08-13-1974 CCMREGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 13, 1974 Mayor Black called the meeting to order at the hour of 7:30 P.M. Reverend Edward Domke delivered the invocation. Members present were: Aldermen.Westlund, Ackland and Haag in addition to Mayor Black. Members absent were: Alderman Luene- burg. Also present were: Administrative Assistant Mealey, City Engineer Priebe and City Attorney Schantzen. The minutes of the regular meeting of July 23, 1974 and Special meeting of July 30, 1974 were accepted as presented, on motion by Alderman Ackland, seconded by Alderman Westlund and carried. The current bills were approved as submitted,on motion by Alder- man Westlund/seconded by Alderman Haag and carried. (LIST) Investments and transfers were authorized in the following funds and amounts, as recommended, on motion by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman Ackland and carried. Water & Sewer Fund ................$ 70,000 (From #6) S.F. No. 15 .......................$100,000 $5,000 transfer from the Liquor Store Fund to the General Fund Received was a letter from Rueben Kunerth requesting that a street light be installed between Linden and Milwaukee Avenue on Dale Street South. It was noted this had been an old request, however, an easement could not be obtained by the Utilities Commission, at that time. After discussion Alderman Westlund moved the request be referred to Utilities Superintendent Wacker for review and recommendation. Alderman Haag seconded the motion and it carried. After due deliberation regarding guidelines for Applications of Deferred Assessments, Alderman Westlund moved that applications for deferred assessments be granted to persons with less than $3,600 income per year. Alderman Ackland seconded the motion. After further discussion, Alderman Westlund moved his previous motion be amended to incorporate "and less than $50,000 total assets." Alderman Haag seconded said motion and it carried. Fire Chief Eric Smith, accompanied by members of the Fire Depart- ment, submitted specifications of a ladder and Pump Truck for Council consideration. Mr. Smith noted that there were three corrections in the specifications. It was noted an approximate cost of the ladder and pump truck a year ago was $79,000. 10 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING August 13, 1974 General Fund Harold Synstelien electrical inspections $133.50 Diane Ortlip summer youth program employees 121.00 Janice Gerber Mummer youth program 84.00 Marshelle DuHamel summer youth program 132.00 Cindy Smith summer youth program 132.00 Scott Paulsen summer youth program 140.00 Norman Schultz summer youth program 141.00 Nancy Danielson motor vehicle employee 84.00 Ruth Sturges motor vehicle employee 66.00 Nancy L. Degn city clerk's office e:,arl-yee 135.00 Hazel M. Sitz city clerk's office e:Il. yee 93.00 Audley Jorgenson police reserve 145.00 Bill Mattsfield police reserve 4.00 Francis Murphy police reserve 16.00 Kathy A. Gates police dispatcher 160.00 Db`rothy Hassman police dispatcher 89.38 Gale Boelter street dept. �-mp?oyee 204.75 Peter Hamre street dept. enn,71oyee 174.00 Mark Schantzen park dept. € .t.i sl.oyee 166.00 Norman Wright park dept. �•...j,1oyee 166.00 Jim DuHamel park dept. oirj-loyee 152.00 Ed Westphal park dept. employee 190.00 Bill Karl engineering dept. employee 294.00 Mark Larson engineering dept. employee 386-38 Quentin Larson engineering dept. employee 324.00 Dan Proehnow cemetery dept. employee 104.00 Julie Arlt recreation playgrounds 154.50 Karen Cruit recreation baseball 75.00 Jody Dahle recreation playground 101.75 Kristi Docken recreation playground 200.00 Roger Fitzloff recreation baseball 140.00 Thomas Getzke recreation swimming 233.25 Dan Coede recreation swimming 473.50 Bill Monson recreation playground 200.00 Dave Mooney recreation baseball 252.50 Mark Muetzel recreation baseball 90.00 Kris Natwick recreation swimming 367.25 Bill. Tapper recreation baseball 190.00 Mary `leis recreation swimming 273.00 Quentin Larson recreation rather activities 7.50 American Linen Supply monthly towel services 21.70 A. B. Dick Products stencils 71.10 Albinson drafting supplies 126.11 Bellkato Co. equipment repairs 48.00 Burroughs Corporation adding machine ribbons 5.70 Culligan Water Conditioning services and salt 19.50 Coast to Coast supplies 15.69 Del Chemical Corporation cleaning supplies 186.77 Franzens Hardware air conditioner -motor vehicle 278.00 Floor Care Supply Co. matts 168.00 Family Rexall Drug supplies 1 `7.0 