11-26-1974 CCMREGULAR COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 26, 1974 Mayor Black called the meeting to order at the hour of 7:30 P.M. Reverend Richard Lanly delivered the invocation. Members present were: Aldermen Lueneburg, Haag and Ackland in addition to Mayor Black. Members absent were: Alderman Westlund Also persent were: Administrative Assistant Mealey, City Attorney Schantzen and City Engineer Priebe. On motion by Alderman Lueneburg, seconded by Alderman Ackland, the minutes of the regular meeting of November 12, 1974 were approved as presented. On motion by Alderman Haag, seconded by Alderman Ackland the current bills were approved except for that portion of the bill from the County of McLeod regarding the maintenance levy of Bluff Street. (LIST) On motion by Alderman Lueneburg, seconded by Alderman Ackland, authority was granted to invest the following sums: Water and Sewer Sinking Fund No. 14 Sinking Fund No. 9 Sinking Fund No. 11 Approximately $350,000 Approximately $ 20,000 Approximately $ 85,000 Approximately $ 70,000 and transfer $5,000 from the Liquor Store to General Fund. Acknowledged was a letter from Mr. Stan Skaags owner of S & A Bus Lines concerning discontinuation of Service through Hutch- inson. After discussion, it was the concensus of the Council that Administrative Assistant Mealey arrange a meeting of all the affected communities, State Planning Agency and Mr. Skaggs concerning said service. Submitted for Council Consideration was a Preliminary Plat- Schramm's First Addtion. Alderman Lueneburg informed that it was the Hutchinson Planning Commission recommendation that approval of said plat be granted, contingent that all the necessary easements are obtained and the Park and Playground contribution is made. After discussion, Alderman Lueneburg moved upon the recommendation of the Planning Commission that approval of the Preliminary Plat of Schramm's First Addtion be granted, contingent that all necessary easements are obtained and the Park and Playground Contribution is made. Alderman Haag seconded the motion and it carri-ed. Acknowledged were copies of the City Employee Safety Committee Minutes. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING GENERAL FUND November 26, 1974 Verna Anderson election clerk $ 32.00 Doris Daggett election clerk 32.50 Bernice Erickson election clerk 34.00 John Fitzloff election clerk 34.00 Lillias Gilhousen election clerk 34.00 Dolores Holtz election clerk 34.00 Olga Kern election clerk 34.00 Darleen Knigge election clerk 32.50 Grace Kottke election clerk 32.00 Pat Kuester election clerk 32.50 Emma Lake election clerk 34.00 Sedona Miller election clerk 32.00 Lucille Miscavage election clerk 32.00 Mildred Nelson election clerk 34.00 Evelyn Odegaard election clerk 34.00 Edna Rettig election clerk 29.00 DeLaine Rolfe election clerk 29.00 Marilyn Schaffer election clerk 32.00 Norma Schepers election clerk 34.00 Margaret Sorensen election clerk 34.00 Norma Totushek ®lection clerk 32.50 Harriet White election clerk 27.00 Dorothy Smith election work 500.00 Hazel Sitz clerical work 50.63 Ruth B. Sturges motor vehicle clerical 52.00 Virgene Wendorff motor vehicle clerical 87.50 Loren Buske police reserve 16.00 Audley Jorgenson police reserve 16.00 Wm. Mattsfield police reserve 16.00 Francis Murphy police reserve 32.00 Harvey Daharsh police dispatch 18.00 Dogothy Hassman police dispatch 88.00 Wayne Scott police dispatch 27.50 Wilbert Froemming park dept. labor 180.00 Ed Westphal park dept. labor 42.50 Norman Wright park dept. labor 186.00 Wesley Greve fire inspections 60.00 Harold Synstelien electrical inspections 30.00 Diane Nelson recreation office clerical 105.00 Wm. Karl eng. dept. labor 264.00 Grace Sanstead park dept. secretary 34.00 D.J.Black convention mileage, 25.00 Automatic Voting Machines supplies 167.30 Ray Kamrath carpet for wall & installation 137.00 A.B.Dick Products Inc. supplies & maintenance agree. 