09-26-2000 TBMHutchinson Tree Board Minutes September 26, 2000 Members Present: Deane Dietel, Mike Getzky, Brain Wendlandt, Mark Schnobrich Members Absent: Rose Jergens, Victor Schmidt Presentation to Utilities Commission The board reviewed the summary page and the draft report which was submitted to the Hutchinson Utility Commission that Mark Schnobrich had prepared. The Year 2000 Energy Tree Project will be presented to the commission on Wednesday, Sept. 27th at 3:00 p.m. Due to reduced funding from the Dept. of Natural Resources in the biennial year 2001-2002, the board agreed to recommend that a contribution of $30,000.00 be requested for Energy Trees in 2001 from Conservation Incentive Programs [CIP] dollars. Randall/Bradford Street Tree Removal Proposal A lengthy discussion was undertaken in regards to updating the boulevard area on Randall St and Bradford St. Aging large silver to request removal of the maples and replacement of more compatible tree species. Different proposals have been discussed with Schnobrich recommending that a neighborhood public hearing take place to explain the options. Deane Dietel requested that Schnobrich put together a cost /benefit analysis showing what costs are incurred to keep the trees and project the potential damage to curb and street and to determine what costs are incurred to remove and replace. He requested this be presented to the board prior to holding a public hearing. Chairperson Appointment The board tabled until the next meeting the chairperson appointment. Meeting was adjourned at 6:00 P.M. Next meeting October 30th 2000