Gene'. Body Shop vehicle maintenance 55.00 -2- Leef Bros Inc. uniform rental & rugs $194.75 Int. Business Machines Corp. electric typewriter 601.00 Minn. Wisc. Truck Lines freight 13.36 Popp's Electrical instal'.ing air conditioner- MO.Veh. 78.70 Simon, -.on Lbr. Co. paint 8.35 United Building Center lumber for tables 50.46 Walter's mimeo paper 680.50 Ziemers Grocery supplies 17.11 League of Minn. Municipalities membership dues 1446.00 City Perspective subscription 25.00 Bureau of business Practice workshop skills 14.40 Thomas E. Mealey expenses 53.70 Hutchinson Garden Club tulip bulbs for parks 16.73 Mrs. Lester Steinhaus cleaning supplies 2.39 Randy DeVries labor constructing tables 80.00 National Guard Armory rental for senior citizens 100.00 Off Street Paling motor vehicle rental. 100.00 1st Federal Savings & Loan savings, acct -acct, machine 500.00 State Treasurer PERA contribution 3237.36 Junker Sanitation Service July refuse services 8352.10 Hutchinson Utilities Comm. services 1943.71 Hutchinson Telephone Co. services 518.65 Awards Inc. trophies for recreation 132.00 Ideal Pictures film serves for playground program 62.30 Gager's Handicraft Inc. supplies for program 2.0.41 Ind. School Dist. #423 lifeguard services 72.50 Tri County Umpires umping services 142.00 Leo's Electronic service equipment repairs 17.50 Rite Way Auto Wash washing police cars 36.75 Gopher Shooter's Supply Co. police equipment 54.40 Northwestern Bell Telelhone 2 months teletype service 424.50 Bullseye Reloading & Supplies reloads 63.00 Clyde Gregor cabinet for car seat 48.00 Hutch Auto Body vehicle repairs 169.20 Brinkman Studios films and processing 11.81 Larsen Communications equipment maintenance 206.75 Shell Oil Co. gasoline 9.67 Richard Waage travel expenses 63.41 Dean O'Borsky travel expenses & registration fee 50.50 Minn. Civil Service Dept. police patrol officer examination 61.00 Century Comm. Corp. supplies 21.45 Miller Davis Co. supplies 45.11 Plowman's Inc. vehicle maintenance 75.82 Standard Printing Co. supplies 172.55 Uniforms Unlimited supplies ?x equipment 1285.70 Ideal Shoe Shop canvas -fire slept. 44.50 Minn. State Fire Chief's Assn. reflectorized markers 20.00 Eric Smith intown mileage 25.00 Wes Greve intown mileage 25.00 Hutchinson Fire Dept. fire cads & drill 429.00 Northern City National aink contract payment 927.50 lst American National bank contract payment 510.00 Beneke Auto Electric chain saw 205.55 Custom Made Equipment repairs to equipment 2.50 Crow River Ml -tors Inc. vehicle maintenance & car rental 133.51 -3- GTC Auto Parts Felska's Auto Machine Services Farm & Home Dist. Co. Hall Equipment Inc. Hutchinson Wholesale Supply Jerry's Tire Co. Jacobsons Hardware Hank L & J Distributors Larry Karg Mattson Steel Bldgs. Inc. Mattson Steel Bldgs. Inc. McCormic Implement Co. Meade's 66 Station MacQ,ueen Equipment Clifford Paulson Quades Inc. Road Machinery & Supplies Standard oil Co. Schramm Implement Sorensen Farm Supply Simonson Lbr. Co. Wagner Service Wigen Chevrolet Co. Kemper Tree Service Madsen Ins. Agency Crown Life Ins. Co. Citizens Ins. Agency League of Minn. Mun. Water & Sewer Fund Tom Schepers Greg Seivert Consolidated Electric Co. Cassidy Bros. Commissioner of Taxation GTC Auto Parts Felexible PipeTool Co. Farm & Home Dist. Co. Hawkins Chemical Inc. Hutchinson Wholesale Supply Jerry's Tire Co. Jacobsons Hardware Hank Larry Karg Leef Bros. Inc. McCormic Implement Co. S. . Nies Quades Inc. Riverview Press Water Products Co. Wigen Chevro]et Co. Zep Mfg. Co. Hutchinson Telephone Co. supplies vehide maintenance supplies equipment repairs supplies for maintenance equipment maintenance supplies total weed kill travel expenses & supplies Park Shelter Bldg. Street garage addition vehicle maintenance service call sweeper brushes % of safety shoes supplies and maintenance equipment maintenance supplies gasoline equipment supplies fork cement equipment repairs equipment repairs use of chipper package ins. policies Med. Ins. Disability Ins. Affirmative Action Workshop extra employee laborer equipment maintenance equipment sales taxes for July supplies supplies supplies chemicals supplies vehicle maintenance supplies vehicle rental uniform rental oil service Fire extinguishers equipment maintenance meter cards extensions equipment maintenance chemicals et. c services 2.90 313.00 184.46 119.22 82.25 84.25 91.90 25.00 80.11 6365.00 9357.50 167.50 4.00 380.00 tt15-0ww,,0 41.37 2160.35 lo6.o4 14.50 102.00 25.00 36.40 24o.00 67,o87.00 1,920.69 146.35 51,479.14 $202.50 213.75 344.50 105.60 599.26 2.24 185.30 25.95 907.14 5.55 105.74 53-93 52.00 43.75 1.8o 9.00 48.00 20.00 494.73 43.75 y-, 7,23 6.64 -4- -Standard Oil Co. gasoline Hutchinson Utilities services Mi7:t,gn Lueneburg travel expenses Advancement for 1974 Projects S.F.