788.85 Madsen Agency ins. on Civic Center bldg. 111.00 Fred Roberts expenses re: mulcher & s,o�cket 10.00 Ziemers supplies 27.21 Minn. Chapter-NAHRO registration fee --Black 50.00 McLeod Co. Treas. maintenance assessment 67.90 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING CONT. -2- Rod Keith conference expenses McLeod Co. Officials Assn. officiating at games Northwestern Bell Telephone police teletype Hutchinson Police Dept. petty cash fund Hutchinson Safety Council transfer of funds CEMETERY FUND Water & Sewer Fund #6 OFF STREET PARKING Harvey Daharsh Rockwell Mfg. Co. MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE City of Hutchinson Ancher Data Systems Hutchinson Cold Storage Twin City Home Juice Co. Ed Phillips & Sons Twin City Wine Co. Griggs, Cooper & Co Famous Brands, Inc. Distillers Distb. Co. Ed Phillips & Co. Griggs, Cooper & Co. Midwest Wine Co. November 26, 1974 $ 44.07 216.00 212.25 200.00 150.00 $4726.71 principal & interest on note $ 3120.00 servicing meters $ 81.00 meter parts 18.84 $ 99.84 transfer in $5,000.00 maintenance contract 197.50 contract payment 150.00 supplies 55.52 liquor 1,579.46 wine 444,76 liquor 4,723.65 liquor 666.95 liquor 1,405.35 liquor 1,839.66 liquor 752.99 wine 248.73 $17,064.57 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 2 - NOVEMBER 26, 1974 In conjunction with the Application for Club Liquor License received from Hutch Elks, Inc., City Attorney Schantzen in- formed that he had sent a copy of said application to the Liquor Control Commissioner but to date has received no reply. In conjunction with the second reading of Ordinance No. 14/74 (REPEALING SECTION 330:00 OF THE 1974 ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON ENTITLED SUBUDIVSION REGULATIONS) and Ordinance No. 15/74 (REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 245 ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING ZONING MAP AND ZONING REGULATIONS LOCATED IN APPENDIX I OF THE 1974 ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON), City Attorney Schantzen informed in the Narative Text of the Zoning Ordinance -Non -Conforming Uses, it states such Non -Conforming Uses shall be terminated ten (10) years from the effective date of said Ordinance. Said statement is illegal and should be stricken from the text and possibly some alternative could be found. He also informed he would have additonal information at the next regular meeting. After discussion, it was the concensus of the Council to table further discussion until the next regular meeting. Received were eight (8) Applications for Snow Removal Permit which are as follows: Ron Chaffee, 954 Merrill Avenue, South; Hutchinson Telephone Co, 30 Second Avenue, S.W.; Doug Schultz, 1117 Lewis Avenue; Ed Peterson, 95 Fifth Avenue, N.W.; Don M. Peterson Construction, Jefferson Street, South; Gene C. Betker, Route #1, Clifton Heights; Peterson's Oil Company, 45 Adams Street South; Ed Rettmann, Jr., Route #1, Darwin, Minnesota. After brief discussion, Alderman Lueneubrg moved said permits be granted. Alderman Haag seconded the motion and it carried. Received were four (4) Applications for Permit to Sell Christ- mas Trees which are as follows: Ron Chaffee, 954 Merrill Avenue, South; Charles Pulkrabek, 103 Erie Street; Glen Varland, 540 Glen Street, South; Al Patrias, 192 Fifth Avenue, N.W.. After brief discussion, Alderman Lueneburg moved said permits be granted. Alderman Haag seconded the motion and it carried. Mayor Black then requested permission to attend the 1974 Mid - Winter Conference of the Minnesota Chapter of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials to be held December 5 & 6, 1974 at the Marriott Inn, Bloomington, Minnesota. After discussion, Alderman Lueneburg moved to send the Mayor as representative of the City of Hutchinson to said conference. Alderman Ackland seconded the motion and it carried. A letter was received from Motor Vehicle Registrar, Eileen Torry, recommending that the Motor Vehicle office hours be changed from 8:30 to 12:00 and 1:00 to 6:00, Mondays and 1:00 to 4:30 the rest of the week to 8:30 to 5:00 everyday with Monday night opening until 8:00 P.M. and also, a 10� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 3 - NOVEMBER 26, 1974 an hour increase in wages for part-time employee, Lorna Kohn. It was noted Administrative Assistant Mealey approved said recommendation. After discussion, Alderman Haag moved to accept said recommendation. Alderman Ackland seconded the motion and it carried. Alderman Lueneburg informed that bids had been received for a new 1/2 Ton Pickup for the Water and Sewer Department in the following amounts: Crow River Motors - $4,407.35 less trade in, $941.50 =$3,465.85 Hutchinson, MN Plowman's - $4,111.20 less trade in, $1,000.00 =$3,111.20 Hutchinson, MN Wigen Chevrolet - $4,002.70 less trade in, $13,59.70 =$2,643.00 Hutchinson, MN After discussion, Alderman Lueneburg moved to accept the low bid of Wigen Chevrolet in the amount of $2,643 for a 1/2 Ton Pickup for the Water and Sewer Department. Alderman Ackland seconded the motion and it carried. Alderman Haag inquired if there has been any reply from