04-03-2000 TBMTREE BOARD
April 3, 2000
Members present: Mike Getzke, Deanne Diettel, Ray
Wurscher, Rose Jergens, Brain Wentlandt,
Mark Schnobrich.
Guest: Victor Schmidt
Items Discussed
Tree Ordinance
- Deanne Dietel made some corrections to the revisions
after which the board unanimously approved the
Weed Ordinance Revisions
The board met and discussed the sample ordinance that
Schnobrich had compiled. After lengthy discussion and
numerous revisions the board came up with a unanimous final
draft that will allow [ in limited and managed sites ] the addition
of alternative landscapes in the city. This revision will also allow
the City of Hutchinson to be in compliance with its own
ordinance and will allow the formation of retention ponds and
drainage ditches which in the past were not actually in
compliance with the existing ordinance.
Miller Woods Oak Savannah Proiect
The year 2000 Arbor Day celebration is being planned with
eagle scout candidate Jake Gunderson doing the planning.
A planting of a Burr Oak along with trail improvements and a
city wide student participation will be the highlights of the
celebration with "First Tree of the Millenium " being the theme.
Jake will attend the next meeting of board to present the outline
Meeting was adjourned at 7:15 PM
Respectfully submitted
Mark Schnobrich, City Forester