#16 Moody's Investors Services enc. municipal bond rating Sun Newspapers Inc. notice of sale publication Juul Contracting Co. Est. #2, #2, #3 James W. Hanson Const. Co. Est. #2, #3 McCall Road Surfacing Co. Est. #2 Cemetery Fund Hutchinson Utilities Simonson Lbr. Co. Ed Ondrachek Martin Dreyer Everts Oil Co. Leef Bros. Felska's Auto Machine Off Street Parking Fund Krasen P1bg. & Htg. Harvey Daharsh services -sec. lite cemente use of pickup of safety shoes oil uniform rental equipment maintenance repairs servicing meters $ 215.92 314o.73 24.20 6,929.21 650.00 lo.44 38,494.63 24,556.50 10,281.85 73,993.42 3 80,922.63 2.00 2.90 20.00 15.00 6.50 22.50 109.12 $ 178.02 40.13 108.00 148.13 Sinking Funds #3 Northwestern National Bank interest & service charge 3315.00 -5 - Municipal Liquor Store Cit; of Hutchinson Grig Cooper & Co. Old Peof--,a Co. Ed Phillips & Sons Co. Floor Care Supply Co. Hutchinson Cold Storage Twin City H -me Juice Co. Distillers Distributing Famous Brands Inc. Griggs Cooper & Co. McKesson Co. Old Peoria Co. Ed Phillips & Sons Co. New Ulm Grocery Co. Hutchinson Utilities Co. Hutchinson Telephone Co. Municipal Water Dept. wades Inc. Coca Cola. Bottling Co. Northland Beverages Inc. Lenneman Beverage Dist. A.J. Ogle Co. Inc. Marsh Distributing Co. Olivia Bottling Co. Premium Dist. Co. Locher Bros. City of Hutchinson Griggs Cooper & Co. Tdin City Wine Co. Ed Phillips & Sons Commissioner of Taxatior Minn. Wise. Truck Lines Leef Bros. Inc. Co. Inc. Junker Sanitation Service City of Hutchinson sr]'iaC pit - liquor Liquor liquor cleaning contrnct supplies liquor liquor liquor liquor liquor liquor supplies .services services services supplies supplies supplies abeer beer been beer beer supplies payment for maintenance beer transfer of funds liquor wine liquor sales tax freight charges uniform rental refuse collection transfer of funds $40o4.8o 1557.23 1072.25 762.32 1.8.95 150.00 22.60 1874.o5 1151.67 1766.88 434.57 603.19 114o.o4 10.70 229.42 26.35 21.70 51.99 433.90 84.00 11,9.6.73 4898.10 6137.25 1591.20 1874.75 1610.95 5000.00 2716.71 156.92 1412.32 2372.11 243.25 78.00 23.00 5000.00 $ 6o,427.90 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING -2- AUGUST 13, 1974 Presently there is $25,000 set aside for this truck and it was estimated the remaining cost will be paid in approximately three years.'.Fire Chief Smith informed that said specifications met all OSHA and State requirements that apply and recommended that specifications be approved and bids called on September 24, 1974. After discussion, Alderman Haag moved that said plans and specifi- cations be accepted and call for bids be scheduled for September 24, 1974. Alderman Westlund seconded the motion and it carried. Mr. Lloyd Schlueter was present to request that yield signs be erected on Hassan Street and Jefferson Street and the present stop signs be dismantled. Mr. Schlueter stated he would rather drive on congested Main Street than go the route of Jefferson and Hassan and have to stop every block. Mayor Black informed that the matter would be reviewed. Mayor Black at 8:10 P.M. called to order public hearing on Letting No. 14, for proposed construction of bituminous surfacing on Juergens Road from Lynn Road to Merrill Street and 5th Avenue S.W. from Merrill Street to Harrington Street and 5th Avenue S.W. from Harrington Street to Dale Street, as duly advertised, with the reading of Publication No. 1618. City Engineer Priebe gave a background report on Letting No. 14 improvements and informed that a petition and informal request were received requesting that a bituminous surface street be installed on said streets. Mayor Black informed said improvement will be paid on an assess- ment basis and further informed of the law in conjunction with Deferred Assessments for Senior Citizens passed by the legislature. The following were present to ask questions, obtain information or state favor or opposition of said improvement. (TEXT) After all persons present having been heard, Alderman Westlund moved the hearin� for Letting No. 14 Improvements be closed at 8:32 P.M. Alder aAckland seconded the motion and it carried. Mayor Black at 8:40 P.M. requested that bids pursuant to Adver- tisement for Letting No. 14 Improvements be presented. Adminis- trative