08-27-1974 CCMREGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 27, 1974 The meeting was called to order by Vice -Mayor Westlund at the hour of 7:30 P.M. The invocation was dispensed with, due to the fact that Reverend Skeie was unable to attend the meeting. Members present were: Aldermen Haag, Ackland, and Lueneburg in addition to Vice Mayor Westlund. Members absent were: Mayor Black. Also present were: Administrative Assistant Mealey, City Engineer Priebe and City Attorney Schantzen. The minutes of the regular meeting of August 13, 1974 were accepted as presented on motion by Alderman Ackland, seconded by Alderman Haag and carried. The current bills were approved as submitted, on motion by Alderman Lueneburg, seconded by Alderman Ackland and carried. (List) Investments were authorized in the following funds and amounts, as recommended, on motion by Alderman Ackland, seconded by Alder- man Lueneburg and carried. Sinking Fund #6 ................$500,000 Sinking Fund #9 ...... ..........$ 75,000 Water and Sewer Fund..........$200,000 Received was a recommendation from Police Chief Dean O'Borsky to hire Mrs. Kathy Gates as a full-time Dispatcher for the Police Department. After discussion, Alderman Westlund moved Mrs. Kathy Gates be hired as a full-time Dispatcher for the Police Depart- ment. Alderman Lueneburg seconded the motion and it carried. It was requested that the hiring of Raymond Norton for the Police Department on a part-time basis be approved. After some discussion, Vice -Chairman Westlund entertained a motion to approve the hiring of Raymond Norton on a part-time basis in the Police Department. Alderman Ackland so moved, Alderman Haag seconded the motion and it carried. Mr. Phil Graves, Hospital Administrator submitted material regarding the proposed Hutchinson Medical Office Building. (A copy of which is on file in the City Clerk's Office) Mr. Graves informed the proposed project would cost approximately 1 million dollars but that it would be a self-liquidating project and not a burden to tax payers. In discussion with Bond Consultants, Mr. Graves estimated there would be a 25 year debt Service at 8% interest. After considerable discussion, Alderman Haag moved the Mayor and Clerk be directed to enter into agreement with the Hutchinson Community Hospital Board allowing the Board to proceed and draw Plans and Specifications, and authorize Preliminary lease negotiations. Alderman Lueneburg seconded the motion and it carried. REGULAR. COUNCIL MEETING Geral Fund Nancy Danielson Nancy Degn Raymond Norton Audley Jorgenson Kathy Gates Dorothy Hassman Gale Boelter Jim DuHamel Peter Hamre Dan Prochnow Mark Schantzen Ed Westphal Norman Wright Harold Synstelier_ julin Arlt Karen Crui t ,7ody Dahle Kristi Docken Karen Drahos Roger Fitzloff Tom Getzke Dan Goede Bill Monson Dave Mooney Mark Muetzel Kris Natwick Bill Tapper Mary Weis Bill ,Karl Mark Larson Quentin Larson Marshelle DuHamel Diane Ortlip Cindy Smith Scott Paulsen Nroman Schultz U.S. Postoffice D. J. Black Ralph Westlund Elden Willard Anderson,Helgeson,Lieser& Hutch Fire Relief Assn. U. S. Leasing motor vehicle labor city clerk office labor police dept. labor police reserve police dispatch police dispatch street dept. labor Park dept. labor street dept. labor cemetery dept. labor park ;dept. labor park dept.'abor park dept. labor electrical inspections recreation -r d� - :id recreation -baseball recrea tion.-playgroand recreation playground recreation swimming recreation baseball recreation swimming recreation swimming recreation playground recreation baseball recreation baseball recreation swimming recreation baseball recreation swimming engineering dept. labor engineering delDt. labor engineering dept. labor summer youth program summer youth program summer youth program summeA. south program summer youth program postage meeting expenses meeting expenses use of private auto Thorsen auditing services Aid' ,t Variable Annuity Life Ins. Dave Mooney Gopher Athletic Supply Co. Dean t.. O' Borsk✓ Dorothy ila:>sman State of Minnesota from rural acct. postage machine rental deferred compensation -Marlow advancement for trophies baveball c upplies meetinc;; expenses un i form, 1 set '74 Session Laws August 27, 1974 9 64.50 195.00 27.64 144.00 220.00 137.50 227.2-5 (� o � �i ,i0. 180.00 80.00 96.00 251.25 176.00 300.00 141.75 75.00 105-00 100.00 4o.00 140.00 374.50 413.00 200.00 252.50 90.00 320.75 190.00 222.00 336.00 310.75 352.50 136.00 81.00 136.00 132.00 88.co 100.00 22.50 41.00 110.00 9000.00 903.00 22.27 30.00 21.40 108 .72 76.00 6.00 35.00 S 16,891.78 _2_ Water Fac Sewer Fund August 21t, 1974 Tom Scllepprs labor xreg Seivert l ahor Randy UeVries % of : afety shoes AETna Variable Annuity Life Co. deferred compensation plan -Finley North Central Section AWWA registration fees U. S. Post Office postage $ 243.00 2.80.00 15.00 25.00 25.00 $ 988.00 Off Street Parking Harvey Daharsh servicing meters $ 90.00 Sinking .Fund 016 Keefe, Schantzen & Bradford lega' services $12,975.00 General Fund -City of Hutchinson administration fees 30,000.00 engineering fees 60,000.00 Sinking Fund #15 advancement of funds 18,146.43 Water & Sewer Fund advancement of funds 186,537.92 $ 307,659-35 Muni cix�al Liauor Store New Ulm Grocery Co. supplies $ 30.33 Hutchinson Cold Storage contract payment 1.50.00 Ed Phillip: &Sons Co. ? :tquo" 2254.45 'twin City dine Co. w.