05-29-1974 CCM11 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MAY 29, 1974 Mayor Black called the meeting to order at the hour of 7:30 P.M. Reverend Stanton Hecksel delivered the invocation. Members present were: Alderman Ackland, Haag, and Lueneburg in addition to Mayor Black. Members absent were: Alderman West- lund. Also present were: Administrative Assistant Mealey, City Attorney Schantzen and City Engineer Priebe. The minutes of the regular meeting of May 14, 1974, minutes of two (2) special meetings of May la, 1974, and minutes of two (2) special meetings of May 22, 1974 were accepted upon correction, on motion by Alderman Ackland, seconded by Alderman Lueneburg and carried. The current bills were approved as submitted on motion by Alder- man Lueneburg, seconded by Alderman Haag and carried. (TEXT) On motion by Alderman Lueneburg, seconded by Alderman Haag, an investment of $43,302 from the Bridge Fund was authorized as recommended. In correlation to a memorandum from Administrative Assistant Mealey and the decision of the Planning Commission, Alderman Lueneburg relayed the recommendation of the Planning Commission that Norman Tulman's request for annexation of Lot 7 and the North 48.5 feet of Lot 6 together with Lakewood Drive abutting said property and that part of Lakewood Drive extending over the Easterly 66 feet of Lot 8 all in First Addition to Maryview. be granted. After discussion, Mayor Black entertained a motion that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be accepted and introduced Resolution No. 5402 (Request for Annexation). Alderman Lueneburg so moved, Alderman Ackland seconded the motion and upon vote being taken, all members voted "aye" whereupon said resolution was declared adopted. (TEXT) It was noted all pertinent material would be referred to the Minnesota Municipal Commission for their consideration. A letter of resignation was received from Reverend Richard Smith, member of the Burns Manor Board. After discussion, Mayor Black entertained a motion to accept Reverend Smith's resignation with regret and introduced Resolution No. 5403 (Commending Richard Smith). Alderman Ackland so moved. Alderman Haag seconded the motion and upon vote being taken all members voted "aye" where- upon said resolution was declared adopted. (TEXT) REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING May 29, 1974 GENERAL FUND Nancy Danielson motor vehicle labor $ 64.80 Cheryl M. Heimerl motor vehicle labor 14.00 Kathryn A. Smith engi�eer office labor 84.38 Loren Buske polipe reserve 16.00 Francis Murphy police reserve 25.00 Dorothy Hassman polige dispatch 177.00 Scott Johnson police ' '.3pateh 74.60 Kathy Kuester polico dispatch 183.25 Norman Wright park dept. labor 144.00 Wesley D. Greve fire a�spections 105.00 Harold Synstelien electr cal inspections 109,50 Nancy Lu Degn recreation office labor 64.40 Ed W)stpahl recreation labor 37.50 Bill Karl engineering dept. labor 271.50 Quentin Larson engineering dept. labor 289.50 L.J. Sea:-:ger voting machine prof.help 123.00 Marlow Priebe expenses for meetings 73.12 Thomas E. Mealey expenses for meetings 164.50 Wesley D. Greve meeting expenses & mileage 67.50 Eric A. Smith convention expenses & mileage 177.72 James Brodd Fire school conv.expenses 32.50 Clint Gruett Fire school.conv.expenses 32.50 Larry Thompson fire school cony. expenses 53.82 National Guard Armory rental for election 15.00 Jack Kiland refund on cig. license 7.00 Contractors Tabulating service 1 yr. subscription 35.00 Tri County Umpires prof. services 129.00 Earl & Loretta McDonald down payment ,on park land purch. 3000.00 Sinking Fund #8 "due to" pursuant to audit 355.10 Sinking Fund #9 10due to" pursuant to audit 1171.45 Sinking Fund #11 "due to " pursuant to audit 1810.82 Duluth Conv. & Visitors Bureau room reg. for Tom 15.00 Minn. Mun. Commission annexation fee-Tulman 25-00 927.6 WATER & SEWER FUND William Priebe labor 160.00 Wadena Area Vocational School registration fee 20.00 State Treasurer certification fee -Bob Carter 5.00 $ 185.00 OFF STREET PARKING FUND Michael Hogan servicing meters 7.87 Sinking Fund #14 "Due To" pursuant to audit 6399.36 parking lot assessment � 6,407.23 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING CONT. SINKING FUNDS #1 Sinking Fund #11 #4 Sinking Fund #1 #4 Sinking Fund #11 #4 Am. National Bank & Trust Co. #6 Northwestern National Bank #8 Sinking Fund #1 #8 Sinking Fund #9 #8 Sinking Fund #11 #8 Am. National Bank & Trust Co. #9 General Fund (Rd. & Bridge) #9 Sinking Fund #11 #10 Am. National Bp:nk & Trust Co. #11 1st National Bank of St. Paul #12 Sinking Fund #11 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE Twin City Wine Co. Old Peoria Co. Inc. Ed Phillips & Sons Co. Griggs, Copper & Co. New Ulm Grocery Co, Distillers Dist. Co. Griggs, Cooper & Co. Johnson Bros. Co. Twin City Wine Co. 7d Phillips & Sons Co. Hutchinson Cold Storage Photo Security Systems Internal Revenue Service New Ulm Grocery Co. May 29, 1974 "Due To" pursuant to Audit "Due To" pursuant to audit "Due To" pursuant