Assistant Mealey assisted by City Engineer Priebe opened said bids and they were as follows: (TEXT) After opening all bids received, Mayor Black entertained a motion to adjourn said bid opening and to refer all bids received to City Engineer Priebe for review and recommendation. Alderman Westlund so moved, Alderman Ackland seconded the motion and it carried. Mayor Black, in view of the petition received suggested that Plans and Specifications on the Juergens Road Section be accepted. After discussion, Alderman Westlund introduced Resolution No. 5419 (Ordering Improvement on Juergens Road - Letting No. 14) and REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING -3- August 13, 1974 moved its adoption. Alderman Haag seconded the motion and upon vote being taken, all members voted "aye" whereupon said resolution was declared adopted. (TEXT) After discussion Alderman Westlund moved that expenses be authorized for Administrative Assistant Mealey to attend the Affirmative Action Workshop to be held August 28, 1974 at the Hopkins House, Hopkins, Minnesota. Alderman Ackland seconded the motion and it carried. Received was a letter from the Hutchinson Utilities Commission recommending a Utility rate adjustment of a 23G total decrease in electric rates and of a 2G per thousand cubic feet total decrease in natural gas rates. After discussion, Alderman Westlund moved to accept said recommendation from the Hutchinson Utilities Commission. Alderman Ackland seconded the motion and it carried. On recommendation of the Utilities Commission, Mayor Black appointed Howard P. Quade for another six year term to the Utilities Commission upon Council ratification. It was noted Mr. Quade's term expires September 1, 1974. Alderman Westlund then moved the Council ratify said appointment. Alderman Haag seconded the motion and it carried. The July Financial Report, Building Officials Monthly Report, and Library Board minutes were accepted as presented. An Application for a Retail "On -Sale" Non -Intoxicating Malt Liquor License was received from the McLeod County Agricultural Associ- ation, by Howard Christensen, for can beer to be consumed on premises only, during the McLeod County Fair from August 17 through August 21, 1974. After discussion, Alderman Westlund moved said application be approved and license granted. Alderman Ackland seconded the motion and upon vote being taken all members present voted "aye." An Application for License to Sell Cigarettes at Retail was received from McLeod County Agricultural Association by Howard Christensen, to be sold during the McLeod County Fair. After discussion, Alderman Haag moved said application be approved and license granted. Alderman Ackland seconded the motion and it carried. Mayor Black acknowledged receipt of Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order in the matter of Resolution No. 5402 for the Orderly Annexation of Certain Land to the City of Hutchinson, regarding annexation known as the Tulman Property. Acknowledged was a letter from Frank W. Kasper, President of the Minnesota State Automobile Association, congratulating the REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 4 - August 13, 1974 City of Hutchinson of winning honors in the American Automobile Associations's 35th Annual Pedestrian Safety Inventory.' Receipt of letter was acknowledged from Norman Tulman requesting that Sewer and Water be extended through McDonald's to include his lots 7 and 48.5 feet of lot 6 - 1st Addition to Maryview. Mayor Black then entertained a motion authorizing_ the City Engineer to proceed with said extension. Alderman Westlund so moved, Alderman Ackland seconded the motion and it carried. A memorandum was received from Administrative Assistant Mealey, recommending the City enter into agreement with School District #423 in purchasing regular gasoline for the comming years. It was noted 5� per gallon could be saved if entered into said agreement and that approximately $1,800 per year could be saved. After discussion, Alderman Westlund moved that the Mayor and Clerk be directed to enter into agreement with Hutchinson School District #423 in the purchase of fuel. Alderman Ackland seconded the motion and it cartled. A letter was received from the Police Civil Service Commission recommending the appointment of Michael A. Hogan, as Police Patrolman, on the Police Force effective August 15, 1974. Mayor Black then appointed Michael A. Hogan as Police Patrolman on the Police Force effective August 15, 1974, upon Council