>.. c� 26.5.52 Griggs, Cooper & Co. liquor 3086.22 Distillers Dist. Co. l.igocr 347.03 Famous Brands Inc . liquc,r 1073.06 Griggs Cooper &Co. liquor 1.447.03 Johnson Bros. Co. 1a,,9zcx' 872.63 Twin City Wire Co. wine 533.06 Old Peoria Co. lac. liquor 579.08 Ed Phillips & Sons liquor 1922.74 Twin City Home Juice Co. supplies 16.48 Floor Care Supply Co. cleaning supplies 340.00 Distillers Distb. Co. liquor 2 97.20 $ 13,714.83 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING -2- AUGUST 27, 1974 Correspondence was received from the State of Minnesota, Depart- ment of Military Affairs, informing that in connection with Res- olution No. 5379 (A Resolution Making An Irrevocable Levy of One - Third of A Mill to Debt Retirement for the Proposed New Armory Building) two Changes had been made to the Resolution as orginally passed. Administrative Assistant Mealey noted the number of years had been changed from twenty (20) to twenty-five (25) years, and had included a provision that will allow a levy of less than one- third (1/3) of a mill in the event one-third (1/3) of a mill would produce revenue in excess of $7,000 annually. After discussion, Alderman Lueneburg moved that orginal Resolution No. 5379 be recinded and introduced revised Resolution No. 5379 (A Resolution Making An Irrevocable Levy of One -Third of A Mill To Debt Retirement for the Proposed New Armory Building). Alder- man Haag seconded the motion and upon vote being taken, all members present voted "aye" whereupon said resolution was declared adopted. (TEXT) A Trash and Refuse Reduced Rate Affidavit was received from Ethel Culbertson, 626 Grove Street, Hutchinson. It was noted the market value of her home estimated $8,650. After a brief discussion, Alderman Lueneburg moved the Reduced Trash & Refuse Rate Affidavit be granted. Alderman Ackland seconded the motion and it carried. Vice- Mayor Westlund at 8:00 P.M. called to order Public Hearing Assessment Roll No. 52, as duly advertised with the reading of Publication No. 1619. Vice -Mayor Westlund informed of a law passed by the legislature; Minnesota Statutes, Laws of 1974, Chapter 206, providing tax deferral for Senior Citizens (hardship cases). The individual, must be 65 years of age or older for whom it would bea hardship to make payments. The following were present for the hearing to make inquirements regarding their assessments.(See attached sheet) After all persons present having the opportunity to be heard, Alderman Haag moved the hearing for Assessment Roll No. 52 be closed at 3:30 P.M. Alderman Ackland seconded the motion and it carried. After discussion, Alderman Haag introduced Resolution No. 5420 (Adopting Assessment Roll No. 52) and moved its adoption. Alderman Ackland seconded the motion and upon vote being taken all members present voted "aye" whereupon said resolution was declared adopted. (TEXT) Vice -Mayor Westlund then called to order at 8:31 P.M., Public Hearing, Assessment Roll No. 53, as duly advertised with the reading of Publication No. 1620. There being no one present for said hearing, Alderman Lueneburg moved the hearing be closed at 8:33 P.M. Alderman Ackland seconded the motion and it carried. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 3 - AUGUST 27, 1974 After discussion, Alderman Lueneburg introduced Resolution No. 5421 (Adopting Assessment Roll No. 53) and moved its adoption. Alderman Ackland seconded the motion and upon vote being taken all members present voted "aye" whereupon said resolution was declared adopted. (TEXT) City Engineer Priebe noted that due to an error, -not all pertinent property owners had been included in Assessment Roll No. 52. After discussion, Alderman Haag introduced Resolution No. 5424 (Declaring Cost to be Assessed and Ordering Preparation of Proposed Assess- ment Roll No. 54) and moved its adoption. Alderman Lueneburg seconded the motion and upon vote being taken, all members voted "aye" whereupon said resolution was declared adopted. (TEXT) Alderman Haag then introduced Resolution No. 5425 (For Hearing on Proposed Assessment Roll No. 54) and moved its adoption. Alderman Lueneburg seconded the motion and upon vote being taken all members voted "aye" whereupon said resolution was declared adopted. (TEXT) Vice -Mayor Westlund informed that it was the Environmental Quality Council's decision at their meeting of August 21, 1974, that it not be necessary for the City of Hutchinson to prepare an Environ- mental Impact Statement in Connection with the