to audit interest & service fee Principal & interest on Revenue Bonds of 1967 4pue To" pursuant to audit f1bue To" pursuant to audit "D�e To" pursuant to audit Principal & interest on Street Impro. Bonds of 1968 "Due Tc 11 pursuant to audit "due Tod' pursuant to audit Interest\on Nursing Home Bonds of ]_964 & 1968 and service fee 1260.11 769.98 209.77 151.00 80,529.20 2781.37 2665.52 814.70 62,14o.13 2000.00 407.34 18,156.53 Principal & interest on Street Improv. Bonds of 1970 60,443.47 "Due To" pursuant to audit 8831.43 wine $455.80 liquor 703.79 liquor 519.41 liquor 1965.;2 supplies 85.77 liquor 672.95 liquor 2205.43 liquor 615.00 wine 462.76 liquor 2452.95 contract payment 150.00 ID Camera 1132225 806.00 special tax return 54.00 supplies 24.12 $11,173.50 a .REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 2 - MAY 29, 1974 Upon recommendation from the Burns Manor Board, Mayor Black appointed Reverend Wesley Gerber to fill the unexpired term of Reverend Richard R. Smith, which expires March 1, 1978, upon Council ratification. After discussion, Alderman Lueneburg moved Reverend Gerber's appointment to the Burns Manor Board be ratified by the Council. Alderman Haag seconded the motion and it carried. Upon recommendation of the C'vil Service Commission, Mayor Black reappointed James McKenna for another full three year term on the Civil Service Commission upon Council ratification. Alder- man Haag moved names McKenna's`,,reappointment be ratified by the Council. Alderman Ackland seconded the motion and it carried. Mrs. Eileen Torry, Motor Vehicle Clerk, requested authorization to hire Mrs. Donald Sturges and Miss Nancy Danielson on a part- time basis. After some discussion, Mayor Black entertained a motion to approve the hiring of Mrs. Donald Sturges and Miss Nancy Danielson on a part-time basis. Alderman Lueneburg so moved, Alderman Haag seconded the motion and it carried. Admin.istrative Assistant Mealey informed, in talking with Mr. Ace Burry, City Attorney Schantzen and Judge Yost, the City's interests would best be served in conjunction with second reading of proposed Ordinance No. 6/74 (AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 133,) if said ordinance was tabled. Administrative Assistant Mealey stated that Mr. Burry, who is in the process of codifying all City ordinances would include in the codification what was to be Ordinance No. 6/74. After discussion, Alderman Lueneburg moved proposed Ordinance No. 6/74 be tabled. Alderman Ackland seconded the motion and it carried. Alderman Lueneburg introduced proposed Ordinance No. 9/74 (REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 431 - CATV) and moved its adoption. Alderman Ackland seconded the motion and upon vote being taken, all members voted "aye" whereupon said ordinance was declared adopted upon its second and final reading. (TEXT) In correlation with a request received from the Safety Council to construct a sidewalk on the north side of Park Towers, Mayor Black informed he had discussed the matter with Hutch Housing, Inc..and for various reasons, were not favorable to said sidewalk construction. After considerable discussion, Mayor Black enter- tained a motion to table the subject, Alderman Ackland so moved, Alderman Haag seconded the motion and it carried. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 3 - MAY 29, 1974 Received was a letter from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, informing and commending Robert Carter in passing the written examination for Waste Water Facility Operators, Class C. It was noted a certification fee of $5 was due before the appropriate certificate would be issued. After a brief discussion, Alder- man Lueneburg moved commendation be extended to Mr. Carter and authorized the expenditure of $5. Alderman Ackland seconded the motion and it carried. Received was a letter from the Police Civil Service Commission recommending for the position of Police Sergeant for possible appointment the names off: 1. Schwartz, Scott B. 2. Kirchoff, Michael J. 3. Moisan, Richard J. 4. Cheney, Alfred C. 5. Gregor, John C. Mayor Black then appointed Scott B. Schwartz as Police Sergeant, Hutchinson Police Force, effective June 1, 1974. Alderman Lueneburg so moved. Alderman Haag seconded the motion and it carried. The Safety Council minutes, and City Employees Safety Committee minutes were accepted as presented and ordered filed. Application for License to Se4l Cigarettes at Retail was received from the Hutchinson Recreation Center, 11 North Main Street, Neil Jergens owner. After discussion, Alderman Ackland moved said license be granted. Alderman Lueneburg seconded the motion and it carried. An Application for License to Operate 6 Pool Tables was received from the Hutchinson Recreation Center, 11 North Main Street, Neil Jergens owner. After discussion, Alderman Haag moved said license be granted. Alderman Luenebtrg seconded the motion and it carried. Correspondence was received from Rieke Carroll Muller Associates, Inc. regarding a two month proposal to make a study on various sludge drying eauipment and changes that would have to be made to accomodate said changes. After discussion, Alderman Lueneburg moved the City enter into agreement with Rieke Carroll Muller Associates, Inc. and directed the Mayor and Clerk to sign said agreement. Alderman Ackland seconded the motion and it carried. City Engineer Priebe gave an oral report regarding clean-up of the sludge pit area. Due to the soil being very saturated, the progress had been slow. