01-29-2001 TBMTREE BOARD
JANUARY 29, 2001
Rose Jergens Home
Members Present: Deane Dietel, Mike Getzke, Victor Schmidt,
Rose Jergens, Mark Schnobrich
Members Absent: Brian Wendlandt
Old Business
- The labeling of trees was again brought up and Schnobrich will pursue the tags
for the labeling.
- Arbor Day for 2001 was suggested to be a program at Library Square with
speakers and demonstrations of proper tree planting,. The board also thought
that the Garden Club should be asked to participate and or coincide our arbor
day with their master gardeners program scheduled day. Possibly also get a
speaker from the arboretum or college to speak on trees.
- The tree ordinance will again be discussed with the addition of a subdivision
clause requiring soil amending to take place or the city will not be planting any
boulevard trees on the street.
New Business
Brain Stadick of 580 Glen ST SW is requesting the city remove a boulevard tree
directly in front of his new garage to allow him to exit his garage without hitting
the tree. The Tree Board unanimously approved the removal contingent upon Mr.
Stadick paying for a replacement to be planted on his boulevard or a public site
as close to his residence as possible. Suggested cost to do this is $100.00.
School Forest and the possibility of having Miller Woods designated as one
was discussed with the board after Schnobrich had stated he had talked to two
instructors at the high school. Jen Smith, Ag instructor and Maria Nutahk,
Ecology instructor will be contacting the DNR about how we accomplish this.
Wood Chip Pile, Low Quality — Deane Dietel brought up the idea of making
available to contractors the low quality wood chips as a possible soil enhancer
and maybe make this a way to improve the soils on new developments.
Schnobrich will look into it.
Next meeting will take place Feb. 26,2001, at Rose Jergens Home
434 Kay St SW