proposed West River Bridge. It was decided, however, that a Public Hearing be held on the Alternatives of the proposal, and that the record of that hearing be made available to the EQC for review. Mr. Jon Giess representing, Citizens for a Better Hutchinson, was present to discuss the proposed West River Bridge. Mr. Giess then recommended the Council write to Gerald Christenson, of the EQC, to obtain a copy of the minutes of the August 21, 1974 E.Q.C. meeting. Alfter discussion, Alderman Lueneburg moved a copy of the minutes of the August 21, 1974 E.Q.C. meeting be obtained. Alderman Haag seconded the motion and it carried. An Application for an "On -Sale" Liquor License was received from Thomas M. Langseth to sell intoxicating liquors at the Ole Piper Inn restaurant, 1115 Hwy 15. Mr. Langseth stated if the application for license was approved, he intended to enlarge the restaurant from 2,000 sq. feet to 4,000 sq. ft. After discussion and in accordance with Ordinance No. 446, Mayor Westlund entertained a motion that a Public Hearing be scheduled for September 10, 1974 for considering the issuance of an "On -Sale" Liquor License to Ole Piper Inn, Thomas M. Langseth, owner. Alderman Lueneburg so moved, Alderman Haag seconded the motion and it carried. Mr. Bill Baumann, 615 Fifth Avenue, S.W. submitted a petition requesting a bituminous surface street be installed on Fifth REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 4 - AUGUST 27, 1974 Avenue Southwest from Merrill Street to Harrington Street. Vice - Mayor Westlund informed a Public Hearing had been held on August 13, 1974 regarding said improvement and all persons present for said hearing were opposed to the improvement. Vice -Mayor Westlund informed a decision had been made, at that time, to defer the improvement until consideration was given to the 1975 Improvement Projects. Mr. Baumann then requested that the Council reconsider their previous decision and complete the improvement this year. Mr. John Korngiebel presented a Preliminary Plat for proposed Judson Woods Subdivision. After discussion, Alderman Lueneburg moved the matter be referred to the Planning Commission for consideration at their September 17, 1974 meeting. Alderman Ackland seconded the motion and it carried. Received was a letter from the Hutchinson Utilities Commission informing of their decision at their regular meeting of August 12, 1974, to contribute, in accordance with City Charter, $200,000 to the City's General Fund. Alderman Haag moved an expenditure of $35 be authorized for the purchase of Minnesota Session Laws, 1974 (with buckram binding). Alderman Ackland seconded the motion and it carried. Alderman Ackland noted an error had been made in the Safety Council minutes, paragraph 5 which states: "A discussion was held regarding the sidewalk at Park Towers. The Park Towers committee studied and surveyed and decided the sidewalk would take away too many trees. Paul Ackland stated there would be new curb and gutter on the south side of the building this year, but no sidewalk, and later the people would be able to use the street for walking." Alderman Ackland stated he did not say "and later the people would be able to use the street for walking," and further informed that the needed correction in the original of the Safety Council minutes had been made. The Hutchinson City Employees Safety Committee Minutes were accepted as presented and ordered filed on motion by Alder- man Haag seconded by Alderman Ackland and carried. A letter was received from the Airport Board informing of Tom Koeppen's resignation whose term expires September of 1974,and further recommended that Jim Hansen be appointed for a full five year term on the Airport Board. Alderman Luene- burg then moved Tom Koeppen's resignation be accepted and introduced Resolution No. 5422 (Commending Tom Koeppen). Alderman Haag seconded the motion and upon vote being taken all present voted "aye" whereupon said resolution was declared adopted. (TEXT) REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 5 - AUGUST 27, 1974 Vice -Mayor Westlund, on recommendation of the Airport Board, appointed James Hansen on the Airport Board for a full 5 year term to expire September 1, 1979 upon Council ratification. Alderman Lueneburg moved the Council ratify said appointment. Alderman Haag seconded the motion and it carried. Correspondence was received from the Burns Manor Municipal Nursing Home informing that they will not ask for a tax levy for the forthcoming year. Alderman Ackland informed it was his and the Library Board's recommendation that the City join a Regional Library System with Kandiyohi and Meeker Counties effective January 1, 1975, with the City to participate in paying its share of the ex- penses contingent upon agreement from Glencoe and McLeod County to pay their share of the expenses. After discussion, Alderman Haag moved upon recommendation of the Library Board, that the