06-01-2015 PRCEMMINUTES Parks, Recreation & Community Education Advisory Board June 1, 2015 Members present were John Rodeberg, Jim Waldron, Elizabeth Hanninen-Scharn, Marlys Hoeft, Don DeMeyer and Chad Czmowski. Also present were Dolf Moon, Matt Jaunich, Mary Haugen, and Karen McKay. The meeting was called to order at 5:15 pm. A motion was made by Don DeMeyer and seconded by Elizabeth Hanninen-Scharn to approve the minutes dated April 6, 2015. The board unanimously agreed. Tom Schaffer and Ryan Johnson from US Aquatics were present to discuss the proposed family aquatic center project for the city of Hutchinson. US Aquatics completed a pool study two years ago which was reviewed at the meeting. The City Council has hired this firm to redesign the center with a $5 million cap. Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, stated he would like to have community involvement in the design process in the form of a task force including special interest groups such as High Tides and day cares. An online community survey was also suggested as an option for community feedback. Within two weeks, a tour of various aquatic centers in the area will be arranged for board members. Also, a task force will be formed in this time period. Board members asked about trends in aquatic centers and the possibility of designing the facility for adding new features in the future after it is built to keep interest alive. Tom explained that infrastructure could be in place to accommodate additional features. Funding for this project will come from money from the hospital ($1.35 million) and other fund balances. There will be no increase in levy because that would require a public vote. US Aquatics stated that the facility should be designed to break even. 35 —40% of the revenue would come from the fully functioning concession stand. Within two weeks, US Aquatics would like the scope of the project defined by the board. By Labor Day, they would like needs versus wants defined. The final design will be completed this fall with advertising for bids occurring in January 2016. Construction would begin in May 2016 and finish in May 2017. The current pool would be closed in 2016. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:30pm on a motion by Marlys Hoeft and seconded by John Rodeberg.