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 4 - MAY 29, 1974 An informational letter w s acknowledged from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency egarding permits which were to be issued to AMCO Foods Compa y and Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company. i Mayor Black relayed the recommendation of the Department Heads that the City pay $15 for safety footwear on initial purchase. After discussion, Alderman Lueneburg moved, on initial purchase of safety footwear, the City pay 50% not to exceed $15 and $5 thereafter. Mayor Black reported bids were opened on May 16, 1974 in correla- tion to the proposed Armory.; City Engineer Priebe recommended the City send a letter to Colonel Hohncke for design of the parking lot and to request tl e City be kept abreast of what was happening. After discussion, Mayor Black entertained a motion to accept City Engineer Priebo's recommendation. Alderman Ackland so moved, Alderman Lueneburg seconded the motion and it carried. After a lengthy discussion, Alderman Haag introduced Resolution No. 5404 (Introducing Proposed,Airport Zoning Ordinance) and moved its adoption. Alderman Ackland seconded the motion and upon vote being taken, all members voted "aye" whereupon said resolution was declared adopted. (TEXT) Discussion regarding spraying the City for misquotes was brought up by Alderman Haag. After a lengthy discussion, Alderman Lueneburg moved the subject be tabledfor this year. Alderman Haag seconded the motion and it carried. City Engineer Priebe noted he would obtain more information for consideration and discussion before the next fiscal budget is considered. Mayor Black reported on the School Board's recommendation regarding the coloring of the Tennis Courts in .)rder for the Tennis balls to easily be seen. It appeared to be the concensus of the School Board, that no monies could be allotted for this expenditure. After discussion, Mayor Black entertained a motion to table the subject. Alderman Ackland so moved, Alder- man Haag seconded the motion and it carried. Administrative Assistant Mealey requested authority for himself, Superintendent Mix, and City Engineer Priebe to investigate the various ways in which chlorine can be purchased. According to OSHA standards the 150 lb. per cylinder container presently being used was not in compliance with OSHA standards since not all of the containers were chained down. It was noted by purchasing 1 ton containers, the price would reduce 25%. After discussion, Alderman Lueneburg moved authorization of the recommendation of Administrative Assistant Mealey. Aderman Ackland seconded the motion and it carried. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 5 - MAY 29, 1974 City Engineer Priebe reported he had received correspondence from Nason, Wehrman, Chapman, Assosciates, relative to a pro- gram for a Transportation Study in conjunction with the proposed planned bridge construction. City Engineer Priebe reported, also, that correspondence was received from the State of Minnesota Environmental Quality Council ordering the preparation of an Environmental Assessment on the proposal to construct a bridge across the Crow River Reservoir. Fourty-five days were allotted for said submission. City Engineer Priebe stated his report would be ready for the June 25th Council meeting. A memorandum was received from City Engineer Priebe regarding an assessment for installation of a block wall; Project 73-07 Fourth Avenue S.W. from Main Street to Franklin Street. Total construction cost was $2,600. A $300 assessment was estimated equitable to the property owner. After discussion, and upon recommendation of City Attorney Schantzen, it was the concensus of the Council that said assessment be paid by the City. Alderman Lueneburg relayed the recommendation of Superintendent Mix to sell the 1965 GMC Sludge Truck to AMI Sewer Service for the amount of $500. After discussion, Alderman Lueneburg moved the recommendation of Superintendent Mix be accepted. Alderman Haag seconded the motion and it carried. Mayor Black noted the Planning Commission's recommendation of forwarding revision of Ordinance No. 235 (Subdivision Ordinance) and revision of Ordinance No. 245 (Zoning Ordinance), to the Council for their review and recommendation. Said Ordinances would be discussed at the regular Council meeting of June 11, 1974. There being no further business to come before the Council, meeting was declared adjourned at 9:00 P.M. on motion by Alderman Haag, seconded by Alderman Lueneburg and carried.