Mayor and City Clerk be directed to enter into agree- ment with the Regional Library System to be in effect January 1, 1975 contingent upon agreement from Glencoe and McLeod County to pay their share of the expenses. Alderman Ackland seconded the motion and it carried. Acknowledged were two (2) Applications for Deferred Special Assessments. Received was correspondence from the Six East Regional Develop- ment Commission informing of a Public Hearing to be held September 18, 1974 at 8:00 P.M. in the City of Hutchinson Council Chambers. The purpose of the meeting was to hold a public hearing on the July 1, 1974 -June 30, 1975 budget which proposed an income of $64,140 and expenditures of $63,625. Administrative Assistant Mealey reminded of the Coalition of Outstate Cities meeting, September 6, 1974, 10:00 A.M. to be held at the Germain Hotel in St. Cloud. Upon the request of Water and Sewer Superintendent Mix, Alderman Lueneburg moved authorization and expenditure be granted for Superintendent Mix to attend the American Water Works Association Conference to be held September 29 -October 1, 1974 at St. Paul, Minnesota. Alderman Ackland seconded the motion and it carried. Alderman Lueneburg informed that three candidates for employment in the Water Department had been interviewed. After discussion, Alderman Lueneburg moved that Richard Nagy be hired for the Water Department. Alderman Haag seconded the motion and it carried. After discussion, it was the concensus of the Council that Lloyd Schlueter's request to dismantle the stop signs and erect yield signs on Hassan Street and Jefferson Street be presented to the Safety Council for consideration. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 6 - AUGUST 27, 1974 After discussion it was the concensus of the Council that consideration of purchasing the old Hutchinson National Guard Armory, be placed on the September 10, 1974 Council meeting Agenda. Vice -Mayor Westlund suggested the Council make a decision regarding the request for improvement on Fifth Avenue, South- west from Merrill Street to Harrington Street. After dis- cussion, Alderman Lueneburg moved the subject be tabled and put on the agenda for next years improvement projects. Alder- man Haag seconded the motion and it carried. Administrative Assistant Mealey informed that the duplicating equipment in the City Clerk's office is in need of repair and further informed he had been approached on purchasing an off- set printing press that would save the City approximately $25 per month in materials alone. It was estimated that the machines presently being used could be traded in for approxi- mately $850. After discussion, it was the concensus of the Council that the matter be discussed at the September 10, 1974 Council meeting. Mr. Clyde Gregor, Highway 7, East, submitted a Request for Variance. Mr. Gregor planned to build a new home, however, in accordance with Zoning Regulations, Section 14, D, #3, a 10 foot variance was required. After discussion, and upon recommendation of the Planning Commission, Alderman Lueneburg moved said variance be allowed. Alderman Ackland seconded the motion and it carried. After reviewing all bids received for Letting No. 14, Section A, City Engineer Priebe recommended that the contract be awarded to Duininck Bros. & Gilchrist in the amount of $13,586.25. After discussion, Alderman Lueneburg moved the recommendation of the City Engineer be accepted and introduced Resolution No. 5423 (Resolution Accepting Bid) and moved its adoption. Alderman Ackland seconded the motion and upon vote being taken, all members voted "aye" whereupon said resolution was declared adopted. (TEXT) There being no further business to come before the Council, meeting was declared adjourned at 10:03 P.M. on motion by Alderman Haag, seconded by Alderman Ackland and carried. Sylvester Reiner 4,36 Monroe Hutchinson, MN 55350 Kay Pray 315 Monroe Hutchinson, MN 55350 Harvey Albrecht 245 Monroe Hutchinson, MN 55350 Stated she has had more water this year after the improvement was com- pleted than last year. City Engineer Priebe explained the line capacity is a bit small, however, when a line extension is made to Jefferson Street the problem will be solved. Inquired what the completion date of the assessment was and if the cost would be 5� per square foot over a 10 year period. Questioned when his assessments could be paid without interest. Joe Telesky Inquired how much of an assessment 536 Monroe and interest would accrue in 10 years. Hutchinson, MN 55350 Eugene Hogan Complained that after the improve - 536 Erie ment was completed there is no Hutchinson, MN 55350 longer a run off on his driveway. City Engineer Priebe informed the matter would be checked. Victor Dalke Stated there was more water this Arlington, MN year after the improvement was completed than last year. City Engineer Priebe again informed when a line extension is completed the matter would be solved.