Mayor Black called the meeting to order at the hour of 7:43 P.M.
The Oaths of Office for the newly elected Mayor, D. J. Black
and Aldermen, Milton Lueneburg, Paul Haag and Paul Ackland,
were duly administered and signed, and notarized by City Clerk,
Thomas E. Mealey.
Mayor Black called for election of Vice President of the Council
and requested nominations. Alderman Lueneburg moved Alderman
Westlund be elected Vice President of the Council. Alderman
Haag seconded the motion and it carried. Mayor Black then
declared Alderman Westlund, Vice President of the Council for
the year 1974.
Mayor Black announced the following appointments as Commissioners
for the year 1974 and requested a motion confirming or rejecting
Streets and Alleys - Alderman Haag
Sewer and Water - Alderman Lueneburg
Public Buildings and Fire Protection - Alderman Ackland
Health, Finance and General Welfare - Alderman Westlund
Alderman Westlund moved that the Council confirm the Mayor's
appointments as presented. Alderman Ackland seconded the
motion and upon vote being taken, all members voted affirma-
tively and the motion was declared carried.
Mayor Black announced the following appointments as representa-
tives for the year 1974 and requested a motion confirming or
rejecting them:
Parks, Recreation, Cemetery - Alderman Ackland
Planning Commission - Alderman Lueneburg
Hospital Board - Alderman Haag
Nursing Home Board - Alderman Haag
Library Board - Alderman Ackland
Liquor Store - Alderman Westlund
Safety Council -
Alderman Lueneburg moved that the Council confirm the Mayor's
appointments as presented. Alderman Westlund seconded the
motion and upon vote being taken, all members voted affirma-
tively and the motion was declared carried.
Mayor Black then announced appointment of City officers for
the calendar year 1974. Alderman Westlund moved that the
appointments be confirmed and introduced Resolution No. 5293
(Appointing City Officers 1974) and further moved its adoption.
Alderman Ackland seconded the motion and upon vote being taken,
all members voted "aye" whereupon said resolution was declared
adopted. (TEXT)
Mayor Black then announced appointment of M. D. Schantzen as
Legal Counsel for the year 1974. Thereupon Alderman Lueneburg
introduced Resolution No. 5294 (Appointing Legal Counsel) and
moved its adoption. Alderman Westlund seconded the motion
and upon vote being taken, it was found that all members voted
"aye" and said resolution was declared adopted. (TEXT)
Alderman Ackland then introduced Resolution No. 5295 (Designa-
tion of Depositories) for the calendar year 1974 and moved its
adoption. Alderman Haag seconded the motion and upon vote
being taken, all members voted "aye" whereupon said resolution
was declared adopted. (TEXT)
Alderman Ackland then introduced Resolution No. 5296 (Designa-
tion of Depository of City Funds First State Federal Savings
and Loan Association) and moved its adoption. Alderman Haag
seconded the motion and it was carried by affirmative vote of
all members. (TEXT)
Mayor Black entertained a motion that the second and fourth
Tuesdays of each month, at 7:30 P.M., be set as Regular Council
meeting dates. Alderman Haag so moved, Alderman Lueneburg
seconded the motion and it carried.
Mayor Black then entertained a motion that Roberts Rules of
Order revised, be adopted as the official rules except when
in conflict with the City Charter or State Law. Alderman
Westlund so moved, Alderman Lueneburg seconded the motion and
it carried.
Resignation was received from Marilyn Doerr, Utilities Clerk -
City Clerk's Office effective January 4, 1974. After some
discussion, Alderman Westlund moved the resignation be accepted
with regret. Alderman Ackland seconded the motion and it carried.
After discussion, Alderman Westlund moved Joleen Schmeling be
hired as Utilities Clerk, to replace Marilyn Doerr. Alderman
Haag seconded the motion and it carried.
Received was a memorandum from Building Official Willard
requesting to attend the 18th Annual Institute for Building
Officials to be held January 14-16, 1974 at the Radisson
South in Bloomington, Minnesota. It was noted that this was
a budgeted expenditure. After some discussion, Alderman
Westlund moved approval be granted. Alderman Ackland seconded
the motion and it carried.
A memorandum was received from City Engineer Priebe requesting
attendance to the 18th Annual Institute for Building Officials
to be held January 14-16, 1974 at the Radisson South in
Bloomington, Minnesota. After some discussion, Alderman West-
lund moved approval be granted. Alderman Haag seconded the
motion and it carried.
Received was a letter from the League of Minnesota Municipali-
ties informing on January 26, 1974 a conference for newly
elected Mayors and Councilmen would be held. After some
discussion it was the concensus of the Council that a definite
decision would be decided upon at the January 8, 1974 regular
Council meeting.
Mayor Black stated that he was looking forward to an associa-
tion with the new Council in the coming months and years. He
noted that the two thina_s that would make work more difficult
decisions more critical were the energy crisis and rising
prices. He indicated that service on the Council would take
a considerable amount of time and effort from each Council
member as they work for the interest of all people of the City.
Mayor Black then welcomed visitors at the meeting.
There being no further business to come before the Council,
meeting was declared adjourned at 8:00 P.M. on motion by
Alderman Westlund, seconded by Adlerman Haag and carried.
************* Alderman Ackland then introduced Resolution No. 5299
(Designating Official Newspaper) and moved its adoption.
Alderman Haag seconded the motion and upon vote being taken,
all members voted "aye" whereupon said resolution was decylared
adopted. (TEXT)