- intendent*with the recommended deletions approved. Alderman Westlund moved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the agreement as amended. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried. *Birkeland Upon recommendation by City Attorney Schantzen, having been duly considered, Alderman Alrick introduced ordinance No. 429 for its second reading and moved its adoption. Alderman Westlund seconded the motion. Upon vote being taken all members present voted "aye," whereupon said ordinance was declared adopted. Alderman Alrick then moved that the Mayor be authorized to sign the deed for sale of the old hospital property to Hutchinson Housing, Inc. for construction of the apartment building for low income elderly. Alderman Westlund seconded the motion and it was carried. Administrative Assistant Mealey presented information on a new kind of air cleaner for potential use in the Council Room instead of the proposed ventilating system. It was determined that the cost would not represent a substantial savings and the ventilating system would be preferable in any event. The subject of a Building Official for the City was discussed. It was determined that a special meeting would be held on this subject prior to the next council meeting and after all replies from the ad have been received. Engineer Priebe presented a request from Bruce Norton for construction of a temporary storage building while he is building a new garage. It was moved and seconded that such temporary building be approved for use until June 1973. Motion was carried. Engineer Priebe reported that there have been some problems with holders of snow removal permits dumping snow in the streets, particularly on side streets. He further reported that he has asked Superintendent Roberts to report offenders and recommends that they be denied permits next winter. There being no further business before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 11:10 p.m. SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 23, 1973 Mayor Kost called the meeting to order at 11:45 a.m. Present were Mayor Kost, Aldermen Black, and Linder. Absent were Aldermen Alrick and Westlund. Alderman Black, after summarizing the evaluations of applicants for the job of Building Official, moved that Mr. Elden Willard be appointed to the position at a salary of $850.00 per month. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and all present voted "aye." Alderman Black further moved that Eldred Miller be retained as a consultant Building Official on a job basis, at a rate not to exceed $10.00 per hour. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and it was carried. On discussion of promotion to Sergeant in the Police Department, Alderman Black moved, on recommendation of the Civil Service Board, to appoint Ronald Kirchoff to the position of Sergeant. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and all present voted "aye." There being no further business to come before the Council, they adjourned at 12:04 p.m.