Madsen Steel Building in connection with damage done to the Park Shelter Building. Administrative Assistant Mealey informed that he had received no reply to date and that he would contact them again. Alderman Ackland informed that the tree in front of the City Hall Building has become too large and is unattractive and that it was Street Superintendent Roberts recommendation that the tree be removed and other schrubs be planted there. After discussion, it was the concensus of the Council to accept Street Superinten- dent Roberts recommendation to have the tree removed. Administrative Assistant Mealey informed that he had received no reply to date from the Acoma Town Board concerning the proposed site of the Sludge Holding Pond. Administrative Assistant Mealey then informed that County Assessor Wes Abram informed him that the tax valuation of residential property will increase ten percent (100) in the next two (2) years and the tax vaulation of industrial property will increase thirty (30%). City Engineer Priebe informed that Erickson-Templin Construction Co. has obtained a loader since the time we accepted their bid for Snow Removal at the Airport. He also recommended that the City accept the bid of Erickson-Templin Construction Co. in the REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 4 - NOVEMBER 26, 1974 i amount of $25 per hour for Snow Removal at the Hutchinson Comm4nity Hospital and Burns Manor Nursing Home. After discussion it was, the consensus of the Council to accept the bid of Ericksd,x Templin Construction Co. in the amount of $25 per hour for,Snow Removal at the Hutchinson Community Hospital and Burns Manor Nursing Home. It was note&\the second regular meeting for the month of December is scheduled for Tuesday, December 24, 1974, Christ- mas Eve. After,,,discussion, Alderman Haag moved to postpone the regularly scheduled meeting of December 24, 1974 to January 2, 1975, "T;30 P.M.. Alderman Lueneburg seconded the motion and it carried. City Engineer Priebe ipformed that he and Street Superintendent Roberts are in the proc'e'ss of preparing specifications for a 27,500 pound G.V.W. truck and 3 Wheel Pickup Sweeper with front end unloader for the Street Department and recommended calling for bids for them on January 2, 1975. He also in- formed that in calling for specifications on said sweeper it would eliminate many possible bidders and stated he felt it would possibly be better to'call for proposals on said sweeper. After discussion, Alderman Haag moved to call for Specifications on a 27,500 G.V.W. Truck and to call for proposals for a 3 Wheel Pickup Sweeper. Alderman Ackland seconded the motion and it carried. In conjunction with the November 19, 1974 Hearing on the Proposed West River Bridge, Mayor Black recommended that the Council proceed with plans for the Bridge by directing the City Engineer to draw up Plans and Specifications for the approach fills to the Bridge and by directing the City Attorney to acquire the necessary easements for said approaches. Mr. Jon Geiss and other members of the Citizens for a Better Hutchinson Group were present to request that the City Council delay any further action on the Bridge until the 20 day waiting period on the Hearing, which is required by State Statue, has expired. Mayor Black and City Attorney Schantzen,stated they were not aware of such a statute and using the League of Minnesota Municipalities Handbook considered the He,4ring closed. After considerable discussion, Mayor Black futher recbmmended that the Council proceed with plans for the Bridge. Alderman Lueneburg moved to proceed with the plans for the Bridge by directing the City Engineer to draw up Plans and Specifications for the approach fills to the Bridge and by directing the"(�ity Attorney to acquire the necessary easements for said approaches. Mayor Black then read a letter addressed to the City Council by Alderman Ralph Westlund as follows: (TEXT) Alderman Ackland seconded the motion and it carried. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 5 - NOVEMBER 26, 1974 Geiss further inquired if the Council would consider an alt ate site if it were possible to spend M.S.A. funds outside e corporate limits of the City. Mayor Black st d he felt that if M.S.A. funds could be spent outside the ty Limits the Council would consider all sites and recomme the most economical site. There being no further busi s to come before the Council, the meeting was declared adjou d at 8:55 P.M. on motion by Alderman Ackland, seconded by � derman Lueneburg and carried.