ratifi- cation. Alderman Westlund so moved, Alderman Haag seconded the motion and it carried. After discussion, Alderman Haag introduced Resolution No. 5418 (Setting Election, Time, Place, Locations of Precincts, Offices to be filled, and Appointing of Judges, for State Primary Election) and moved its adoption. Alderman Westlund seconded the motion and upon vote being taken, all members Voted "aye" whereupon said resolution was declared adopted. (TEXT) The August 7, 1974 Park and Recreation Board minutes were accepted as presented and ordered filed. Alderman Westlund reviewed previous Council discussions on adding a Long Term Disability Income Protection Plan to the City employees. He stated after a 180 day waiting period, disabled employees would receive 500 of their regular pay. A quotation was received that total cost for each employee per month was $3.00 or a total monthly cost of approximately $146.35. It was noted that this was financially possible, do to the savings of putting the City insurance into one package. After discussion, Alderman Westlund moved the City enter into agreement with Crown Life Insurance Company to add to the present policy a Long Term Disability Income Protection Plan. Alderman Haag seconded the motion and it carried. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING -5- August 13, 1974 City Attorney Schantzen informed that he and Co -Council Mr. Roger Sahr, were of agreement that the City was on good solid grounds in relation with a law suit filed against the Hutchinson Community Hospital regarding an incident that occurrred with Scott Hansen approximately three years ago. He also informed that Court had been transferred from Hennepin County back to McLeod County. Administrative Assistant Mealey reminded of the League of Minnesota Municipalities Regional meeting to be held October 2, 1974 at Gibbon and of the special meeting preceding the regional meeting regarding the Occupational Safety and Health Act and the federal Fair Labor Standards Act. A bill was received from Madsens Insurance Agency in the amount of $67,087 regarding the insurance premium payment due for one year. After a brief discussion, Alderman Haag moved said bill be approved. Alderman Ackland seconded the motion and it carried. There being no further business to come before the Council meeting was declared adjourned at 9:40 P.M. on motion by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman Ackland and carried. Mr. Harry Blake 568 Juergens Road Hutchinson, MN 55350 Mr. Jay Alrick 527 Juergens Road Hutchinson, MN 55350 Mr. Orville Kuiken 515 Juergens Road Hutchinson, MN ' 55350 Mr. Scott Avery 648 Fifth Avenue S.W. Hutchinson, MN 55350 Mr. Robert Ericson 771 Fifth Avenue S.W. Hutchinson, MN 55350 Mrs. Veronica Kock 623 Fifth Avenue S.W. Hutchinson, MN 55350 Mrs. Henry Schultz 638 Fifth Avenue S.W. Hutchinson, MN 55350 Mr. Art Bergs 687 Fifth Avenue S.W. Hutchinson, MN 55350 - Mr. Blake questioned what his assessments would be due to the fact that he did have curb and gut- ter and it was replaced for no apparent reason. City Engineer Priebe informed him that it was a contractor's error and Mr. Blake would not be as- sessed for installation of new curb and gutter and that the contractor would assume financial loss. He then stated he was in favor of the proposed work to be done on Juergens Road. - Mr. Alrick in speaking for himself, Ray Eberhart and Earl Schmidt stated they were all three in fa- vor of the proposed improvement. Mr. Kuiken in speaking for himself and Mr. Glen Engwall stated they were both in favor of the pro- posed construction on Juergens Road. Mr. Avery questioned the need of a new street for Merrill Street to Harrington Street and he also questioned whether the majority of property owners on said street were in favor of the proposed con- struction. - A letter was received from Mr. Ericson stating that this work is unnecessary at a time when gov- ernment agencies are asked to watch their spending. Mrs. Kock stated she was strictly against the pro- posed construction. - Mrs. Schultz stated she was against the proposed construction on Fifth Avenue. Mr. Bergs stated Merrill Street to Harrington Street is a good road and the proposed construc- tion would be a waste of money. BIDDER SURETY AMOUNT Duininck Bros. & Gilchrist BB loo Section "A" $13,586.25 Olivia, MN 56277 Section "B" 11,507.50 Section "C" 9,401.25 $34,495.00 Fairway Construction Company BB 10% Section "A" $15,776.00 Hector, MN 55342 Section "B" 13,319.00 Section "C" 10,900.00 $39,995.00 i