08-20-1998 TBMTREE BOARD
AUGUST 20, 1998
Members present: Dave Larson, Jay Beytien, Laura
Poser, Ray Wurscher, Mark Schnobrich.
Items Discussed
Recommended Deane Dietel and Michael Getzke for
appointment to the tree board for a three-year term
effective immediately. This would replace the terms held by
Jay Beytien and Joe Nuebauer. They also recommended
that Brain Wendlandt be appointed in April of 1999 when
both Dave Larson and Laura Poser will be ending their
MnReLeaf Tree Planting Update
Over 300 trees have been planted with the intent of specific
energy saving locations around town on both public and
private property in 1998.This concludes the DNR and
Hutchinson Utility Grant program for this year. A formal
report will be presented by the tree board to the
Hutchinson Utility Commission on September 30, 1998 at
their regularly scheduled September meeting.
The use of the engineering departments Global Positioning
System was introduced to the Energy Planting program
with all the trees that have been planted for energy savings
being global positioned and put on computer maps for
permanent record and for use in determining future energy
savings as the years go by.
Tree Removal & other Summer Forestry Proiects
A total of 133 trees were tagged for removal in 1998 as of
this date. Elms comprised 98 of the 133 trees. 47 elms were
city trees while 51 elms were private. 29 trees were non -
Miller Woods Oak Savannah Proiect
Phase II of the project took the form of total pasture grass
suppression in the interior of the park, to be followed by
burning of the site and reseeding with prairie grasses
collected from Schaefer's Prairie with the help and
permission of The Nature Conservancy of Minnesota. This
all will take place in September of this year.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:40 PM
Respectfully submitted
Laura Poser, Acting Secretary